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SCRedskinsFan 11-21-2018, 07:17 PM Woulda, shoulda, coulda. This is part of the game there is not a team out their that has not had to contend with the same issue . While I want the right call made I am tired of this booth review crap. You can call a penalty on every play and it goes both ways at times.
With all due respect, STFU Giantone.
Don’t come on our board after we clearly got screwed, twice, with official NFL apologies for one, to effectively end the game for us. We truly don’t need this crap from you, right now or ever. So if you had a point to make, please make it, otherwise, well, what I said above.
5superbowls3wins 11-21-2018, 07:24 PM A Giants' fan's opinion is not valid or legitimate on this issue as to how Skins fans see the ref screwjobs:
Agreed. His view is perverted, and his opinion is bias.
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DYoungJelly 11-21-2018, 08:12 PM Woulda, shoulda, coulda. This is part of the game there is not a team out their that has not had to contend with the same issue . While I want the right call made I am tired of this booth review crap. You can call a penalty on every play and it goes both ways at times.
Yea, sounds like something Wellington Mara might say after a screw job.
On par with the salary cap penalty pushed by the Mara's.
Giantone 11-21-2018, 09:56 PM With all due respect, STFU Giantone.
Don’t come on our board after we clearly got screwed, twice, with official NFL apologies for one, to effectively end the game for us. We truly don’t need this crap from you, right now or ever. So if you had a point to make, please make it, otherwise, well, what I said above.
Fully understood, name justy one NFL team who has never had a bad call go against them and I will as you say ,........STFU .Until then ......
skinsfan69 11-21-2018, 10:31 PM The ref or refs should be fired. It's sad cause these zebras are having an effect of outcomes of games and the careers of people. The Docston no call was so obvious, the guy was not making any attempt what so ever to look back at the ball. He got in the way of Doc trying to make a catch. And then before that you call some ticky tack bullshit on Norman? That is just such an obvious attempt to have the Redskins lose the game. What a joke. They can take that apology and go fuck themselves.
5superbowls3wins 11-21-2018, 10:33 PM Gruden should have lost it in them in the press conference. How could the NFL do anything about it when they’re coming back 3 days later to apologize that they missed the calls?
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skinsfan69 11-21-2018, 10:49 PM Well Gruden will get fined cause the NFL is so thin skinned they can't take refs getting heat from coaches or players. Such bullshit.
Giantone 11-22-2018, 06:29 AM You're right , all of you. My point is we use replay to much and now the Refs are relying on it and not making the right calls . As someone else pointed out with the big jumbo trons now in every stadium they can see more than the refs can. There is too much room in the rules now for "interpretation",hitting the QB this year is a joke and no one knows what is right. I personally (JMHO) feel the game was run better back without all these challenges and replays. But I am old as crap ....so.
CRedskinsRule 11-22-2018, 07:52 AM Replay should be available on every play and penalty call. Still limit it to 2 per half, and inside 2 keep the current rules on what the outside booth reviews. They say there is holding on every play, if a coach for example wants to waste two challenges for those 20 yards fine let him. Most coaches have shown reasonable caution on throwing the challenge flag.
Also if a game has more than 3 successful challenges the refs ought to he fined for performance. G1 you said they have come to rely on it and i agree, so incentivize them not to mess it up. This would mean replay decisions would be completely out of the field refs hands lest they try to avoid fines.
Finally if a rule is determined too ambiguous to be evaluated -like the qb protection rule - evenly it ought to be classified as an automatic review like turnovers and scores are.
Most of these reviews can happen in the time of setting up the next play, especially when a penalty or change of possession is involved.
Chico23231 11-22-2018, 08:09 AM You're right , all of you. My point is we use replay to much and now the Refs are relying on it and not making the right calls . As someone else pointed out with the big jumbo trons now in every stadium they can see more than the refs can. There is too much room in the rules now for "interpretation",hitting the QB this year is a joke and no one knows what is right. I personally (JMHO) feel the game was run better back without all these challenges and replays. But I am old as crap ....so.
I agree g1 , I hate the replay delay. I want no more challenges for coaches.
The refs and the league need to tone it down on pass interference and defensive holding on receivers.