Chico23231 05-28-2020, 02:17 PM Walt Disney Company is easily on par with the NFL as a business
The fact they are opening up in July is a good sign and I’m sure they their data to why is legit. They are not gonna open up without meticulously vetting every risk
Should be interesting to watch, we all should be root for it to be a success...businesses like the NFL will def be seeing how they accommodate tens of thousands of people daily.
SolidSnake84 05-28-2020, 02:19 PM This virus is a long way from being done. For those that say that the fatality rate for this virus is something minuscule, I say do the math. 1.7 million cases, 100,000 dead in three months. There will not be packed stadiums until and unless there is an effective vaccine administered broadly to the population. At best that is months away and not likely this year.
I pray that I am wrong, I fear I am not...
This is from the CDC:
This says almost 3 million Americans die a year on average. I didn't even know it was that many people yearly. It's kind of staggering when you are like me and didn't know the actual statistics at first. Now granted, Coronavirus is adding to that total, but the truth is, if we continue at this pace on virus deaths, then that comes out to being FAR lower yearly deaths than even Cancer and Heart Disease.
BaltimoreSkins 05-28-2020, 02:26 PM Fauci has also said the total might be closer to 60,000 than the predicted 100,000 to 200,00 deaths. That was back in early April. From a science perspective I think we have done a decent job. There was an unknown virus from a country we were positive was with holding information. Data will change as we develop a better understanding of the virus, the guidelines will change as we learn more. Frankly I was okay with shutting things down giving our epidemiologists, doctors etc the best chance to figure out whats going on and slowly open things as we learn more. As of right now we have peer reviewed articles that are showing surface contact and asymptomatic carriers have a lower impact than we knew in March. This will change again in a few months as we learn more. it is not scientists lying it is the scientific process.
For those that don't want to do SCRedskins math: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality updated on Wednesday
To get back to the season. I am excited the NHL is going to have a post season. I think the NFL will be able to learn a lot about player exposure from the Stanley Cup playoffs.
BaltimoreSkins 05-28-2020, 02:28 PM This is from the CDC:
This says almost 3 million Americans die a year on average. I didn't even know it was that many people yearly. It's kind of staggering when you are like me and didn't know the actual statistics at first. Now granted, Coronavirus is adding to that total, but the truth is, if we continue at this pace on virus deaths, then that comes out to being FAR lower yearly deaths than even Cancer and Heart Disease.
Heart disease and cancer are the biggest killers in developed countries they are also chronic exposure diseases versus acute. It would have to be some serious bug to catch those.
Schneed10 05-28-2020, 02:56 PM Walt Disney Company is easily on par with the NFL as a business
The fact they are opening up in July is a good sign and I’m sure they their data to why is legit. They are not gonna open up without meticulously vetting every risk
Should be interesting to watch, we all should be root for it to be a success...businesses like the NFL will def be seeing how they accommodate tens of thousands of people daily.
Meh. Their model includes asking visitors and diners to sign a waiver releasing WDW from liability if they acquire COVID19 during their stay.
Their acceptance of the risk includes landing at least the majority of it in the laps of patrons. Which is the way the world should work, honestly.
But to characterize it as risk-free or well-vetted is a little cavalier. Like everybody, they're weighing the risks of opening vs the risks of not opening. They are determining that the risk to their financial health is greater than the risks of opening. But that doesn't mean all is clear. Take part at your own risk, and the risk is still considerable.
The NFL stadiums will face similar questions. And with most of the money coming from TV revenues I don't think they face the same downside as WDW does by staying closed. The NFL could still make a ton of money by playing in empty stadiums, with little of the risk to go along with it.
skinsfan69 05-28-2020, 02:56 PM I think at one point it was even higher than that. I seem to remember Dr. Fauci giving an initial prediction of 1 million U.S. deaths from it. But i can't remember if he was saying that might be the TOTAL death toll by the time we have a vaccine / effective treatment 2 years down the road or so.
Has he been right on anything? I stopped listening to him a long time ago.
Can't imagine going somewhere like Disney anytime soon. That park is covered in filth when you think about it. Snot nosed kids with their hands everywhere.
Schneed10 05-28-2020, 03:14 PM Can't imagine going somewhere like Disney anytime soon. That park is covered in filth when you think about it. Snot nosed kids with their hands everywhere.
I absolutely adore the place but agree, not a good idea. For me to go anywhere where I'm likely to walk past 1000 people or more per day in close proximity? Gonna take a long time until I'm comfortable with that again.
BaltimoreSkins 05-28-2020, 03:32 PM I never pegged you as someone that would adore much of anything Schneed. Learn something new everyday.
SolidSnake84 05-28-2020, 03:54 PM Has he been right on anything? I stopped listening to him a long time ago.
No, not really. I have never doubted his knowledge for a second, but when you delve into his backstory and his predictions, he has been routinely wrong in his predictions / scenarios. Which he would be the first one to point out, because that means that people took his warnings / info seriously, and crisis was largely averted.
I am sure that he would be happy too that he will not see the 1 million deaths that he originally predicted. And he is also the first one to point out that when the virus first emerged, we had no better way of learning about it / minimizing the damage, other than locking down everywhere until we could get a plan together. And now he says that obviously long-term lockdowns is a poor strategy. But to be fair to him, they knew no better way at the time.