Buffalo Bob
10-16-2019, 12:21 PM
I dont know what the NFL can do about the terrible calls,I dont think there's anything they can do except putting more officials on the field or making every play reviewable.
They haven't added any officials since the mid 70's when they started to make the game harder to officiate.
10-16-2019, 12:58 PM
All plays should be reviewable by coaches challenge. Why does the NFL dictate what plays HCs can or cannot use their challenges on? It's stupid.
Buffalo Bob
10-16-2019, 01:04 PM
All plays should be reviewable by coaches challenge. Why does the NFL dictate what plays HCs can or cannot use their challenges on? It's stupid.
You could do that and add challenges. To keep the games the same length have fewer TV timeouts.
We don't need more challenges they're already frustrating enough... just add an official up in the booth that is able to communicate with the refs on the field and help make the calls. And we need to accept that human error is part of the game.
10-16-2019, 01:57 PM
I don't think you even need to add new challenges. You keep that the same but let them review any play they want to.
I don't think you even need to add new challenges. You keep that the same but let them review any play they want to.
I'm guessing we'd see the same turnover rate we're seeing now with the PI challenges. Basically it would be pointless 99% of the time.
10-16-2019, 02:58 PM
I'm guessing we'd see the same turnover rate we're seeing now with the PI challenges. Basically it would be pointless 99% of the time.
Probably true. But that's up to the HC to make that choice. That call against Detroit cost them the game. Sometimes it would definitely be worth the risk.
How about an official up in the booth that can buzz down to the field to review any call that is potentially game changing? Just like all scores and turnovers are reviewed, how about any huge call that can swing the game?
10-16-2019, 04:04 PM
You're about 4 years older than me. I was stuck somewhat in the middle on liking the rules as by trade I was a middle linebacker in High School and College but was a back up guard and tackle, so I gave head slaps but had to take them also. It was pretty screwed up playing O-line as you could not extend your arms but the the dude you were trying to block can beat you in the head. Playing defense was fun in those days. I could not imagine doing it now, especially trying to tackle a QB. I think you are supposed to pick them up and lay them down while placing a pillow under their head.
Had a game where my main goal was to tackle the QB by his pony tail, hehehe ...............and I got him , his Coach bitched but the Refs said it was fair game.:laughing-
10-16-2019, 06:34 PM
I dont know what the NFL can do about the terrible calls,I dont think there's anything they can do except putting more officials on the field or making every play reviewable.
I have an idea for what they could do to make it better, and I share all these ideas in no particular order of importance, etc..
Presently NFL referees are not full-time employees and many of them have other day to day jobs / duties, etc.. I feel that this makes them not be able to devote as much time to being adequately prepared / knowledgeable for their duties on gameday. I propose making them full time NFL employees during the season. From Monday - Friday, they are in classes / meetings / training reviewing NFL game tape, recent mistakes, etc...
*The NFL will establish a quality / correctness percentage, for example; let's say that the NFL mandates that referees maintain a 95% correct ratio, that is determined upon review of games. This is reviewed annually, and any referees who fall below the previously agreed upon rating are terminated.
*Game Day*
ALL penalty calls are reviewble. Also, the HC can throw the challenge flag on a play where an obvious penalty has occurred and is NOT called. The HC's have three challenge flags given to them on each half. Just like the regular challenges, if a HC wins two reviews, he gets an extra flag. The strategy here by the HC is knowing his battles and saving his flags for only the most blatant calls / non-calls. He probably won't throw one on a holding for example, but he should for sure throw one on a blatant face mask / horse collar / blatant pass interference, etc... When it is found that referees threw a flag but they were over-ruled on a review/challenge, then that negatively affects their score.
I know this is not a perfect solution and that it doesn't cover everything, but the officiating is getting very poor, we are nearly all in agreement on that, so we should all be looking at / listening to any ideas that could make it better.