REDSKINS4ever 09-29-2019, 11:59 PM Snyder should fire Bruce Allen....and then relieve Jay Gruden of his duties....promote Doug Williams to team president and give Kyle Smith the official GM title....then make Bill Callahan or Ray Horton the interim head coach.....
Luxorreb 09-30-2019, 02:12 AM Yes yes yes
dan snyder,
it is time for new leadership. Someone qualified. Someone that is not afraid to say no to you. You are rich and a successful bussinessman. That does not make you qualified to run an nfl front office. Hire a professional. Someone like charlie casserly. Not because he is great or my favorite choice. But he is one of the few experienced candidates that would take this job and that has done it before. Anybody like casserly would be an improvement over ba.
SolidSnake84 09-30-2019, 07:53 AM JP Finlay said that too. Something has to happen though, right?
No it doesn't. No guarantees that anyone is getting fired this year. And the more i think about it, i'm not so sure that we are "guaranteed" Gruden is fired after the season.
We know Allen isn't going anywhere. As many folks have mentioned, Dan and Bruce are well aware of the fact that no one wants to come work for them. I think right now there still stands a good chance of Jay coming back next season (He is already under contract, i believe), with a new DC and new staff that has been picked for him.
It is also possible this season that playcalling is taken away from Jay, but i'd say only a 50/50 chance of that at this point...
The worse has not happened yet. Basically we are guaranteed a loss next week, and the calls for the firings and everything are going to be at their loudest once we go 0-5 next Sunday...
irish 09-30-2019, 08:09 AM The key thing with GM position, it MUST work in unison with the new coach. We need everyone on the same page for once.
Not Bruce trading for MCNabb when Shanny didn’t want McNabb. Not Bruce trading and extending Alex Smith, when it was a poor fit for Gruden’s scheme. This shit pisses me off so fucking much.
Great point. This is the Skins biggest problem. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. The GM and head coach do need to work in unison but really the GM needs to work for the HC because its the HC who knows the system and culture and what kind of players he needs the GM to find to make it all work.
CRedskinsRule 09-30-2019, 09:32 AM JP Finlay said that too. Something has to happen though, right?
apparently not.
Redskins247 09-30-2019, 11:15 AM For those saying they don't believe Dan really cares about how things are going, just remember...we know he at least tried to replace Manusky and possibly Gruden in the offseason...we just don't know to what extent and/if Allen was involved with any of that. While I like the idea of bringing in Gibbs to help with the replacement of Allen, if we are so lucky for that to actually happen, I don't think Gibbs would do it or should really be the one to, and maybe someone like Tony Dungy would be a better choice to help guide Snyder through the transition. Dungy is well respected, still plugged into the league, and if nothing else would provide some damage control and send a message to the league that..."hey I'm trying here to put things on the right path"...just a thought.
CRedskinsRule 09-30-2019, 11:32 AM For those saying they don't believe Dan really cares about how things are going, just remember...we know he at least tried to replace Manusky and possibly Gruden in the offseason...we just don't know to what extent and/if Allen was involved with any of that. While I like the idea of bringing in Gibbs to help with the replacement of Allen, if we are so lucky for that to actually happen, I don't think Gibbs would do it or should really be the one to, and maybe someone like Tony Dungy would be a better choice to help guide Snyder through the transition. Dungy is well respected, still plugged into the league, and if nothing else would provide some damage control and send a message to the league that..."hey I'm trying here to put things on the right path"...just a thought.If Snyder really "tried" to fire Gruden, he would be fired. The owner of the team can do that. I agree on Gibbs, but I don't think much of Dungy. Honestly, unless Dan changes [not likely] it isn't going to matter who takes Allen or Gruden's place.
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SunnySide 09-30-2019, 12:42 PM I agree with everything Craig Hoffman is saying here. Real good read, scathing assessment of the Skins current position and bleak alternatives going forward.
sdskinsfan2001 09-30-2019, 12:45 PM I just can't see how Synder justifies having this piece of shit running his franchise.
The only answer that seems plausible is that he is an even bigger piece of shit and uses Bruce as a shield. Bruce ruins everything he touches, so it clearly has nothing to do with football business acumen.
Bruce = 💩💩💩💩💩
Dan = 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
irish 09-30-2019, 12:59 PM I agree with everything Craig Hoffman is saying here. Real good read, scathing assessment of the Skins current position and bleak alternatives going forward.
Thanks for the link. Hoffman basically says the Skins have no plan, try to split hairs, and do things on the fly. Sad.