Why Hasn't Anyone Talked About-A Possible Cancellation?

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04-16-2020, 05:42 PM
Well if your are foolish enough to refuse a vaccine just because of some infantile dislike of Bill Gates, I hope the requirement to get the vaccination is enforceable with jail time.

There is nothing infantile about not liking Bill Gates. Get your head out of the sand.

04-16-2020, 06:46 PM
Well if your are foolish enough to refuse a vaccine just because of some infantile dislike of Bill Gates, I hope the requirement to get the vaccination is enforceable with jail time.

Implying that people who don't get vaccines should be jailed is some seriously scary, communist level shit. Bernie, is that you?

04-16-2020, 07:04 PM
I’m not raking any meds ,vaccines or anything else made in China !! Ever took generic drug .. I was switched (insurance ) and the side effects were horrible .. I’m not sure about any Govt mandated anything..

04-16-2020, 07:58 PM
I wouldn't count on a vaccine for this ... we don't have vaccines for most viruses.

And I know they call the flu shots vaccines ... but it's not a vaccine if you have to take it every year, and if the doc is guessing which strain of flu to protect you against.

The key to returning to normal is two fold --- it must be easy to test, and there must be an effective treatment for those who test positive.

There are several treatment remedies that show tremendous promise. The Koreans have had very good luck with an anti-body regimen that worked well for folks in WuHan China. Docs in Kansas City and also in Europe have had very good success with the anti-malaria drug.

Time to fully develop these remedies, or find some more, has been bought by shutting down the economy, and over the next couple of months, I believe that these treatments will be further fine tuned so that life can return to a more normal state.

Keeping the economy shut down for much longer, could be much more devastating for the entire world, than dealing with this version of coronavirus. Plunging the world into a depression will kill millions ... probably not Americans, but all the other countries who depend on a strong economy in the US to drive their economies will be devastated.

I think the public needs to start wrapping their heads around the fact that COVID 19 will be with us from here to eternity. For years to come, people will get this. And people will die from it. Like they do with the flu and pneumonia, and a whole bunch of other illnesses.

04-16-2020, 08:20 PM
Like football, hockey involves lots of close contact and potential exchanges of body fluids and heavy breathing. If I were a hockey player, i would refuse to play unless there was mandatory testing of every player before every game. I don't believe any athlete should be required to risk his health and life in order to entertain us. That went out with the gladiators in Rome.

Not saying there isn't a risk, but athletes whose bodies are in top physical condition probably aren't a high risk for the most serious effects (ie death) from COVID. They are mostly 20-35, top physical condition with no, or few health issues.

04-16-2020, 08:30 PM
I wouldn't count on a vaccine for this ... we don't have vaccines for most viruses.

And I know they call the flu shots vaccines ... but it's not a vaccine if you have to take it every year, and if the doc is guessing which strain of flu to protect you against.

The key to returning to normal is two fold --- it must be easy to test, and there must be an effective treatment for those who test positive.

There are several treatment remedies that show tremendous promise. The Koreans have had very good luck with an anti-body regimen that worked well for folks in WuHan China. Docs in Kansas City and also in Europe have had very good success with the anti-malaria drug.

Time to fully develop these remedies, or find some more, has been bought by shutting down the economy, and over the next couple of months, I believe that these treatments will be further fine tuned so that life can return to a more normal state.

Keeping the economy shut down for much longer, could be much more devastating for the entire world, than dealing with this version of coronavirus. Plunging the world into a depression will kill millions ... probably not Americans, but all the other countries who depend on a strong economy in the US to drive their economies will be devastated.

I think the public needs to start wrapping their heads around the fact that COVID 19 will be with us from here to eternity. For years to come, people will get this. And people will die from it. Like they do with the flu and pneumonia, and a whole bunch of other illnesses.


Chief X_Phackter
04-17-2020, 02:06 AM
Did I see someone on here actually suggesting to lock people up for refusing a vaccine if it were made available? Is this still the good ole U S of A or what? You can't be serious....

04-17-2020, 05:57 AM
Not saying there isn't a risk, but athletes whose bodies are in top physical condition probably aren't a high risk for the most serious effects (ie death) from COVID. They are mostly 20-35, top physical condition with no, or few health issues.

There are enough people dying without underlying health conditions and/or in otherwise good state of health to say that being fit and healthy is NOT a sign you can't die of this. Some are more likely to die than others yes, but its still a lottery.

As said elsewhere, every goverment will need to take a calculated risk in how it exits their respective lockdown and how it deals with the next steps, as the economic scenario projections get worse. Here in the UK the government had done more to support businesses during the lockdown than it seems the US has (I know your system of government madness that harder), so we likely won't be impacted as hard but we'll still likely see a short recession.

The question becomes how important is any one life compared to the economy? As a race we ready should be striving towards being less reliant on money for survival so that question doesn't need to be asked. But that's about as likely right now as rocking horse shit.☹

04-17-2020, 12:59 PM
Were any of you alive at the time in the 1950's where the polio vaccine was mandatory? Polio was wiped out thru the vaccination process. And if vaccination is necessary for the public good, you are damn right I would support jailing jerks who refuse to accept the vaccine. And that is not "communism". It is the good old fashion state police power reserved to the States pursuant to the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution. States have always had power to restrict the right of individuals if it is to the betterment of the entire community and the common good. Heck, just look at traffic light which were controversial around the turn of the 20th century. Traffic lights granted one person the right to move forward while restricting the right of another and requiring them to stop until the light turned green. I think the Supreme Court case that addressed that issue was Euclid v. Ambler Realty. So the state almost always has the power to compel individuals to do or not do something if it is in the greater public good as determined by state governments. Police power is not available to the Federal government. It is reserved, as I mentioned to the States by the Tenth Amendment. So yeah, IF it is determined by a state government that a mandatory vaccine is necessary to eliminate this pandemic, I would certainly support the right of a state to throw into jail whatever jerk arbitrarily refused to accept the vaccine (including because they do not like Bill Gates).

04-17-2020, 01:04 PM
I ain't taking any vaccination that has any connection to Bill Gates.


Honest question

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