punch it in
06-07-2018, 05:50 PM
Why would I want to block you? So you can cowardly call me a racist behind my back? Oh hell no. I want to be able to see you have a melt down. I'm sitting here laughing about it. I know I'm not racist and people who know me know I'm not racist, so why would I care what some piece of shit on an internet forum thinks of me? I'm merely giving a devil's advocate take on this whole subject. I don't really have an emotional attachment like you obviously do. I just approach this through logical eyes. I can't help if you don't have the mental capacity to think outside of the box and have a normal conversation. And I see that the slap across the face comment got to you. Good, I'm glad it did. It shows me that you're looking for a fight, you're not looking for a solution - which means you're part of the problem. You're too busy looking for people to blame that you're too blinded to see that you have fingers pointed right back at yourself. But, go ahead and call people racist and accuse them of having white privilege. See how far that gets ya buddy.
You are a racist. That is why u bought up a black criminal when someone dared speak of white privilege. You are the worst kind of racist. Too dumb to even know u r one. Anyway im done with you. You aren’t worth the time I already wasted on your oblivious ass.
punch it in
06-07-2018, 05:53 PM
Could have been. But it wasn't in that case. Oh, and you never gave me a chance to tell the story about how a white gang also threatened me, but oh, I'm a racist white privileged male, so what does it matter?
Honestly i dont believe half the bullshit you spout. Standing with your hand on your heart at home alone. Now you conveniently were attacked by a white gang. I suppose if we take it over to the “name change” thread that u will have a story about when the apache’s attacked u?
Ok now im done with u.
06-07-2018, 05:57 PM
At the risk of being called out for playing the race card again I am going to politely disagree with your take on blacks and whites (for the most part) facing the same problems or having the same opportunities in this country. Im going to politely disagree in a really really bigly way.
You can use any card you want lol.
What's a bigger problem in the black community: Cops killing black people or black people killing black people? The answer isn't even close. What gets all the attention? Answer isn't even close. The problems do not get prioritized in order from most important to least.
And its the same for white community.
Should bad cops get a pass? Absolutely not. But that's a drop in the bucket to all of us killing each other.
I can go on and on but hopefully you get my point. There is not nearly enough attention put on self inflicted failure of opportunities as there is on what we can blame others for.
Gotta have your own house in order before anything else.
And this isn't to say there aren't things that need to be systematically improved, but getting our own selves right is way more of an issue and a cause of way more problems.
punch it in
06-07-2018, 06:07 PM
You can use any card you want lol.
What's a bigger problem in the black community: Cops killing black people or black people killing black people? The answer isn't even close. What gets all the attention? Answer isn't even close. The problems do not get prioritized in order from most important to least.
And its the same for white community.
Should bad cops get a pass? Absolutely not. But that's a drop in the bucket to all of us killing each other.
I can go on and on but hopefully you get my point. There is not nearly enough attention put on self inflicted failure of opportunities as there is on what we can blame others for.
Gotta have your own house in order before anything else.
And this isn't to say there aren't things that need to be systematically improved, but getting our own selves right is way more of an issue and a cause of way more problems.
Im not debating there are problems in any and all communities. I come from a rural white neighborhood and have plenty of fucked up friends. Lol. However the conditions and opportunities that exist in inner city black neighborhoods compared to the rural white neighborhoods is night and day man. It isn’t as easy for a black kid born in the “hood” to get himself right. Hoods are not just a fairytale. They are in every city and many towns all throughout our country. They are more the rule than the exception. They were segregated and kept there generations ago and i think u r underestimating how hard it is to escape those conditions. So kids grow up with those “bad” parents and turn into “bad” parents and the vicious cycle continues- and yes white people started it. Many do make the most of it and do the right thing, but not without facing struggles and challenges that “most” white people cannot even imagine. I have family who taught in Watts. They saw first hand what these kids are up against. It is way worse than you may imagine and way harder than you may think to escape from.
06-07-2018, 06:21 PM
Im not debating there are problems in any and all communities. I come from a rural white neighborhood and have plenty of fucked up friends. Lol. However the conditions and opportunities that exist in inner city black neighborhoods compared to the rural white neighborhoods is night and day man. It isn’t as easy for a black kid born in the “hood” to get himself right. Hoods are not just a fairytale. They are in every city and many towns all throughout our country. They are more the rule than the exception. They were segregated and kept there generations ago and i think u r underestimating how hard it is to escape those conditions. So kids grow up with those “bad” parents and turn into “bad” parents and the vicious cycle continues- and yes white people started it. Many do make the most of it and do the right thing, but not without facing struggles and challenges that “most” white people cannot even imagine. I have family who taught in Watts. They saw first hand what these kids are up against. It is way worse than you may imagine and way harder than you may think to escape from.
I agree that politicians fuck people in inner cities.
I think there is way more of a power privilege than anything else. And thats not just white people. There are plenty of people in said inner cities that have power that are not white that are lining their own pockets and not doing shit to improve things.
That being said, I just wish there was more focus overall on what people can do for themselves across the board.
I'll leave this thread as is. My $0.02 has been added.
punch it in
06-07-2018, 06:26 PM
I agree that politicians fuck people in inner cities. I just wish there was more focus overall on what people can do for themselves across the board.
I'll leave this thread as is. My $0.02 has been added.
Absolutely agree everyone has to help themselves. U r right though about that (the politicians , etc) - at some point you cannot do it on your own. We think we did- or do, but we are taking simple things for granted that help us down the road. Anyway Ill follow your lead. Im done too. Lol. Id say i donated more than 2 cents for sure.
06-07-2018, 06:37 PM
06-07-2018, 06:56 PM
I hereby move to have this thread sent to hell
06-08-2018, 06:44 AM
.........how about them CAPS?:)
06-08-2018, 10:39 AM
You are a racist. That is why u bought up a black criminal when someone dared speak of white privilege. You are the worst kind of racist. Too dumb to even know u r one. Anyway im done with you. You aren’t worth the time I already wasted on your oblivious ass.
LOL! You, truly, are the biggest idiot that has ever graced the internet. I, honestly, feel sorry for you. But, unfortunately, this is not the first time you've displayed such hatred and hostility toward people on this forum, and in the same exact manner. You're so blinded by your own hatred and racism that you have an inability to be reasoned with. I could sit here and list out several reasons why I am not racist, could bring in witnesses (all of my friends of color), could show you where I live, but honestly, I'd be wasting my time. Because, you've judged me before really knowing who I am, which is funny, because that is the one thing you complained about in a previous post when you said you'd love to be able to walk down the street without hearing car door locks. Yet, you think it's OK to judge someone as harshly as calling them racist, and not only that, but then to call me the "worst kind of racist". That is a pretty damning indictment that you have no basis of proof.
I knew when I mentioned that run in I had with the black gang, it would have the potential of some weak-minded joker like you to take it as if I was saying black people are criminals and white privilege doesn't exist. My hope was that there would be intelligent enough folk on this board with the intellect to really see what my point really was. And that is simply that there are black folk who, despite the wrongs they have faced and the situations they grew up in, they still make something of themselves, they focus on unity with all races, and they truly take the words of MLK jr literally. But, there are also black folk who are so blinded by hatred, and even white folk who grounded in white guilt, who can't let the past sins of racist people go, that they have it in their minds and hearts to terrorize and exterminate innocent white folk. And that group targeted me, through no fault of my own. And whenever I hear about someone belly-aching about white privilege, I think back to that situation. There was no privilege in me being white. In fact, it nearly got me killed.
And had you had some decency about you, you would have also heard me tell the story of being targeted by a white gang as well. But, by that point, your mind was too far gone down a rabbit hole of figuring out how badly you could insult me, that you were too closed minded to listen to anything else I had to say.
Finally, I never have denied white privilege exists. I merely wanted to know, what is white privilege? Because, I've seen, first hand, privilege only afford to black folk as well. So, I think there are some privileges with every race as well as struggles. I'm not going to split hairs on who struggles more. But I am also smart enough to know that a lot of these social issues are often magnified in the media for political reasons, while stories of multi-racial communities coming together for the good are often ignored, because those stories simply aren't as controversial as stories of tragedy. They are not ratings grabbers. It's like whenever we hear about planes crashing in the media. It's a horrible story, because it usually means lives are lost. But, the media will make it out to be as if plane travel is extremely dangerous and unsafe, while ignoring the fact that there are thousands of other flights that happen in that day that had absolutely no issues. Now, that isn't to say I don't believe there are issues with police brutality with minorities. But, I also believe the media loves a good controversy, and if it helps to push that medium's political agenda, they will run with the story. They love a divided country, because it's bigger business for them.
And as far as Kapernick goes, he has every right to protest the things he wants to protest. While I'd rather see everyone standing for the flag and the NA like I do, I am glad I live in a country that gives people freedom to not stand without being punished. And THAT is where I think the NFL is getting this wrong, as well as President Trump. If you have to force someone to be patriotic, then you've already missed the point.
Too bad, you don't see the message I was really trying to send. But, you've displayed yourself as a pretty pathetic human being, and for that, I truly feel sorry for you.