06-21-2020, 04:47 PM
Well, I don’t want this to get into a political debate...and black on black violence is not really a specific thing as white on white violence occurs just because offender/victims usually know each other and usually occurs within there own communities. Violence is definitely an issue in a lot of areas in the country, and I’m not saying you are wrong and we shouldn’t have those conversations ...but the specific reason folks are on the streets are too many avoidable deaths of black people at the hands of police. And then the specific, racist incident of killing the black jogger in Georgia. I think there is common ground to say hey what happened there is wrong and we should find solutions to stop it.
I just like how you framed the mob/cancel culture bullshit which unfortunately has become the way of some to deal with some of these emotions...
06-21-2020, 07:22 PM
“Most black people are all heart and no brains.”
I think you exposed your implied agenda there buddy.
My life tip — relax, drink a beer, worry about you and let others do them. Just my opinion. I don’t go around screaming at people and calling them fascists for not conforming their views to mine. Because that would be ... what’s the word ... fascist.
06-21-2020, 09:51 PM
The way I see it is simple ... treat everyone with respect .. become color blind cause we are all the same .. the culture you grow up in has a lot to do with a persons attitude .. most people are kind and when injustice is being done we need each other’s back .. I understand the cop deal I really do .. major reform is needed !! What I can’t wrap my mind around is the Anti American attitude and the whole everything offends me attitude (redskin name for example) .. is it ever gonna end ?
06-21-2020, 10:42 PM
I'm excited about Ron Rivera as our HC!!!
I'll talk about my real opinion in a non Redskins post.
Not calling anyone out because I just did the same thing recently. I'm as guilty as anyone else of this.
Let's get back to strictly football talk here.
06-23-2020, 11:24 AM
Well, I don’t want this to get into a political debate...and black on black violence is not really a specific thing as white on white violence occurs just because offender/victims usually know each other and usually occurs within there own communities. Violence is definitely an issue in a lot of areas in the country, and I’m not saying you are wrong and we shouldn’t have those conversations ...but the specific reason folks are on the streets are too many avoidable deaths of black people at the hands of police. And then the specific, racist incident of killing the black jogger in Georgia. I think there is common ground to say hey what happened there is wrong and we should find solutions to stop it.
I just like how you framed the mob/cancel culture bullshit which unfortunately has become the way of some to deal with some of these emotions... Black people murder each other at a significantly higher rate than any other group. In fact no other demographic even comes close. It's a serious issue that's been totally ignored. I lost three of my uncles, five cousins, and 11 friends to black on black crime. When my uncle was gunned down in cold blood coming home from work. My best friend Laron went to his store for his grandmother and was robbed. He refused to give the scumbags his grandmother's food and was killed because of it. The three murderers are still running around Potomac Gardens because black people think it's totally acceptable to rob and kill innocent black people, but snitching will can not be tolerated. What happen to George Floyd was murder. The officers should be punished and they are being punished. But why are people so outraged about the death of a career criminal, but not law bidding innocent blacks who's being killed in our community? For example, over the weekend in Chicago, 14 people were killled. Including a 3 year old boy was shot in the chest. What was his crime? Sitting on his gangbanger father's lap.
Where is the outrage? Where is the protest demanding justice? Why isn't anyone rioting for this innocent child who was murdered in cold blood? Where are all the BLM protesters demanding change as a result of this child's death? They can riot over a career criminal like George Floyd because a white man killed. That is the only time a black life matters. But they won't lift a finger to stand up for an innocent 3-year-old black boy who killed in cold blood because the murderer was a black gangbanging scumbag. BLM is a bunch of frauds.
I'm excited about Ron Rivera as our HC!!!
I'll talk about my real opinion in a non Redskins post.
Not calling anyone out because I just did the same thing recently. I'm as guilty as anyone else of this.
Let's get back to strictly football talk here. He's a good coach there is no doubt about that. I believe our team will be improved based solely on that. However, I'm not completely sold on him.
07-01-2020, 10:44 AM
Heard Al Galdi commenting on some recent RR quotes. I caught the tail end of it on the radio but Galdi's gist was RR was basically saying the Skins can be patient year 1, they didnt have to make big splashes in FA and dont view year 1 under RR as a win now mode.
It makes perfect sense. Use year 1 to set up year 2, when we can have expectations.
07-01-2020, 11:21 AM
Heard Al Galdi commenting on some recent RR quotes. I caught the tail end of it on the radio but Galdi's gist was RR was basically saying the Skins can be patient year 1, they didnt have to make big splashes in FA and dont view year 1 under RR as a win now mode.
It makes perfect sense. Use year 1 to set up year 2, when we can have expectations.
I'm fine with those expectations but the closer we get to football season with no progress on coronavirus the more I worry about postpones/cancellations.
07-01-2020, 11:32 AM
I'm fine with those expectations but the closer we get to football season with no progress on coronavirus the more I worry about postpones/cancellations.
Yeah ... it could go many different ways at this point. Not to always be posting "I heard galdi say on the radio .. " but he and doc we talking the restart. I, like always, got in the car half way though so I dont know the report/context but a couple of things ..
- Teams may travel on game day if it allows. So skins would travel to Philly, Pitts, NY etc on game day. To avoid the hassle of trying to secure and clean hotel rooms.
- They mentioned possibly pushing kickoff back from 1 pm to allow teams to pull this off better ... if there are no fans in stands.
- Steelers for some reason they said may have fans in stands even if other teams wouldnt. I do not know the context for that comment. I guess its hot spots vs cold spots. I think there will need to be a uniform policy league wide though. Competitive balance.
NHL was looking at Florida or Vegas as the 2 hub cities for their games ... but now are looking to Canada, given Florida and Vegas being hot spots. That doesnt give them much time. I wonder if the NHL timeline may be pushed back.
MLS is currently playing in the bubble in Florida that the NBA is set to use.!/fileImage/httpImage/gonzalez-mls-is-back-06-30-20.jpg
^^ they say this costs $65 per meal ... NBA players are not having that. Literally and figuratively.
Well they did try to make a big splash with Cooper. That said year 1 definitely isn't win now mode but I'm sure everyone would like to see big improvements.
07-01-2020, 11:37 AM
Well they did try to make a big splash with Cooper. That said year 1 definitely isn't win now mode but I'm sure everyone would like to see big improvements.
Yeah they did. I wonder if they mean like not adding pricey vets who would help in 2020 but are not long term pieces vs a young player like Cooper who would be a long term piece.
A la Earl Thomas. Good god, that contract is looking bad.