BigHairedAristocrat 06-07-2019, 12:20 PM Someone would pay him
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"Someone" will always pay just about anyone. That doesn't mean its SMART to do so. The skins are, at best, a mediocre team already handicapped with 20 million in dead cap money on a QB for each of the next two years. So they are already operating with 12% less salary capital each of the next two years due to that - they are not in a position to take additional risk on a player like TW who, based on recent history, will miss atleast 1/4 of the regular season games anyway. Given the situation they are in, giving him any more money would be incredibly stupid - especially when they don't have to do so. He's under contract 2 more years. He can play it out or miss 32 game checks.
BigHairedAristocrat 06-07-2019, 12:23 PM Gruden doesn't need to do shit, this is above is pay grade. In fact him having to face down the media about it is pretty shitty. As usual Bruce stays in the shadows on the tough issues, but hot damn he sure was out and about after the draft basking in the glow.
This is the sort of nonsensical argument Sheehan and Loverro make all the time. Gruden is the head coach. other than a few whacky GM/owners who love the spotlight, most GMs don't speak to the media regularly. On every other team the head coach is the one who gets asked about this sort of thing - why should here be any different?
skinsfaninok 06-07-2019, 12:27 PM Per Field Yates the Redskins put in a claim for LT Howard but the Cards beat them to it.
Ruhskins 06-07-2019, 12:27 PM This is the sort of nonsensical argument Sheehan and Loverro make all the time. Gruden is the head coach. other than a few whacky GM/owners who love the spotlight, most GMs don't speak to the media regularly. On every other team the head coach is the one who gets asked about this sort of thing - why should here be any different?
I could be wrong, but I don't remember seeing anyone in the Steelers FO discussing L. Bell or AB with the media. I think the owner may have spoken once. Most of the questions about these guys were probably fielded by Tomlin.
This is the sort of nonsensical argument Sheehan and Loverro make all the time. Gruden is the head coach. other than a few whacky GM/owners who love the spotlight, most GMs don't speak to the media regularly. On every other team the head coach is the one who gets asked about this sort of thing - why should here be any different?
It's not a football matter, it's an organizational one. Allen should be out in front of it. If Allen can go out and toot his horn after the draft he sure as hell should address this.
BigHairedAristocrat 06-07-2019, 12:45 PM It's not a football matter, it's an organizational one. Allen should be out in front of it. If Allen can go out and toot his horn after the draft he sure as hell should address this.
I'm not aware of any other team with a traditional GM that operates this way. It criticizing him for not doing something that none of his peers would do. Its like criticizing an active president for not going to fight in a war when no other president would do so. Allen is (justifiably) disliked, and this is just a lazy and stupid way to attack him.
Rooney made public comments a few times about the AB situation if I recall correctly. He certainly didn't shy away from the issue.
BigHairedAristocrat 06-07-2019, 01:28 PM Rooney made public comments a few times about the AB situation if I recall correctly. He certainly didn't shy away from the issue.
Rooney is one of the leagues more vocal owner's. Its the exception, not the rule. Additionally, the AB situation received much more publicity, both due to AB's public comments and due to the fact he's one of the most well-known players in the league. Fans of most of the other 31 NFL teams wouldn't know who Trent Williams was. And as has already been pointed out, Tomlin was asked about Bell and Brown constantly.
If there is discussion around a player on the team's roster, its almost always the coach speaking about it. If there is discussion about a transaction (such as a free agent signing or draft pick), the coach and GM will both talk about it. I would not expect Bruce or Doug to comment unless the situation escalates or Trent is moved.
KI Skins Fan 06-07-2019, 02:19 PM if i,m Dan snyder , i,m on a plane to meet trent williams and his agent face to face to iron this situation out
Never gonna happen. This is the beginning of a renegotiation attempt by Williams, not a surrender ceremony.
Snyder should stay out of it for now and let his subordinates handle it. He should position himself to ride in a a white horse and save the day if an impasse develops.
Bruce Allen's initial position should be "You're under contract. We're not going to trade you or cut you. First come to Training Camp and then perhaps we can do something".
sandtrapjack 06-07-2019, 02:44 PM Can't believe there is 14 pages to this thread when the answer is simple. Does not matter what team we are talking about, the owners holds all of the cards. The player has absolutely ZERO leverage. That is the way it is done with NFL contracts and it was collectively bargained. Meaning the players union agreed to it.
The team does not have to do anything. Nothing. Talk new deal all you want, but the facts of the matter are this:
- TW has 2 years on his current contract.
- Ownership retains his rights unless he is released, or they let him walk after the contract is done.
- Even if TW says "Eff-U, I'm retiring". If he 'unretires' in say 2 years, Washington still owns his rights and he is back at square one. But 2 years older and 2 years removed from Football. And still a Washington Redskin.
He can demand his release all he wants. When the club does not release him, his only recourse is either:
- Holdout into the regular season, thereby leaving millions on the table when he is not getting paid and being fined.
- Play
This is a game of chicken Williams cannot win.
That is it. Club does not have to do anything, again they hold 100% all of the leverage in this.
I stand my my previous statement that once game checks and paydays are at stake, Trent Williams will shut up about this, have a change of heart and suit up. Of course there will be the obligatory-face-saving press release from Trents camp that goes a little like "Trent wants to put his entire focus on the Redskins season and does not want any distractions regarding contract negotiations to hinder that, therefore it is his decision that he will forego any contract negotiations until the end of the season."
Sound familiar? That press release is a template on every agents Office365.
Just so happens the end of the regular season is when he will have 1 season on his current deal. That is when a deal gets done.