OMG! These two photos taken only about a year apart from each other. That kind of puts things in perspective a bit.
Yeah, that's not a guy just having a few pops on the weekend.
03-09-2017, 12:31 PM
Glad we've moved to pictures in judging who is and who isnt an alcoholic. The scientific way
Sorry but the first Pic(then) looks photo shopped.Had an uncle same coloration on the face ,wasn't drinking but dangerous Blood pressure problems.
03-09-2017, 12:33 PM
Does being an alcoholic make your face purple? I get drunk probably too often, never looked like a human plum before.
Absolutely, as well as the "puffy" face. What is your definition of getting drunk too often?
03-09-2017, 12:37 PM
Absolutely, as well as the "puffy" face. What is your definition of getting drunk too often?
1-2 times a week. More of a weekend warrior.
03-09-2017, 12:39 PM
This thread name should be changed to: Did SM Fall Off The Wagon???
It doesn't take a genius to see that something is going on based on those pictures. Doesn't look like a Twinkie problem to me.
03-09-2017, 12:41 PM
He's not with the team due to drinking folks. Cooley knows more than we all do.
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03-09-2017, 12:42 PM
Sorry but the first Pic(then) looks photo shopped.Had an uncle same coloration on the face ,wasn't drinking but dangerous Blood pressure problems.
Well, in all fairness, the first picture was taken indoors with different lighting. The second taken outdoors out in the cold. I know that when I'm out in the cold, my nose and cheeks will turn pink. That being said, there is a definitely big difference in the puffiness of his whole face.
Again, stress of the job, maybe before he allowed himself time to go to the gym, drink more water, and eat a bit healthier. Working with an NFL team, it's a high pressure situation, so he could be eating a lot more, having less time to exercise.
But, still, those two pictures taken just a year a part. Whether the case, he doesn't look very healthy in the second picture.
And I thought Patriots fans were idiots when they tried to raise money to pay Brady's fine...
Redskins Fans Plan ‘March on Ashburn’ to Protest Allen, Redskins « CBS DC (
Definitely beyond dumb. It's football folks. Much bigger problems in the world than your favorite team.