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skinsfaninok 11-29-2019, 09:34 AM How bout Dem cowboys???
Lol what a great thanksgiving it was seeing them get dominated!
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F Dallas
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Chico23231 11-29-2019, 10:02 AM This is the best thing I’ve seen all year, Bills players mocking Zeke “feed me” bullshit Going to commercial near the end of the blowout
https://twitter.com/DesmondPurnell/status/1200216947994042368?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1200216947994042368&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.totalprosports.com%2F201 9%2F11%2F28%2Fbills-players-mocked-ezekiel-elliotts-feed-zeke-gesture-after-win-video%2F
Chico23231 11-29-2019, 10:18 AM Folks and talking heads will talk about coaching...while this is true, the players on the cowboys are overrated.
Don’t get me wrong, Cooper, Demarcus Lawrence, j Mart and both Tackles are outstanding players, but Zeke, Dak, LBs Are highly overrated. Zeke hasn’t looked dominant this year at all. Their center Frederick was probably the best in the league, he is a complete shell of himself this year and was beat like a rag doll yesterday. Marinelli scheme raises everybody on the defense, both their secondary and Dline is very average. Secondary is way overrated outside of Byron Jones.
Buffalo Bob 11-29-2019, 11:00 AM Folks and talking heads will talk about coaching...while this is true, the players on the cowboys are overrated.
Don’t get me wrong, Cooper, Demarcus Lawrence, j Mart and both Tackles are outstanding players, but Zeke, Dak, LBs Are highly overrated. Zeke hasn’t looked dominant this year at all. Their center Frederick was probably the best in the league, he is a complete shell of himself this year and was beat like a rag doll yesterday. Marinelli scheme raises everybody on the defense, both their secondary and Dline is very average. Secondary is way overrated outside of Byron Jones.
No kidding, I have actually heard the present team called the most talented Cowboy team ever by countless talking heads. Obviously the 90's teams were far superior to the current one. They won 3 Super Bowls and in 1995 they did it with Barry Switzer as head coach.
kct1975 11-29-2019, 12:26 PM Folks and talking heads will talk about coaching...while this is true, the players on the cowboys are overrated.
Don’t get me wrong, Cooper, Demarcus Lawrence, j Mart and both Tackles are outstanding players, but Zeke, Dak, LBs Are highly overrated. Zeke hasn’t looked dominant this year at all. Their center Frederick was probably the best in the league, he is a complete shell of himself this year and was beat like a rag doll yesterday. Marinelli scheme raises everybody on the defense, both their secondary and Dline is very average. Secondary is way overrated outside of Byron Jones.No kidding, I have actually heard the present team called the most talented Cowboy team ever by countless talking heads. Obviously the 90's teams were far superior to the current one. They won 3 Super Bowls and in 1995 they did it with Barry Switzer as head coach.Steven A Smith! [emoji23]
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SFREDSKIN 11-29-2019, 02:43 PM This is the best thing I’ve seen all year, Bills players mocking Zeke “feed me” bullshit Going to commercial near the end of the blowout
https://twitter.com/DesmondPurnell/status/1200216947994042368?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1200216947994042368&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.totalprosports.com%2F201 9%2F11%2F28%2Fbills-players-mocked-ezekiel-elliotts-feed-zeke-gesture-after-win-video%2F
I like this one, mocking Prescott
skinsfan69 11-29-2019, 02:58 PM All the talking head shows basically rotate their conversations between the Cowboys and Lebron. I can't take it anymore.
A shame the story today should be about Buffalo