05-10-2020, 07:58 AM
I think you have to treat each sport separately. NFL rosters, especially before any cuts, coaching staff and key auxiliary staff are going to total in the region of 150 people. A tennis player and their staff total less than 10. A typical football team anywhere in the world will be 25-50 players and key staff. Each must take measures to reduce the risk of infection when a) training and b) competing. No spectators means different costs etc. too albeit comparable. I expect training camps to be locked down with little or no traffic onto and off campus, not to mention a testing regime. And everyone involved will be expected to keep their families, if not isolated, firmly sticking to social distancing. With the right controls in place starting up again is entirely feasible but needs close control.
Everyone has to realise they have to follow the rules with no exceptions; one exception risks infecting and potentially bringing down the whole team (I don't mean death, though it's a possibility, but everyone infected going into enforced isolation or even ICU could halt a team in it's tracks). We know sportsmen are not the most disciplined off the field so it's a big ask for them to follow this completely...
05-10-2020, 09:00 AM
You don't get it,.........."pandemics" don't end ,you treat the symptoms and try to develop a vaccine.
I do get it and if you read my post you’d see we’re saying the same thing. As I said, there are three ways for this pandemic to end:
(1) Develop a vaccine and give it to everyone in this country, or give it to at least to enough people for (3) Herd Immunity. It may be a combination of vaccinating people who haven’t had the Coronavirus mixed with those who have immunity based on having the illness. ALSO, as happened in the 1918 Spanish Flu, it appears that COVID 19 has already MUTATED. Which means you can get sick twice from the Coronavirus. We may need several vaccines for this pandemic. The other possibility is a treatment regime that can combat the Coronavirus. HOWEVER, the end to this pandemic is largely dependent to developing a VACCINE.
BL - we are probably 1-2+ years from ending this pandemic with a vaccine(s). What does that mean for the NFL? The NFL is going to have to be creative to get us a season this year or the next year or the one after that. The advantage that the NFL has over MLB, NBA is that football [emoji458] has far fewer games.
How will the NFL season work during the Coronavirus Pandemic? Limited fans in a stadium who must wear masks and gloves. Maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of a filled stadium. There even may be NO FAN GAMES. Players will stay in seclusion during the season with weekly COVID 19 testing. All non-players on the field also must be in gloves and masks, also with weekly Coronavirus testing. It can be done!
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punch it in
05-10-2020, 10:25 AM
I haven’t talked about it because it pains me too think about no football. If the season does start and we go 0-3 maybe ill be all for it!
05-10-2020, 12:33 PM
I haven’t talked about it because it pains me too think about no football. If the season does start and we go 0-3 maybe ill be all for it!
If that happens, we'll all be on the tank for Trevor train
punch it in
05-10-2020, 12:34 PM
If that happens, we'll all be on the tank for Trevor train
Haskins growth could make or break us for another few years
05-10-2020, 12:57 PM
Haskins growth could make or break us for another few years
Its a huge year for him and its kinda shitty due to the circumstances right now.. But it's a win now league and if he struggles this yr they will be in the mix for a QB in 2021 I'm sure. I just don't see how they will start on time if this shit is still causing problems
05-17-2020, 12:22 AM
Its a huge year for him and its kinda shitty due to the circumstances right now.. But it's a win now league and if he struggles this yr they will be in the mix for a QB in 2021 I'm sure. I just don't see how they will start on time if this shit is still causing problems
Yeah you’re exactly right. If Haskins sux this season, we’ll be drafting for a premium QB next year.
But, I think Dwayne will do very well this season and he will certainly surprise the crap out of the NFL with a very good second season.
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05-25-2020, 03:04 PM
NFL planning for full stadiums 'until medical community tells us otherwise
Love it... That should be the plan.
05-27-2020, 01:21 PM
This season is in the tank...what are they gonna do,play flag football? I don't wanna hear about no-gloves-mask..they'll have to change after every play,no just cancel this season and hope for next year.
05-27-2020, 03:07 PM
I think that is a bit rash at this point. Based on what Chico posted it sounds like they have a good plan in place, but realistically should expect diminished fan capacity. Based on what we are learning about the spread ( contact surfaces and asymptomatic transmission in particular) the better we will at managing the problem.