05-20-2016, 12:52 PM
There's no way the name would change without the logo also changing.
Breaking News on team nameMTK 05-20-2016, 12:52 PM There's no way the name would change without the logo also changing. TheMalcolmConnection 05-20-2016, 02:31 PM For me there are a handful of important arguments against keeping the name: 1) The vast, VAST majority of Native Americans either don't mind it or would be OFFENDED if it was changed. The one "study" that said some 75% of a tribe in California was offended ended up being some kind of propaganda to tweak the numbers for argument. Numerous surveys of thousands of Native Americans say otherwise. 2) Just how many people need to be offended for something to change? 1? 1000? The other part of this argument that just straight pisses me off are the people who suddenly are fighting for the cause. A bunch of Caucasian reporters suddenly care because it makes them feel better about themselves? Yay for you. 3) I typically would identify as liberal, but this is when political correctness is getting a little insane. If the name changes, how far does this go? MTK 05-20-2016, 04:02 PM Schneed10 05-20-2016, 10:09 PM This was well written and well thought out. Kudos for level headed thinking and reconsidering one's own views in light of fresh information. Bangee7 05-20-2016, 11:56 PM See, all we have to do is conduct the poll after we win a division! But seriously, I have always thought of the name with reverence and pride. I personally have never used it or meant it in a derogatory sense. So for a few PC apologists to come by after 45 years of fandom to tell me it's now a forbidden word.... they can BITE ME. if they really want a battle, how about they go clean up the language in some rap about offensive!!! HAIL to the REDSKINS - Long may it ring! KI Skins Fan 05-21-2016, 07:46 AM IF, the name ever must change (which would be ridiculous), they ought to just change it to a specific tribe name or something, that way logo and everything can stay the same. There's too much risk in a big change because I'm sure you would have a good portion of fans check out because they'd be upset. Wrong! Nobody is checking out because of a name change. KI Skins Fan 05-21-2016, 07:48 AM If the team is ever forced to drop the name Redskins, I favor the idea proposed here that the team simply go with Washington and no nickname because, well, **** the extremist PC bastards. The PC crowd are a bunch of hypocrites anyway. They do not respect all people and avoid offending them. In fact, they use language to denigrate huge segments of the people. For example, white men: They call women "Women". They call minority men "Men". They call minority women "Women of Color". They call white men "white males". So, they use the word "males" to set white men apart from their brothers and sisters as if white men were another, lesser species. I say that because we all use the term "male" when referring to other species. All males of our species were called "men" until radical feminist propagandists came along and started using the term "white male" to alienate and denigrate white men. Today, I hear many young white men referring to themselves as "white males". They have been brainwashed into putting themselves down and they don't even realize it. Yet I'm offended by the term, so I'd like the hypocritical liberal press to either stop using it or to STFU about the nickname "Redskins". skinsnut 05-21-2016, 01:10 PM This was well written and well thought out. Kudos for level headed thinking and reconsidering one's own views in light of fresh information. It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong....especially when you first make a big public stance on it. I have always had a very high opinion of Native American's and in a way, wish I could have experienced that way of life prior to Europeans...I am 50 and have been a Redskins fan all my life. In my youth, we would play cowboys and indians. On TV, the cowboys were good and the indians were bad...but on the playground, in the DC area, we all fought over who got to be the indians. Redskins team positive influence? of course! We all love the Redskins name...but more importantly, what it a represents the innocent, the misunderstood, the mistreated....and as a kid we could all relate to that. We wanted the underdog to win! Think of Clark Kent, misunderstood with those who thought we was a little guy and reality, he was Superman. There are also religious characters that give us the same lesson. So....when you are disrespected and put down, you need to understand you are much greater than what the world says of you. I love the concept of supporting a people that were mistreated, honorable and somewhat forgotten. Someone's got to do it for them. They deserve HIGH HONOR! Hail to the Redskins! and Hail to our original True Americans!! You deserve better than we've given you for the last 500 years! I honestly think we should honor different tribes at all halftime shows....unfortunately, cynics would see this as "selling-out" or Snyder "buying' loyalty. But, we should really teach our children what has happened and educate our fan base to give high honor. Also, please note, the indian on the helmet is essentially the same as on the US govt issued buffalo nickle at the time the redskins name was created...there was nothing but honor associated to that....and "red"skins was selected (after braves) primarily since it was now associated to the boston "red"socks playing in the same made a ton of sense and had double meaning...and perhaps saved a ton of branding money to not have to change colors for the 2 teams. No one really knows the full detail, and I may have a couple items wrong...but knowing the history certainly helps. JPPT1974 05-21-2016, 07:34 PM Yeah as really need to be creative over the name should it changed. TheMalcolmConnection 05-21-2016, 11:24 PM Great article. Still unsure why he won't use the name (did he explain?)... |
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