12-20-2018, 04:12 PM
Nicholson should have been at home watching tape of the next opponent....this is some shit you do in the offseason...even still he would have been violating the conduct policy....if he would have had a few drinks within the confines of his own living room the incident doesn't happen..Montae is an NFL player...he can't be getting inebriated in public places.
meh...he can be fucked up, having a good time, be a mess....just be cool, not aggressive and call an Uber.
12-21-2018, 09:18 PM
You know,
I think I know what the Redskins need. They need to bring the 5 o'clock club back. Screw the rules on no alcohol at the club facility. Clear out a building and let the players go back there and have their drinks, bond with their teammates, do whatever it is they need to do and get it out of their system. That is what is missing.
12-22-2018, 07:52 AM
You know,
I think I know what the Redskins need. They need to bring the 5 o'clock club back. Screw the rules on no alcohol at the club facility. Clear out a building and let the players go back there and have their drinks, bond with their teammates, do whatever it is they need to do and get it out of their system. That is what is missing.
I think a big issue there would be players leaving the designated building being wasted, and either go out and get in a DUI accident, or go out and end up getting in an incident while drunk, under the influence, etc...
Nicholson had previously unreported DUI (
12-22-2018, 10:32 AM
Nicholson had previously unreported DUI ( like the team may have known Nicholson was in trouble and it needed another safety hence the HHD trade
12-22-2018, 11:42 AM
I will not be surprised if more gets unearthed. Facing criminal charges they will search for more instances of a&b and substance abuse to bolster the case
12-22-2018, 11:59 AM
Nicholson had previously unreported DUI (
This is the Definition of stupid: not learning from your past mistakes that can cause to loose your very lucrative career. I guess being cool and a thug is more important. Street cred?
12-22-2018, 01:11 PM
This thread and the entire situation is so hypocritical.
The mob wants Monte (23 years old) to lose his job because of what he did.
When and if he is convicted and goes in front of a judge he will be ordered to seek gainful employment.
Will the same mob be there to protest his next employer? Should he be forever unemployable, branded with a scarlet a&b?
Is the source of the outrage really that his off field behavior might affect his availability for our favorite team on game day?
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No shit, I will keep what I really think to the off topic thread but it's bullshit that some people want this guy to lose everything or hold him to higher standards than the typical person.
It's kinda odd considering there zero outrage with the news about the Redskins Beer Shed in the 80s.
Riggins, Butz, and Jacoby drove drunk after every practice but I'm sure they are still fan favorites.
12-22-2018, 01:52 PM
I’m hoping it’s a wake up call for Montae...I don’t think he should be cut, but the nfl has gone out of its way to provide services to these guys. At some point he has to take responsibility for his a man at least. Sounds like he owes a lot of folks an apology...I’m not hearing anything.
Also, I’m hoping the Leadership takes an active role with Montae.