05-27-2018, 09:26 AM
Simple solution.
Stop playing the national anthem before games!
Stop playing the national anthem before games!
NFL Anthem Policydavy 05-27-2018, 09:26 AM Simple solution. Stop playing the national anthem before games! mooby 05-27-2018, 12:03 PM Every major US sports league plays the anthem before games. Pretty dumb to ask them to stop. GridIron26 05-27-2018, 12:13 PM I disagree with this new policy.. It is pretty obvious the owners want to protect their profits and not experience Trump's wrath.. It is really sad how some people immediately twist Kaepernick and some players' purpose of kneeling from protesting about police brutality into disrespecting USA flag. NFL messed up with some events lately - concussion issues, cheerleader treatments, and this issue. This shows how weak NFL's corporate social responsibility strategy is.. davy 05-27-2018, 01:58 PM Every major US sports league plays the anthem before games. Pretty dumb to ask them to stop. I see what you did there. :D Defensewins 05-27-2018, 02:34 PM Hyporacy in full display. This is protected: http://cache2.asset-cache.net/gc/152898653-three-members-of-the-ku-klux-klan-hide-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=GkZZ8bf5zL1ZiijUmxa7QRik%2bgPTHR6x84w12szbKKzTmc TWHE6E2%2fSXSdTGE%2f6hrSDge8vClAPF%2fkn%2f1jHGHA%3 d%3d This was ok and unpunished at the Olympics: https://pickingatopic.weebly.com/uploads/8/3/1/2/83124784/berlin-olympics-405x248.jpg?420 But this WAS punished severely: https://images.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/insight/2016/08/07/the-forgotten-story-behind-the-black-power-photo-from-1968-olympics/salute.jpg.size-custom-crop.0x650.jpg Sad that those trying raise public awareness of social injustice are punished and their intentions are high jacked by political hacks that try and change the narrative. As a child I was falsely taught that what Juan Carlos and Tommie Smith did in the olympics was unpatriotic and wrong. Later I find out they were protesting and raising awareness of the beatings and killing of blacks during the civil rights movement,in the 60's. History later told the truth of what really was going on. The same will happen with Kapernick. OmahaRedskins 05-27-2018, 03:19 PM I do not like the policy. Just make them stand and show some respect. If they do not want to, suspend them for 4 games. They have every right to protest, and the employer has every right to tell them to get bent. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences. In this case, Kap is now out of work and has plenty of time to protest. Kope 05-27-2018, 04:19 PM I served over 20 years in combat arms units, been deployed alot. After seeing how people live and governments in alot of different countries across the world it reinforced the importance of the constitution and the bill of rights. I think it is flat wrong for sports to make a political stance. We have the right to say what we want. We have the right to assemble. We have the right to bear arms. We have the right to pursue happiness. I believe there are more appropriate methods of protest in this case and would prefer the picked a more appropriate symbol. But I believe much more strongly that the players absolutely have the right to protest so I support the players. The biggest problem this country has is the two major news networks citizens have access to make money by dividing people into red and blue, this and that. They make money by polarizing issues and demonizing opposing view points. It is not alot different than the yellow journalism of the Spanish American war....remember the Maine. Extremism in any form is bad. When I run across a person who is supports entirely red or blue agendas I find them to be intolerant, close minded and unable to think for themselves. Every person I voluntarily spend time with support views from both sides of the spectrum. The above two paragraphs are germane to the topic because this should not be an issue that requires a rule. The rules are in the constitution. This has been politicized by the media because it makes them money. MTK 05-27-2018, 04:42 PM Simple solution. Stop playing the national anthem before games! Yeah but all the true patriots would be even more butt hurt if that happened Just have the teams stay inside when it’s played CRedskinsRule 05-27-2018, 07:51 PM I still say have a period of social awareness before the anthem, where the players can bring issues and solutions up. Then have everyone on field for the anthem. If the point is to raise awareness let's use Americas strengths to overcome our weaknesses. punch it in 05-29-2018, 06:31 PM https://youtu.be/ls1YVhcLD2c Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro |
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