08-29-2019, 02:53 PM
In my opinion the loudest single fact screaming that the medical issue is a dodge from whatever TW's true motivation is, is the fact that the NFLPA has not issued one single press release on TW's behalf, or hammering the Skins for not doing something about the medical staff. I think if there was a there - there, the NFLPA would be vocal about it.
I still think something outside the realm of press releases and leaks are at play here, and I think it's enough to keep TW sidelined.
08-29-2019, 02:57 PM
Luck walking away because he doesn't want to go through the pain, and Trent walking away out of spite/anger over what he sees as mistreatment are very, very different.
Luck said he had reached the point where the joy of playing the game is gone. Trent has given no such indication that his passion for playing football is gone. Would you spend the last 3-4 good years of your career sitting out, if it was still a passion for you?
He also hasn't shown any indication it is a passion for him. He has been dead silent, so anyone's inferences to his motives is pure speculation, and my speculation is that it was money first, then something happened between BA and Trent in early August that cemented Trent's position of not returning.
Hopefully I am wrong, because the best sight to see against the Eagles would be Trent at LT
08-29-2019, 03:04 PM
What you're saying is entirely plausible. But I keep coming back to this: two years, $21M, plus potential for another if tagged, is a lot to give up for a 31 year old. No matter what his beef, he's going to realize he'd rather play than walk away from his prime.
08-29-2019, 03:12 PM
08-29-2019, 03:23 PM
The plot thickens lol
08-29-2019, 03:58 PM input was very interesting. Sounds like he has talked with Trent and has good knowledge even if he has to be circumspect.
Also sounds like he is perplexed why we are at this point, and I 100percent agree on that
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punch it in
08-29-2019, 05:43 PM
This is the Bruce Allen who completely mismanaged The Kirk cousins issue AND who is considered the least prepared and least TRUSTWORTHY GM in the NFL. I don’t see this ending well for the Redskins.
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08-29-2019, 05:56 PM
This is the Bruce Allen who completely mismanaged The Kirk cousins issue AND who is considered the least prepared and least TRUSTWORTHY GM in the NFL. I don’t see this ending well for the Redskins.
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Please stop bringing up the Kirk Cousins bullshit, Minnesota paid him 80 mil and he barely got a winning record, with the same 2017 team that went to the playoffs, last year.
08-29-2019, 06:08 PM
Also, to the armchair GMs I ask you this:
- Do you really want to give a new money contract to an aging/injury-ridden (yet elite) player, when you have a similarly aged player (Kerrigan), who can easily knock on the team's door and demand something similar. Yes, Kerrigan is not elite like Trent, but he's been durable and consistent.
- Do you want to set the precedence of having a star player dictate the front office what to do, in terms of firing people and making team decisions to make the star player happy? Do people remember bitching about Portis, RG3, and other star players going above the coach's head and straight to the owner?
Again, tell me what type of leverage does Trent have? Everyone expects the team to suck, and still this coaching staff has managed to win 14 games in the past two seasons with 50 players on IR. And there is a slight possibility of the team being able to get by with Penn.
Let's say completely worst case scenario, Trent sits out this season and let's play crazy scenario and say that he sits out two seasons. Do people realize that this would mean a savings of $21 mil for the team (or whatever the remaining amount of $$ is in his contract).
The only way Trent has leverage now is if last year's team had stayed healthy, had made it to the playoffs, and had better expectations this season. Other than that, I'm fine with the team letting this continue. Somewhere down this season, a team will get desperate and will offer more than a 1st round for Trent. Or as I said before, he can continue to sit out, and the team gets that money back.
08-29-2019, 07:02 PM
When it comes to getting the money back, that is huge in terms of Alex Smiths number next year.
New conspiracy theory:
TW and Skins are in cahoots to save the cap money this year to deal with AS' numbers and they are going to give him Tom Brady type status going forward. Yeah that's it, that's the ticket!