Why Hasn't Anyone Talked About-A Possible Cancellation?

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04-30-2020, 10:32 PM
The Coronavirus Pandemic will not be over by Sept. The strategy of the government has been to make announcements about the future on a month-by-month basis. They’re afraid people would go crazy if the governors or President said that this crisis will last another year or two..... but it will.

The NFL has a lot of power and people want the regular season games to go on. How can they do it ?

1. No fans in the stadium. All the non-players in the field and security in the stands will wear masks and gloves. Players will be tested before each game for COVID 19. Televised games with no crowd noise? Yeah, fans will get used to it.

2. Limited fans in the stadium. All fans must wear masks and sit every third or fourth seat. All the non-players in the field and players will use the same tactics listed above. Non-players are masked and players are tested before each game.

When does the pandemic end?

A. A vaccine is developed and given to almost everyone in population (see HERD IMMUNITY below). Experts predict the time to develop vaccine will take 1-1.5 years MINIMUM. Everyday, there are media stories of a potential cure or vaccine being tried. A scattered approach is NOT the best way to develop either a vaccine or cure. A systematic approach to either is better than the “throwing jello on the wall” and hoping something sticks.

B. Develop a cure. There is no cure for viruses, but maybe a cure for the effects. Again, this may take over a year or more.

C. HERD IMMUNITY for at least 50-75% of the population. That assumes that ppl get immunity if they get the COVID 19 virus / illness and this gives them immunity if exposed again. They’re still not sure if that is true. Herd immunity means enough people have immunity (such as from a vaccine) to protect the rest. Even in places with heavy exposure (NY City) have only 15% exposed.

Not trying to be a “Debbie Downer” on a sports fan site, but this is the facts. This pandemic is here for awhile. The NFL will have to use imagination and safety to get us regular season games. The pandemic is not going to just disappear like politicians hope will happen. I predict they’ll start with #1 above (no fans in stadium) then maybe move to #2 (limited fans) if the first trial works. I still think we’ll have regular season games!

Good news - we might be SPARED the PRE-SEASON games! I think teams will practice in closed off fields, no fans, and EVERYONE being isolated, like by using college dorms, all the time. Everyone at practices - players, coaches, etc will tested once a week for COVID 19.

We can have an NFL season, if they do it right. Just no stadiums full of fans.

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05-01-2020, 11:09 AM
There is no way MLB can afford it's salaries without the fans packing the seats, they have actually even said this. College football as well. TV Money is good but you still need the ticket sales and without fans how do you really think those games would play out? Players will not be motivated at all. Many states are slowly opening back up, you can't just shut shit down for 2 years.. Can't live in fear either, the numbers are much lower than they predicted.

05-01-2020, 02:12 PM
There is no way MLB can afford it's salaries without the fans packing the seats, they have actually even said this. College football as well. TV Money is good but you still need the ticket sales and without fans how do you really think those games would play out? Players will not be motivated at all. Many states are slowly opening back up, you can't just shut shit down for 2 years.. Can't live in fear either, the numbers are much lower than they predicted.

The biggest problem to any solution spoke of above, will be the governors who flat out refuse to open back up. Michigan just punished the people further by extending the lock down another month. It's almost like the meme about the principal from the breakfast club punishing Bender for talking back. If people speak up about their liberties, etc., being suspended, the governors punish them by taking even more stuff away. I don't see that ending anytime soon without the Feds getting involved, and any legality of that.

There will be some states that the Governor will not allow NFL play, or even limited seating for fans.

I wonder if the NFL is considering like MLB right now, at least beginning their season in "safe" states where they have a place to play and approval from the governor(s).

There is also hanging over everyones head the issue of if the USA goes back into lockdown in the fall when the 2nd wave of Corona Virus hits. If that's the case, then there is no way, IMO that the NFL or any other sport for that matter having a season.

05-01-2020, 02:40 PM
States aren’t punishing anyone FFS

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05-01-2020, 02:53 PM
There will be a “Second Wave” of COVID 19 cases and deaths. It happened in 1918 and it’s happening again. Back then and now the same thing is happening: people need to work, are out of money, and they only see the virus hitting other places like New York and the West Coast. So they want things to “get back to normal”.

That’s the problem with slow rolling the pandemic on a month-by-month basis. Every governor is doing it - wait until next month and “we’ll see how it looks”. Also, you see almost daily reports of some new drug or possible vaccine that’s going to turn it around quickly. But it’s not the truth.
The truth is that this pandemic will go on for a minimum of a year FROM NOW. They are preparing rob manufacture a vaccine in JANUARY, at the earliest, IF IT WORKS. If it works then you’ve got to make 330 million shots and then get them distributed and given to everyone. That gets us to a YEAR FROM NOW. If the vaccine doesn’t work, then we.’really starting all over again.

What does that mean for sports? No fans or limited fans who are separated by space AND wearing masks & gloves. With this new Second Wave of deaths, will people really risk their lives for something they can watch in the safety of their home??

I think the players will have no problem playing in front of no fans. To a certain extent each player has to tune out the fan noise. Now it’s easier!

Not to get political but this would be easier if the President was leading us into the equivalent of a war. Then he could be a leader and tell the truth. Which means saying: “this will take a year or more”. No more slow roll and leadership coming from Governors or lower. But that hasn’t happened and the horse is out of the barn. So the way it is set up, just one Governor can ban fans in his state. That!s why I think you will see:

1. “NO FAN” GAMES. Players getting tested every week and living in a cloistered existence during the season. Everyone else at game - NON-PLAYERS, will be wearing masks and gloves and ALSO will be tested for COVID 19 every week.

2. or a cancelled season. I think people WANT Sports now and will get over the unusual nature of the games.

The public WANTED the NFL draft to go on and it did. It was a complete success. Many liked the homie, “slice of America”, nature of how the draft turned out. I think the same thing will happen at these games. It’s just like a flag football game - players are mostly cheering each other on. We’ll be cheering or yelling at our tv.

I think they’ll work out the details because the NFL fans want a distraction. I’m not sure what will happen with MLB. They have many more games and many more problems that go with it. MLB and the NFL are NOT tied together. The NFL has time to plan this out. I think we’ll have games, but perhaps with no fans, or much fewer than normal.

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05-01-2020, 02:58 PM
States aren’t punishing anyone FFS

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I know i don't' know you personally, but you come off like a good dude, a good person. That being said there is no way you can look at what is happening in Michigan and say that those people aren't being punished. Either you are uninformed or maybe you are in disbelief.

Michigan's state constitution says that the governor has to obtain approval from state lawmakers regarding states of emergency and things of that nature. When they were not willing to grant her another 30 days of the stay at home orders, she cited an obscure state law from 1945 that gave the Governor absolute power that cannot be challenged by anyone. Michigan is under siege now, even as a left-centered Democrat i am saying she has gone too far and needs stopped. The Federal Government needs to get involved now.

05-01-2020, 03:01 PM
She's trying to save lives, it's not some sort of personal vendetta against her own state. And the latest order actually eases restrictions for some businesses (https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2020/04/24/heres-what-was-reopened-in-michigan-gov-gretchen-whitmers-revised-stay-at-home-order/).

05-01-2020, 04:24 PM
She's trying to save lives, it's not some sort of personal vendetta against her own state. And the latest order actually eases restrictions for some businesses (https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2020/04/24/heres-what-was-reopened-in-michigan-gov-gretchen-whitmers-revised-stay-at-home-order/).

Whitmers is in extremely difficult position, there is no win-win situation for her to go with. Whichever she choose to do, there will be a group of people who are not happy with her.

05-01-2020, 10:37 PM
I know i don't' know you personally, but you come off like a good dude, a good person. That being said there is no way you can look at what is happening in Michigan and say that those people aren't being punished. Either you are uninformed or maybe you are in disbelief.

Michigan's state constitution says that the governor has to obtain approval from state lawmakers regarding states of emergency and things of that nature. When they were not willing to grant her another 30 days of the stay at home orders, she cited an obscure state law from 1945 that gave the Governor absolute power that cannot be challenged by anyone. Michigan is under siege now, even as a left-centered Democrat i am saying she has gone too far and needs stopped. The Federal Government needs to get involved now.

She was elected to do a job and she is doing it ,seems some of the dumb ass's in Michigan don't know what is good for them ,this they get pissed off about ,.............."clean drinking water ,....screw it.

05-01-2020, 11:12 PM
Anybody who is grotesque enough to show up at the State Capitol armed to the teeth has forfeited their right to voice their Trumpian, white supremacy views. They should be taken into custody, hand cuffed and throw into a deep vat of crocodiles. These are not spontaneous local demonstrations. They are part of a well coordinated right wing conspiracy to undercut governors who do their job caring for the silent majority rather than right wing nuts who run around waving rifles at public officials.

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