I haven't heard a better idea yet than the one proposed by Ross Tucker. He said let's have a moment of silence before the anthem where the player's causes will be acknowledged, the players are free to kneel, hold a fist in the air, whatever, then everyone stands for the anthem.
Giantone 07-20-2018, 09:39 AM I haven't heard a better idea yet than the one proposed by Ross Tucker. He said let's have a moment of silence before the anthem where the player's causes will be acknowledged, the players are free to kneel, hold a fist in the air, whatever, then everyone stands for the anthem.
Fine. I realize this is all for good cause and such but it's not all the same cause and I am just tired of all the BS.
Chico23231 07-20-2018, 09:40 AM I haven't heard a better idea yet than the one proposed by Ross Tucker. He said let's have a moment of silence before the anthem where the player's causes will be acknowledged, the players are free to kneel, hold a fist in the air, whatever, then everyone stands for the anthem.
I think this would be great
metalskins 07-20-2018, 01:10 PM I haven't heard a better idea yet than the one proposed by Ross Tucker. He said let's have a moment of silence before the anthem where the player's causes will be acknowledged, the players are free to kneel, hold a fist in the air, whatever, then everyone stands for the anthem.
I'm more than fine with that idea!
sdskinsfan2001 07-21-2018, 08:31 PM I'll agree that people can kneel during anthem, hell even burn a flag, if ESPN and other sports sites can no longer give a team by team breakdown every week of how many/what players did so.
Trump is rock hard over the anthem "issue" today of course
Such a joke. 2 players kneeled. 24 teams played. 90-man rosters. 2 out of 2,160 players. 0.09%. #StickToActualProblems
irish 08-10-2018, 04:01 PM Personally I don't think they should even play the anthem anymore. Its not played before a movie, concert, or Broadway show so why do it before a sports game. I am always fascinated at how people want to solemnize something as trivial as a sporting event.
irish 08-10-2018, 04:03 PM No , he was "blackballed" along time before that .
The 1985 USFL championship game was held at Giants Stadium, home of the New Jersey Generals, who were owned by future presidential candidate Donald Trump. And it was Trump's strategy for the league that is widely considered to have led to its demise.Jul 14, 2015
That's the premise of the 30 for 30 "Small Potatoes".
Chief X_Phackter 08-10-2018, 06:10 PM Funny, I haven't heard of any 'work' being done by these gentlemen on the issues they are protesting about in, oh about seven months. Are the issues they care about so much only worth bringing attention to during football season? If the issues are so near and dear to their hearts that they want to use the two minutes set aside to respect the flag, what the hell are they doing about it when it's not football season? Perhaps the fight persisted after the end of football season, but I haven't been in a hole the last seven months, and I haven't heard or seen anything about it from NFL players...until last night.
Funny, I haven't heard of any 'work' being done by these gentlemen on the issues they are protesting about in, oh about seven months. Are the issues they care about so much only worth bringing attention to during football season? If the issues are so near and dear to their hearts that they want to use the two minutes set aside to respect the flag, what the hell are they doing about it when it's not football season? Perhaps the fight persisted after the end of football season, but I haven't been in a hole the last seven months, and I haven't heard or seen anything about it from NFL players...until last night.
NFL players, reform advocates kick off campaign on social justice (http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/22849874/nfl-players-begin-legislative-advocacy-campaign-social-justice-issues-meet-lawmakers-community-officials)
NFL's Players Coalition members may be giving up protests, but activism, advocacy continue (https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/columnist/nancy-armour/2018/03/26/nfl-players-coalition-protests-activism-devin-mccourty-malcolm-jenkins/460074002/)
NFL Player’s Drive for Social Justice Takes Him to the Hill (https://www.rollcall.com/news/politics/nfl-safety-michael-thomas-heads-hill-internship)