07-08-2020, 11:08 AM
I had the pleasure of sitting in the cave seats several times .. its the worst. You are literally watching the game on a crappy tv and people around you just non-stop talk about how shitty the cave is.
I had row 2 seats for a few seasons. Skins put the dream seats in front of us. But the worst is if it was raining or had rained all the rain would flow down the stairs ... it would create this pool of standing water up to a foot deep right at your feet.
Worst owner and worst stadium
Maybe the name change can be the beginning of some meaningful changes around here
07-08-2020, 11:19 AM
I’m glad it’s picking up steam. It should, but I still hear a lot woke losers in the league quiet...They need to speak the fuck up now, if not, their hypocritical ass needs to be called out period.
I have a major issue with anyone tweeting a quote whether it really is or isn't a real quote and attributing it to Hitler and being left off the hook. Of course Philly has a track record of letting their WRs make derogatory comments and not disciplining them properly.
07-08-2020, 11:40 AM
I had the pleasure of sitting in the cave seats several times .. its the worst. You are literally watching the game on a crappy tv and people around you just non-stop talk about how shitty the cave is.
I had row 2 seats for a few seasons. Skins put the dream seats in front of us. But the worst is if it was raining or had rained all the rain would flow down the stairs ... it would create this pool of standing water up to a foot deep right at your feet.
Those seats should be free.
There is no reason a stadium should be build with ANY obstructed seats, let alone hundreds of them.
07-08-2020, 11:45 AM
They're both catching/caught major flak for their comments, where do you even come up with this nonsense?
He has a point, there is a double standard on which people can get away with saying racist things in this nation.
Jackson should have been cut ON THE SPOT.
Imagine if a Jewish player said these things about black people...he'd be cut and it would be national news for a month. Malcolm Jenkins would be tweeting angry videos and the league would announce a new way to honor blacks pregame.
You can't even compare Jackson and Brees.
Brees said he's standing up for the flag because his grandfathers fought in the military to protect it. For that "hateful" message, he was forced to apologize and made into some type of monster, and ridiculed by elitists in the media and the real racists in the league. Racism does go both ways.
Jackson was being a pure racist hate monster, quoting Hitler and praising a man in Farahkan who supports terrorism against America.
I have a major issue with anyone tweeting a quote whether it really is or isn't a real quote and attributing it to Hitler and being left off the hook. Of course Philly has a track record of letting their WRs make derogatory comments and not disciplining them properly.
You mean all of their's been a team full of SJWs for years.
07-08-2020, 12:53 PM
07-08-2020, 01:02 PM
^^ Read that yesterday. Says something about the franchise when long term players during the Snyder tenure say they wish they would have signed elsewhere.
07-08-2020, 01:36 PM
I didn't read anything specifically being negative about the Redskins...just regret about not being part of the Patriots' run.
I'm sure nearly all of the players in the league desire to be a part of a dynasty team like that. Has little to do with their own teams.
07-08-2020, 04:50 PM
Seeing rumors of Logan Ryan to Washington , no link to it but just look on Twitterverse
07-08-2020, 08:27 PM
Why in the fuck have no NFL players coming out bashing DeSean Jax bullshit Anti Semitic comments?
Wasn’t I being told these same folks who support a tard like Kaep that silence is unacceptable? That everyone need to speak up and have these conversations?
Typical fuckin hypocrites.