mredskins 02-01-2018, 12:45 PM Geez SF and the Browns have over 100K of cap space for 2018. Holy cow!
off topic i know, but just shocked.
It's probably early, but looking forward to the cap breakdown you do Schneed.
With all that money they could probably bring in Rex Grossman.
WillH 02-01-2018, 12:50 PM Ultimately, Cousins wasn't impressed with the operation. He just wanted to play somewhere else. The only time he was ever open to resigning was after the 2015 season, but I can't say I blame McC and Allen for wanting to see more before committing.
After that point, Cousins was never again interested in negotiating a long term deal with us. Everything he said in interviews was lip service. Actions speak louder than words, and he never countered a single offer the Redskins made. That tells you all you need to know.
He. Didn't. Want. To. Be. A. Redskin.
Just say goodbye and move on.I agree with all of this, and I still have a lot of conflicting emotions and frustrations about the whole situation.
On one hand, I am so fucking disappointed in Kirk. He had the talent to make this a really good franchise if he wanted to build something here, but ultimately he chose himself. I don't even mean that in a judgmental way, it's just a reality, and it's incredibly fucking disappointing as a fan. He was supposed to be the hero, the Phoenix that rose from the ashes of the RG3 cataclysm. Instead, for whatever reason, he couldn't stick it out and try to make this organization better; he instead kind of went on autopilot and focused on his own development and hurt the team while he waited it out. And in the meantime, instead of requesting a trade last year or making it clear he didn't want to be here, he played us all for a year making us think the FO didn't make a reasonable starting offer, only to say it want true after the season, (apparently off the record he said that at some point after the initial offer the Redskins were supposed to send an updated offer, but they sent him the same offer again). Either way, he didn't try to stay and make things work here and he ate up a ton of salary cap for two years and padded his stats (hyperbole perhaps) so he could get paid. I guess God told him last year, this isn't the right place, but get what you can out of them on your way out, Jesus loves capitalists. Maybe it was the right decision for him and his career, but as a fan, it's kind of a slap in the face. Good luck with the next coaching staff and FO, maybe everything will be just right for you so that you can have a peace, and then maybe your ass can step up and win when it counts. But I hope you don't. I really really hope you don't. Whatever team you're on next year is instantly right under the Cowboys for me.
On the other hand, what is it that drove this kid away? Is it a personality or philosophy mismatch? Organizational incompetence? Dysfunctional culture? I don't think it was just money or disagreement about what he's worth, it could be I guess, but there seems to be more to it than that.
I hope there is some inward reflection on that at Redskins Park. I wish they'd have an exit interview and try to at least consider his perspective on why it failed. I don't see them doing this, and it seems like arrogance to me. It's what you do if you think your employee was the problem and good riddance. IMO, even if it's just a bad fit or they are disruptive, it is better to understand why it happened. It's good data to know. The reports that they haven't spoken are concerning for a number of reasons, but I don't necessarily believe it. If it's true though, then it ain't just about philosophy. If it was just business, then you'd have to imagine they have him in before they part ways. We'll see...
Oh, and Alex Smith, I hope you like us buddy. We're a difficult fan base and media market, we're emotional and skeptical. Our FO can be insufferable, and the head coach is tough on QBs, but dude you got paid, this is your last shot at building a winner. I hope you can just put all the noise aside, embrace this franchise with all its flaws, and put your whole heart and soul into making the Redskins great again. We're just off of a bad breakup though, so give us time, but if you bring us success, you will be loved here, especially if you help also groom the future. Even if you never get past the second round of the playoffs, we will always love you if you leave a dynasty in your wake. HTTR.
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Sometimes shit just doesn’t work out. That’s life.
CRedskinsRule 02-01-2018, 01:04 PM With all that money they could probably bring in Rex Grossman.
LOL 100Million
mredskins 02-01-2018, 01:11 PM Something shit just doesn’t work out. That’s life.
Like this post. =)
metalskins 02-01-2018, 01:16 PM Whoops typo
Made sense to me, lol!
rickmmrr 02-01-2018, 02:10 PM I agree with all of this, and I still have a lot of conflicting emotions and frustrations about the whole situation.
On one hand, I am so fucking disappointed in Kirk. He had the talent to make this a really good franchise if he wanted to build something here, but ultimately he chose himself. I don't even mean that in a judgmental way, it's just a reality, and it's incredibly fucking disappointing as a fan. He was supposed to be the hero, the Phoenix that rose from the ashes of the RG3 cataclysm. Instead, for whatever reason, he couldn't stick it out and try to make this organization better; he instead kind of went on autopilot and focused on his own development and hurt the team while he waited it out. And in the meantime, instead of requesting a trade last year or making it clear he didn't want to be here, he played us all for a year making us think the FO didn't make a reasonable starting offer, only to say it want true after the season, (apparently off the record he said that at some point after the initial offer the Redskins were supposed to send an updated offer, but they sent him the same offer again). Either way, he didn't try to stay and make things work here and he ate up a ton of salary cap for two years and padded his stats (hyperbole perhaps) so he could get paid. I guess God told him last year, this isn't the right place, but get what you can out of them on your way out, Jesus loves capitalists. Maybe it was the right decision for him and his career, but as a fan, it's kind of a slap in the face. Good luck with the next coaching staff and FO, maybe everything will be just right for you so that you can have a peace, and then maybe your ass can step up and win when it counts. But I hope you don't. I really really hope you don't. Whatever team you're on next year is instantly right under the Cowboys for me.
On the other hand, what is it that drove this kid away? Is it a personality or philosophy mismatch? Organizational incompetence? Dysfunctional culture? I don't think it was just money or disagreement about what he's worth, it could be I guess, but there seems to be more to it than that.
I hope there is some inward reflection on that at Redskins Park. I wish they'd have an exit interview and try to at least consider his perspective on why it failed. I don't see them doing this, and it seems like arrogance to me. It's what you do if you think your employee was the problem and good riddance. IMO, even if it's just a bad fit or they are disruptive, it is better to understand why it happened. It's good data to know. The reports that they haven't spoken are concerning for a number of reasons, but I don't necessarily believe it. If it's true though, then it ain't just about philosophy. If it was just business, then you'd have to imagine they have him in before they part ways. We'll see...
Oh, and Alex Smith, I hope you like us buddy. We're a difficult fan base and media market, we're emotional and skeptical. Our FO can be insufferable, and the head coach is tough on QBs, but dude you got paid, this is your last shot at building a winner. I hope you can just put all the noise aside, embrace this franchise with all its flaws, and put your whole heart and soul into making the Redskins great again. We're just off of a bad breakup though, so give us time, but if you bring us success, you will be loved here, especially if you help also groom the future. Even if you never get past the second round of the playoffs, we will always love you if you leave a dynasty in your wake. HTTR.
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That's some funny shit. For some people when you add God to their life it makes them a better person for others it makes them kind of quirky and for a rare few it makes them batshit crazy.
WillH 02-01-2018, 02:15 PM Alex Smith: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW5qT4HIAd1ZekhyvmA4m-yqSkQfHoWNz
On to Alex, this is worth a watch. Insight on who he is.
I really liked Kirks approach in the media at first, but ultimately got sick of his playing coy and caring too much about the noise, but his persona was very professional and calm. In these interviews, Smith reminds me of Cousins a lot in his demeanour which I like, and he's got a little more Fuck It to him as he says. There seems to be more maturity there IMO.
On a side note, he talks snit his best friend committing suicide. Maybe they need to get Luke Falk in to learn behind him. Luke lost his friend and fellow QB by suicide, that could be such a strong bond that will take the awkwardness out of the situation and must've they could build something special. Also, I like Falk, but he probably needs 2-3 yrs to develop into a viable option. Really could be a perfect situation.
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sandtrapjack 02-01-2018, 02:15 PM Can I throw out a different (slightly) take on this.
How many Skins fans remember letting Brad Johnson go at age 32, then he went to Tampa Bay and at age 34, won the Superbowl.
I am not guaranteeing AS will win a SB with us, but I think we have the opportunity to be on the right side of that type of transaction this time, and with the rules that protect QB's we have every reason to expect that AS can play for most if not all of his extension.
Sure. Just give him a defense that was a dominant as Kiffens 'Tampa 2' that season.