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JWsleep 06-05-2005, 08:05 PM I hope you're right, RF. But sometimes you get an agressive DA who wants to make a name for him/herself, and these things go a lot farther than they would if a celeb wasn't involved. So the thing might drag on. As for proving the case to a jury, it's all in the witnesses credibility. Taylor's string of "misjudgments" preceeds him. Even if the accusing witnesses are of questionable character, the alleged assailant is as well.
And none of this tells us what Gibbs is going to do.
What a frggin mess.
Best result: plead down to the misdemeanor, Taylor is "scared straight" and is a model citizen for the rest of his long probowl career. (Maybe if I imagine this hard enough, it will happen! :party-smi )
Paintrain 06-05-2005, 08:40 PM Agreed. Once again we should learn a valuable lesson here, and that's not to jump to conclusions until all the facts are known.
He could be guilty of something... looks like right now it's still not clear what that may be.
Until we know more we should hold off on the "cut/trade Taylor" comments.
Thank you Matty!
redwagonskins 06-05-2005, 09:08 PM I'd love to not jump to conclusions with this idiot but his past actions only kill his credibility. If this was Darrell Green I'd look at his past and say "no way, it's a set-up or a misunderstanding". With ST, the reaction is "yup, what an idiot". It is not jumping to conclusions to get in the guys' S**t for getting in this situation in the first place. The fact that he's getting arrested in the first place is an indictment on his judgement. His ATVs may or may not have been stolen. So what? Buy yourself a new one and go to the cops. He's got the $$$. Or maybe the Redskins are to blame for not renegotiating his contract and giving him the money he needs to replace his ATV fleet. :)
Say what you will about guilt/innocence and jumping to conclusions; all I can say is if it smells like a turd, it's a turd.
redrock-skins 06-05-2005, 09:10 PM I'd love to not jump to conclusions with this idiot but his past actions only kill his credibility. If this was Darrell Green I'd look at his past and say "no way, it's a set-up or a misunderstanding". With ST, the reaction is "yup, what an idiot". It is not jumping to conclusions to get in the guys S**t for getting in this situation in the first place. The fact that he's getting arrested in the first place is an inditement on his judgement. .
Hit the nail on the head. His past is where my judgement is coming from. He'll get his legal day in court, but he's guilty til innocent as far as I am concerned.
VTSkins897 06-05-2005, 09:21 PM hey at least there's something to talk about
BossHog 06-05-2005, 09:22 PM Any Warpath lawyers on board? :oink:
skin4Life28 06-05-2005, 09:50 PM Hit the nail on the head. His past is where my judgement is coming from. He'll get his legal day in court, [U]but he's guilty til innocent as far as I am concerned. Exactly!!!! In sports you are guilty until proven innocent. Prime example is baseball and steroids. These players are in the lime light so much that they are held to a higher standard.
GoSkins! 06-05-2005, 10:38 PM So then how can you state the details of Taylors case as 'fact'? Jury acquital also means that they are free, which is all as fans we really care about, right? Let's be honest, we don't care about how this impacts Taylor or the victim, we care about how it impacts the Redskins.
Paintrain, I have not tried to tell anyone on this board what happened in this case. I don't know except for what I have read (just like everyone else). The problem I had was with your statement about jury's deciding fact. That statement was just plain incorrect. That's like saying that because he got off on the DUI charge he wasn't legally drunk. Whoever beleives that is an idiot. He had the money to pay a good lawyer. Period.
Now, you make a new statement about what "we" care about. So, then how can you state the details of what I care about? You don't.
To be honest, I want to know if the guys that he did this to (according to the reports) actaully did steal the ATV. If they did, I will feel very different than I will if they didn't. And, it does not matter how it impacts the skins if he did this to innocent people. I worry about society in general over the team. If he did it to innocent people, he should go down for it. If got the right guys, he made a mistake, but they got what they deserved. If would have just called the cops things would have been easier on us all.
I need to add to the speculation:
question, When were the police called?
If a man comes to my house, pulls a gun on me and leaves, I'm going to call the police.
since taylor came back 10 minutes later and the police werent there, can i assume they didnt call the police after they were assaulted?
let's not forget that people try to extort money from athletes all the time.
mooby 06-05-2005, 10:40 PM i hope he doesn't get imprisoned or anything like that. we can't say anything until the whole trial is over. until then, i hope taylor realizes where he should be, and i hope this erases any thoughts about him holding out or doing bad thigns in the future.