03-06-2017, 03:38 PM
Immediate future? Probably Doug Williams or Larry Michael ;)
I don't know much about Doug as a talent evaluator. Is this nepotism or is he seriously good at it (that you can tell)?
Alvin Walton
03-06-2017, 03:50 PM
What a disaster! Complete and utter, disaster. When you make the Vinny Cerrato years look like the glory years, then you know you have a mess on your hands.
No way is this worse than the Vinny years, not even close.
That went on forever, this is just one off season.
03-06-2017, 03:57 PM
What will make me crazy is if we start seeing tons more people coming in from TB. That's one thing I noticed a lot with Allen (and to a lesser extent with Gruden), LOTS of the old boys club shit.
03-06-2017, 03:58 PM
Yeah most likely. Probably the only way he stays is if he just really wants to be part of an NFL team so badly he'll stay on the payroll at a minimized role. But it has not been good for a while. And the funeral excuse was a piss poor one
Well this is just the latest shit sandwich I've had to eat today. At least we know the Skins are back to normal again.
03-06-2017, 04:11 PM
The power struggle with McC vs Bruce......and that McC is gone after the draft?
Seems to me that Gruden and SM are at odds as well. I remember that comment when the season was over, basically Gruden said that we need to do better in the first round cause "one was hurt and one was a guard." I mean did Gruden realize that Brandon S. is a legit starter and is a really good player?? Just a stupid ass comment by Gruden and a direct shot at SM.
03-06-2017, 04:19 PM
Seems to me that Gruden and SM are at odds as well. I remember that comment when the season was over, basically Gruden said that we need to do better in the first round cause "one was hurt and one was a guard." I mean did Gruden realize that Brandon S. is a legit starter and is a really good player?? Just a stupid ass comment by Gruden and a direct shot at SM.
Brandon S. is a good player -- but with a terrible DL and Leonard Williams sitting there - not really a great pick. Leonard Williams is one of PFF's top graded DEs. Brandon S is a good player, but good guards can be found later.
I wonder how much of the power struggle is actually Gruden vs McC.
And if McC's drinking has anything to do with this well, he only has himself to blame.
03-06-2017, 04:36 PM
I wonder how much of the power struggle is actually Gruden vs McC.
And if McC's drinking has anything to do with this well, he only has himself to blame.
I just don't understand how you miss the combine. It doesn't make sense.
03-06-2017, 04:37 PM
Fire Bruce Allen now!! What a stupid shithead!!
03-06-2017, 04:48 PM
I thought Gruden and McCloughan got along?