What the Supreme Court's Decision to Legalize Sports Betting Could Mean for the NFL (https://www.si.com/nfl/2018/05/14/legalized-sports-gambling-betting-nfl)
Pretty big decision came down this week, what do you think?
05-25-2018, 08:14 PM
I love it and glad I’m old enough to know how to handle it....limited and for fun. I’ll def be throwing a lil extra cash around.
It’s gonna be a major headache for the league at first
05-25-2018, 08:46 PM
People have been betting forever on games. I love having any action on a game.
This decision is long over due and will have little impact on anything IMO.
It's ludicrous that the pro leagues are asking for some sort of BS integrity fee. Their officiating is sketchy at best when certain legacy teams are playing and the notion that a fat check from casinos will improve it is laughable.
If there are any leagues to be concerned about, it is college sports.
I love it like Braveheart yelling "FREEDOM!!!!"
05-25-2018, 10:26 PM
Sorry not betting any more than I already do.....nothing.
05-26-2018, 12:09 AM
I like to just do like 5, 10, 20 dollar parlays on a Saturday or Sunday on a few games. Looking forward to it.
I’m not much of a betting guy, I’ve dabbled here and there mostly in college. Now that it will be more easily accessible I can see myself placing some bets here and there
06-03-2018, 09:18 PM
I like that if and when Md/DC or Va has sports betting I will get the cash in my hand if I win. Kind of tired of doing it online. I want that shit in 7 11's like they have the lottery, or Keno in Md. You can go right across the border in San Diego and there are betting parlors in TJ. But even that is a pain driving down there and crossing the border.
You can go right across the border in San Diego and there are betting parlors in TJ. But even that is a pain driving down there and crossing the border.
Stop by Hong Kong Club to ease the pain. :cheers