punch it in
09-17-2019, 03:43 AM
can i do the scareface helicopter scene with bruce allen over the stadium? And i want a weed dispensary in the new stadium.
ok. We keep trent who apologizes and plays like he has to make amends to the team, and to ap in particular. He mauls defenders for the rest of the season. Ramsey and fitzpatrick are so taken by his selflessness that they decide they want to play here and for the new dc tomsula. They somehow convince their respective teams to do a straight up trade - moses for ramsey (penn slides to rt) and colt for fitzpatrick.
Snyder sells the team to jon bon jovi, and he immediately does a deal with dc to build new rfk with bleachers designed to bounce and a promotion for cheap tix for dc, md, and va residents - a promotion that magically rescinds if you are caught wearing anything that smacks of eagles, cowboys, or giants colors.
Jay decides he was, indeed, over his head and steps back to oc, giving the reins to o’connell who becomes the east coast equivalent of mcvay.
We rout the patriots in the super bowl.
How’s that?
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in addition to the ring of honor, there will also be a ring of dishonor -- fans will bond over the inclusion of names such as haynesworth, cerrato, archuletta, and b. Allen. There will be voo doo dolls with their likenesses, and prizes given our for the best limericks that make fun of them. Oh, and there will be a slushie machine.
this all made me literally lol
ok. We keep trent who apologizes and plays like he has to make amends to the team, and to ap in particular. He mauls defenders for the rest of the season. Ramsey and fitzpatrick are so taken by his selflessness that they decide they want to play here and for the new dc tomsula. They somehow convince their respective teams to do a straight up trade - moses for ramsey (penn slides to rt) and colt for fitzpatrick.
Snyder sells the team to jon bon jovi, and he immediately does a deal with dc to build new rfk with bleachers designed to bounce and a promotion for cheap tix for dc, md, and va residents - a promotion that magically rescinds if you are caught wearing anything that smacks of eagles, cowboys, or giants colors.
Jay decides he was, indeed, over his head and steps back to oc, giving the reins to o’connell who becomes the east coast equivalent of mcvay.
We rout the patriots in the super bowl.
How’s that?
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in addition to the ring of honor, there will also be a ring of dishonor -- fans will bond over the inclusion of names such as haynesworth, cerrato, archuletta, and b. Allen. There will be voo doo dolls with their likenesses, and prizes given our for the best limericks that make fun of them. Oh, and there will be a slushie machine.
this all made me literally lol