05-09-2019, 12:08 PM
In my mind if the team doesn’t retire a number then it’s free game. It should be a requirement for the showing of respect and asking the former great, or family, for their blessing. If they are ok with it then all is well if not pick a new number.
05-09-2019, 12:12 PM
Let's be real the ONLY reason Theisman has any pull over the number is because he played QB. Had he been any other position we wouldn't care one bit. As Sandtrap said, they're still giving out 81 and 28...
As far as i'm concerned, 9 and 33 are the only numbers we should have retired with 21 being "off limits." All else is fair game.
These old players need to get over themselves.
05-09-2019, 12:49 PM
Yep. Which both of those should be retired IMO
If what I read is accurate, no one has been issued 28 since 2002.
And only one player has been issued 81 since '93.
People have mixed feelings about the #s thing. The team should just retire the ones they deem needed to be and move on.
05-09-2019, 05:16 PM
The Redskin are running into the same problem many other teams are , the're running out of numbers. . This question was ask on a Giant fan board about #10 and Eli . The Redskins have a "Ring of Honor" and I think that should take the place of retired numbers. Teams are just running out of usable #'s . Historic teams like the Skins , Packers, Bears,Brown and Giants just can't do it anymore. Giants have 12 numbers retired and 7 of those are between 1-16
05-09-2019, 06:04 PM
He should start with Zero...then add 1 number for every playoff win....if he eventually gets to 7....YES....he can keep it
Holcomb is # 57, wonder if he called Rich Milot? Nice to see the numbers in the photos from camp
05-11-2019, 07:17 PM
Well I guess that someone upstairs got in Joe's ear,because the kid has the number...he better produce!!
punch it in
05-18-2019, 10:43 PM
Joey T gave him his blessings so go represent the number 7 in a big way kid.
punch it in
05-18-2019, 10:45 PM
Wow,you guys don't like Joe do you?
Who? He was my fucking hero as a kid. Haskins was really respectful in the way he went about it.