Chico23231 05-19-2020, 03:37 PM While this might help explain his actions, it does not justify them, either from a legal perspective or from the perspective of whether or not he should be on the roster.
Unless acting in self defense (or in self defense of another human being), the appropriate response is not to go firing a gun at people. This was at an apartment complex. Errant bullets could have killed others in the room or in neighboring units. It is criminal behavior.
We should be living in a civilized society. The appropriate response to a crime (real or perceived), whether that be someone running from an empty house under construction or the alleged abuse of a child, is not to get your guns and confront someone. The appropriate response is to call the police and let them deal with it. Vigilante justice has no place in Our society, especially when the behavior could harm innocent people nearby.
From the teams perspective, Latimores not a good football player. His role here was as a 5thWR/veteran leader. We have a lot of young players on this team and latimore has proven he’s not role model material. As a human being, i can relate to a degree and and I hope the criminal justice system allows him some leniency if warranted, but I don’t want guys like this on my team.
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Good post
I was thinking this same thought this morning after reading the Cody’s case update. But still, I’m willing to give Cody more of a break than the clown show in Georgia. Also, I probably would have applied a more physical approach if I was Cody...than a gun. He probably would have enjoyed it more as well and probably wouldn’t have been charged. I’m hoping Latimore gets the charges dropped.
Pervis_Griffith 05-19-2020, 03:51 PM I agree with the sentiments expressed in this thread ...
But I keep coming back to this ... 4 year old sexually assaulted. I don't even know the child but can feel my blood start to boil.
Child abuse and animal abuse make me forget about our civilized society for a moment, and make me want to rain down serious physical hell on those committing those acts.
RR still has to do what is best for the team ... letting this play out legally may be the best course. Hell ... Latimer may not even make the team, making this a moot issue.
Buffalo Bob 05-19-2020, 04:16 PM There is no excuse for the incident with the gun, innocent people could have been injured or killed because of his stupidity. What happened to the good ole fashioned fist fight? It seems as the decades go by, more and more people settle disputes with guns.
What happened to just calling the police?? Fist fight? Oy
Buffalo Bob 05-19-2020, 08:19 PM What happened to just calling the police?? Fist fight? Oy
I am not saying he should have beat the guy's ass. My point was things that were settled with fists 40 years ago when I was a young adult, now end up with people shooting each other.
FrenchSkin 05-20-2020, 12:48 AM While this might help explain his actions, it does not justify them, either from a legal perspective or from the perspective of whether or not he should be on the roster.
Unless acting in self defense (or in self defense of another human being), the appropriate response is not to go firing a gun at people. This was at an apartment complex. Errant bullets could have killed others in the room or in neighboring units. It is criminal behavior.
We should be living in a civilized society. The appropriate response to a crime (real or perceived), whether that be someone running from an empty house under construction or the alleged abuse of a child, is not to get your guns and confront someone. The appropriate response is to call the police and let them deal with it. Vigilante justice has no place in Our society, especially when the behavior could harm innocent people nearby.
From the teams perspective, Latimores not a good football player. His role here was as a 5thWR/veteran leader. We have a lot of young players on this team and latimore has proven he’s not role model material. As a human being, i can relate to a degree and and I hope the criminal justice system allows him some leniency if warranted, but I don’t want guys like this on my team.
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Totally agree both from a legal and "what the team should do" standpoint.
From a moral standpoint though... I ain't judging. I have no kid but if somebody was to do something like that to my wife, and I get an opportunity to find the man, he's not taking a bullet in the head, he's spending a month in my basement getting tortured Liam Neeson style. Not saying it's right, not saying it wouldn't deserve a severe judicial punishment, but my guts tell me that's what I'd want to do.
skinsfan69 05-20-2020, 05:55 AM I agree with the sentiments expressed in this thread ...
But I keep coming back to this ... 4 year old sexually assaulted. I don't even know the child but can feel my blood start to boil.
Child abuse and animal abuse make me forget about our civilized society for a moment, and make me want to rain down serious physical hell on those committing those acts.
RR still has to do what is best for the team ... letting this play out legally may be the best course. Hell ... Latimer may not even make the team, making this a moot issue.
It's why I will never like Vick or AP. Some things to me are simply unforgivable.
Back2RFK 05-20-2020, 05:26 PM While this might help explain his actions, it does not justify them, either from a legal perspective or from the perspective of whether or not he should be on the roster.
Unless acting in self defense (or in self defense of another human being), the appropriate response is not to go firing a gun at people. This was at an apartment complex. Errant bullets could have killed others in the room or in neighboring units. It is criminal behavior.
We should be living in a civilized society. The appropriate response to a crime (real or perceived), whether that be someone running from an empty house under construction or the alleged abuse of a child, is not to get your guns and confront someone. The appropriate response is to call the police and let them deal with it. Vigilante justice has no place in Our society, especially when the behavior could harm innocent people nearby.
From the teams perspective, Latimores not a good football player. His role here was as a 5thWR/veteran leader. We have a lot of young players on this team and latimore has proven he’s not role model material. As a human being, i can relate to a degree and and I hope the criminal justice system allows him some leniency if warranted, but I don’t want guys like this on my team.
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You start messing with someone's family and what ever you get you deserve. A baseball bate would have been just fine.
Monkeydad 07-06-2020, 03:59 PM No loss from this roster. He was unlikely to contribute much anyways.
We have a LOT of young talent at WR, I think we're fine without him.