Buffalo Bob
11-28-2018, 01:56 PM
Before we get too carried away with victim blaming let's remember this guy is no boy scout. He's got an established history when it comes to domestic incidents, guns, failed drug tests, marijuana possession, and a league suspension.
Was just listening to Doc on 980, he said while he agrees with the Redskins taking a chance, Foster has been in the news every season since he left college. He even had issues at the combine. Doc said the guy needs professional help and will ask Doug Williams what the plan for that is tomorrow live on the air.
To be honest Matt, unless the team changes the Logo or Name they will be hated on by the media. I was thinking about the team going to this look.. http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1688375/uspw_6718080.jpg
Change the Indian logo to a W and stick with the name. That way the Logo/Redskins can't be connected.
Yeah but it’s the name that people have a problem with.
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11-28-2018, 02:05 PM
Nelson Agholor
Jalen Mills
Jordan Hicks
All 3 have Domestic Accusations/Charges. All 3 play for the Philadelphia Eagles.
The Eagles also have the most arrested players on their team in the NFC East.....#facts
punch it in
11-28-2018, 02:07 PM
From a pure football standpoint it makes total sense. For a team with an ongoing PR issues and waning interest from long time fans I wouldn’t have done it.
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When , conceivably, is the first time he could get on the field?
Buffalo Bob
11-28-2018, 02:08 PM
It was also noted that in the last 16 games Foster played he hadn't recorded a sack, forced fumble, an interception or lead the team in tackles. Is the guy worth the potential trouble? Obviously in the NFL the better the player is the longer the leash for transgressions.
When , conceivably, is the first time he could get on the field?
Not until the league takes him off the exempt list
KI Skins Fan
11-28-2018, 02:22 PM
The longer I live the more shit-birds I encounter or learn about who touch on my personal life. Yet most of these people have been able to cover up their immoral and often illegal shortcomings and have remained employed and even respected. My point is that there are a multitude of character issues among all people but those who are in the public eye are less able to avoid having their failings become an employment problem.
Rueben Foster's bad behavior is a public relations problem for the NFL because he is a player. Meanwhile, Sammy The Shit-bird of Accounts Payable may be twice as bad as Foster but his transgressions are unnoticed because he is a comparative nobody.
So, I say go ahead and sign Foster because the transaction makes perfect sense from a pure football perspective and it's time that we all admit that we probably have many other people employed throughout the rest of the NFL and our society in general who regularly commit immoral and illegal acts but who are under the radar, unpunished, and still employed.
11-28-2018, 02:26 PM
He also has a laundry list of things he did other than kneeling for the flag. Wore socks to practice that depicted police as pigs. Made internet posts comparing cops to runaway slave catchers. He praised Fidel Castro and wore a shirt with his likeness.
He also did football related things teams would not like. He switched to a vegan diet without professional supervision losing an overly excessive amount of muscle mass while recovering from surgery. He dated a teammates ex who may not even be an ex at the time that caused them to almost come to blows and some supposed damage to Kap's car. That guy was Aldon Smith, some of Smith's issues could have been tied to Kap. He was also aloof and kept mostly to himself, he did not interact with teammates like a leader should. He also worked hard in areas he was already good at, running and strength, and would not put in the extra work where he was deficient. If you want more study film on his play. He flees the pocket early, never gets past a second read and locks on receivers. He is extremely poor at reading defenses.
His early successes were from mostly his running, he steadily went downhill after his initial success. He has been out of football 2 years and is 3-16 the last two seasons he played.
With all of that he also stated he would keep on protesting if he was signed.
Wonder if Snyder knew about this?
11-28-2018, 02:36 PM
Yeah but it’s the name that people have a problem with.
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IMO it the name and logo combo that's the issue. That said I'd just drop the name Redskins and have the team call itself Washington. Keep everything else the same.
11-28-2018, 02:37 PM
IMO it the name and logo combo that's the issue. That said I'd just drop the name Redskins and have the team call itself Washington. Keep everything else the same.
Have to have a nickname, I'd go with Warriors if that was the case.