03-13-2017, 09:32 PM
By the way, I've said this many times but it bears repeating. You don't choose your team, your team chooses you. If you think it's possible to give up on the Redskins and root for another team, then you were never a fan in the first place.
03-13-2017, 09:34 PM
Time to move on imo. this shit sandwich does taste familiar but all we can do is ride it out. Like others have said, focus on keeping cousins, hiring a competent gm, tie up loose ends in free agency and the draft.
03-13-2017, 09:38 PM
The drinking was never in question with me. The question was, did it affect his job to the point where he had to be let go? I don't believe so, but we'll never know. I guess we just differ on where our patience with the team is. Mine is running thin. To borrow a phrase from a coworker, "there is no hope for me." I'm just not willing to fall in line with the tune again. This was as close as I've seen the Redskins being a competent franchise in all my years, and it shouldn't be a shocker that they screwed that up too. I guess I'm the sucker for believing things had changed.
Yeah I ain't going anywhere, and yeah I might get excited just as I do every year when football season starts up. But long term, I just don't have faith anymore. Especially if his replacement is someone who doesn't have success and experience in the field of talent evaluation (I'm looking at Doug Williams on this one.)
03-13-2017, 09:41 PM
I'm really hoping we bring someone from the outside in as gm.
03-13-2017, 10:29 PM
I enjoyed the Redskins years ago more because I did not know all the things behind the scene so to speak..the 24-7 365 days of the NFL channel and the onslaught of Redskin media not missing any detail actually takes away from the experience. I remember when the Washington post or Washington Star and Ken Beatrice On radio was all you got had 3 channels to choose from CBS,NBC and ABC monday night football !! Jack Kent Cooke was like a mystery man and the players never said much to was way more simple then and in many ways more fun to be a fan..I really don't care to know what type of person Dan Snyder is because if I don't like him it hurts the fan side of me..Whats funny is how hard core some people are about there feelings towards Owner(s) and yet if team wins all is forgotten..that to me is selfish in and of itself. Winning cures all I guess. Truth is I like coming to these sites and really like this forum but sometimes it seems like everybody hates the very thing they claim to love..For me I will let Snyder run his team however and I am gonna pull for the Team and try to ignore all the behind the scene crap that can ruin it for me.
03-13-2017, 10:57 PM
And when the draft arrives and delivers you a side of 10 draft picks, you'll eat it up.
I think you're correct here. I'm pretty frustrated but I know come September I'll be organising my weekends around this GD team like always.
03-13-2017, 11:02 PM
The team handled it about as poorly as can be, but in the end there was never going to be anything other than a messy end to it?
Is there any circumstance where we would have accepted Scot leaving as anything other than the team fucking it up in some manner?
I 100% think they could have handled this in a way as to not be and appear as both
1. Incompetent boobs and
2. Craven jackasses
That doesn't mean they wouldn't have taken well deserved lumps but in this particular case their behaviour is, as has been said, indefensible. Not sure I've ever felt like that before.
03-13-2017, 11:21 PM
I'm really hoping we bring someone from the outside in as gm.
Bring back Charley Casserly, I know DS fired him but that's his best option.
03-13-2017, 11:25 PM
Here comes Sally who's never been a fan of Danny:
03-13-2017, 11:38 PM
By the way, I've said this many times but it bears repeating. You don't choose your team, your team chooses you. If you think it's possible to give up on the Redskins and root for another team, then you were never a fan in the first place.
How so? People can change teams easily. I mean a person can divorce his or her spouse if things get ugly, why can't a person do the same with a team? I mean a team is just an amusement vehicle if you will. Very few people have that strong of an emotional attachment to a team unless you don't have much of a personal life or have some real life connection with the team. If said team is no longer fun or amusing to watch after a certain period of time anybody can get tired of it and move on. If it isn't all that anymore, why hang around? You make this out to be a helluva lot more than what it really is, and that is entertainment. What value do you get out of the Redskins or any other sports team you watch? Win or lose it doesn't really affect your bottom line or your life, so what is the value of it all? It is just entertainment, and not that great I might add. It is no different if you don't like a TV show anymore, you quit watching it. The crap that just went down was moronic, but par for the course with Snyder, who seems to want constant chaos to keep the masses amused and the franchise in the news. It is a tactic made famous by celebrities over the last decade and a half. Any news is good news, whether it is good or bad, you are in the news. Thing is the tactic has run its course and is rather dull anymore, thus the reason many are really thinking about saying screw it. Also Snyder doesn't want to hire people that want to have some say in personnel matters, so how can this team really advance as long as he is the owner. More and more people are realizing that and are just getting bored with it all. It is like watching a bad rerun. Einstein said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result and the more this merry go round keeps going in circles, more and more people are starting to take the red pill. It is getting old and it really isn't all that anymore. Sort of like a dying romance if you will.