05-16-2020, 11:53 PM
Once we know the real story, the team can make an intelligent response. Not a real hard decision, IF he did it, because the team is trying to rebuild its culture, character and become a winning franchise again. He’s the fifth or sixth best WR AND I’m CERTAIN Kyle Smith and Rivera will add more WR’s dropped off other teams late in the PS. He’ll be dropped most likely and he’ll never play in the NFL again.
It distresses me to see young men who through hard work, perseverance and yes some good athletic genetics get to the heights of Mt Olympics and then blow this lifetime lottery ticket by making really poor decisions.
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Brummie Brave
05-17-2020, 10:19 AM
It seems they're all at it now!
05-17-2020, 10:23 AM
It seems they're all at it now!
NFL seems to have a continuous problem...don’t see this in the NBA,MLB, NHL...it’s not a good look having 4 arrests in like 36 hours
Brummie Brave
05-17-2020, 10:35 AM
NFL seems to have a continuous problem...don’t see this in the NBA,MLB, NHL...it’s not a good look having 4 arrests in like 36 hours
No its not a good look. As the saying goes "the Devil makes work for idle hands", looks like the lack of OTA's is having an effect.
05-18-2020, 02:04 AM
yawn....who is he?
A soon to be nobody.
The frequency of it makes it really sad. That's a real issue. But at some point if you don't realize the opportunities life gives you, nobody will do it for you.
05-19-2020, 12:47 PM
Wow .... this case took a disturbing turn ...
At the hearing, Latimer’s attorney, Harvey Steinberg, told the court that he has been contacted by law enforcement concerning an investigation of a sexual assault of Latimer’s 4-year-old son that was allegedly perpetrated by one of the individuals at that poker game.
Latimer, who was arrested at 3:15 a.m. Saturday, has been ordered to return for a July 24 court date. He is facing charges of assault in the second degree, menacing, illegal discharge of a firearm, prohibited use of weapons and reckless endangerment.
Steinberg told the court that the allegations concerning the shooting incident occurred at about the same time and location as the alleged sexual assault.
05-19-2020, 01:34 PM
wow I am not even hating on him now
05-19-2020, 03:19 PM
While this might help explain his actions, it does not justify them, either from a legal perspective or from the perspective of whether or not he should be on the roster.
Unless acting in self defense (or in self defense of another human being), the appropriate response is not to go firing a gun at people. This was at an apartment complex. Errant bullets could have killed others in the room or in neighboring units. It is criminal behavior.
We should be living in a civilized society. The appropriate response to a crime (real or perceived), whether that be someone running from an empty house under construction or the alleged abuse of a child, is not to get your guns and confront someone. The appropriate response is to call the police and let them deal with it. Vigilante justice has no place in Our society, especially when the behavior could harm innocent people nearby.
From the teams perspective, Latimores not a good football player. His role here was as a 5thWR/veteran leader. We have a lot of young players on this team and latimore has proven he’s not role model material. As a human being, i can relate to a degree and and I hope the criminal justice system allows him some leniency if warranted, but I don’t want guys like this on my team.
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Another example of when keeping it real goes wrong.
Call the police, very simple.