05-31-2018, 01:19 PM
Chico apparently lives in utopia guys, nothing to see here, move along with your fake news problems, all is well with the world lol
I live in a world where a lawyer walks into store hears people speaking Spanish and defiantly states "you're in America, speak English." Fairly terrible person...obviously. This one moment is taken and shared in every form of media. Its talked about, commented on and bounced back and forth for about a week.
This single moment of stupidity shouldn't mean a thing, but is sensationalized and given power to by folks whose sole interest is for ratings, clicks, money, and ego. Everyone can see this guy is a moron. But then others take moment to say "this is just how it is." This guy action is somehow a norm....that in some twisted reality most people think like this. They take it and use it to breed a false narrative...that they use to sell and influence. That simply isn't right.
yes, we have some problems in the country...some pockets and even some institutions for sure. I think we are working towards solutions. Im happy about that progress.
But yes sheeple...people are blindly believing a lot of these false narratives...I just want to challenge people to really think about it and do you routinely see this?
05-31-2018, 01:21 PM
Dont take it personally that racism is a thing man. Nobody is calling you a racist. I don’t believe you are one. I do believe you are mighty naive if you don’t think there are people who sit around infuriated that other people do not look like them. I know several.
have I ever said it didn't exist? FFS
punch it in
05-31-2018, 01:24 PM
have I ever said it didn't exist? FFS
You said very clearly that you do not sit around infuriated by it. So either u were taking the comments extremely personally or you were making the scenario out to be some sort of farce.
punch it in
05-31-2018, 01:30 PM
I live in a world where a lawyer walks into store hears people speaking Spanish and defiantly states "you're in America, speak English." Fairly terrible person...obviously. This one moment is taken and shared in every form of media. Its talked about, commented on and bounced back and forth for about a week.
This single moment of stupidity shouldn't mean a thing, but is sensationalized and given power to by folks whose sole interest is for ratings, clicks, money, and ego. Everyone can see this guy is a moron. But then others take moment to say "this is just how it is." This guy action is somehow a norm....that in some twisted reality most people think like this. They take it and use it to breed a false narrative...that they use to sell and influence. That simply isn't right.
yes, we have some problems in the country...some pockets and even some institutions for sure. I think we are working towards solutions. Im happy about that progress.
But yes sheeple...people are blindly believing a lot of these false narratives...I just want to challenge people to really think about it and do you routinely see this?
Please for the love of God stop down playing xenophobia and racism. Any story on any news network is for ratings Chico. Not just the so called liberal media. That is their job. How you process that news or what you do about it is up to you. You choose to call it meaningless and over hyped. I choose to take solace in the fact that that piece of shit ruined his own life in a matter of minutes because it was broadcast for weeks. Good. Maybe others will think before they open their racist pie holes and spread more hate into the world.
Edit: just for the record the lawyer also said he pays all their welfare which is funny because they were literally at work. Also he isn’t “fairly” terrible he is “completely “ terrible. Saying he is “fairly” terrible is very reminiscent of Drumpfs “ bad people on both sides” line.
05-31-2018, 01:46 PM
You said very clearly that you do not sit around infuriated by it. So either u were taking the comments extremely personally or you were making the scenario out to be some sort of farce.
what? You seem confused. But yeah any type of made up privilege based on race or ethnicity is a farce. People deal with the same problems all over this country and people can equally rise to the highest office of this country...neither are based any type of privilege but willingness to put that work in...and god bless them if they do.
punch it in
05-31-2018, 01:48 PM
what? You seem confused. But yeah any type of made up privilege based on race or ethnicity is a farce. People deal with the same problems all over this country and people can equally rise to the highest office of this country...neither are based any type of privilege but willingness to put that work in...and god bless them if they do.
Um....i am definitely not the confused one. Anyway I admire your obliviousness. In a way I am actually jealous.
05-31-2018, 01:52 PM
Please for the love of God stop down playing xenophobia and racism. Any story on any news network is for ratings Chico. Not just the so called liberal media. That is their job. How you process that news or what you do about it is up to you. You choose to call it meaningless and over hyped. I choose to take solace in the fact that that piece of shit ruined his own life in a matter of minutes because it was broadcast for weeks. Good. Maybe others will think before they open their racist pie holes and spread more hate into the world.
The best response is the one video, he was laughed at. I think that summed it up.
But yeah man, get on that horse Don Quixote the windmills are everywhere
punch it in
05-31-2018, 02:00 PM
The best response is the one video, he was laughed at. I think that summed it up.
But yeah man, get on that horse Don Quixote the windmills are everywhere
Yup and you keep musing at that funny little racism thing. The one you really aren’t sure exists except in tiny little pockets in galaxies far far away. [emoji849]
05-31-2018, 02:04 PM
I had no idea being held at gun point and my life threatened by a black gang for nothing more than sport was white privilege. Who knew?
punch it in
05-31-2018, 02:17 PM
I had no idea being held at gun point and my life threatened by a black gang for nothing more than sport was white privilege. Who knew?
Nobody said all black people were good and all white people were privileged. Nice try though. Oh, and ill let you in on a little secret - people of all colors commit crimes. We are referring to the decent whites, asians, blacks, etc etc. There are assholes that come in every color.
Edit: just for the record I was in a similar situation, but I choose to look at the big picture.