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rocnrik 12-23-2015, 11:09 PM I have a friend who is a midget who is upset with a team named the giants..true story..he is trying to get a petition up! also didn't cowboys kill native americans ..seems like the native americans are after the wrong team! Also there are atheist who don't like a team called the SAINTS! And how many people did pirates and buccaneers and vikings kill back in the day?? point is somebody will always be offended. heck I am offended by washington the city (politics)..not the Redskin name.
kingj 12-24-2015, 12:13 AM I have a friend who is a midget who is upset with a team named the giants..true story..he is trying to get a petition up! also didn't cowboys kill native americans ..seems like the native americans are after the wrong team! Also there are atheist who don't like a team called the SAINTS! And how many people did pirates and buccaneers and vikings kill back in the day?? point is somebody will always be offended. heck I am offended by washington the city (politics)..not the Redskin name.
WillH 12-24-2015, 12:16 AM I have a friend who is a midget who is upset with a team named the giants..true story..he is trying to get a petition up! also didn't cowboys kill native americans ..seems like the native americans are after the wrong team! Also there are atheist who don't like a team called the SAINTS! And how many people did pirates and buccaneers and vikings kill back in the day?? point is somebody will always be offended. heck I am offended by washington the city (politics)..not the Redskin name.
Yeah I hear ya, but I'm still on the lets just change the name side of the fence. (Also, I'd be surprised if your friend referred to himself as a midget. Little person, person with dwarfism. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but it is an outdated term)
That said, this game is fun:
Buffalo Bills - we nearly hunted the species into extinction, how can we exploit a species that humans have caused to be endangered threatened etc. Hell they're another native group that should be offended.
Bengals- see Buffalo Bills (not native to America though)
Bears- see Buffalo Bills
Broncos - glorifying the human eploitation of animals as property and forced labor.
Colts - see Broncos
Cowboys- see Broncos
Dolphins - see Buffalo Bills
Eagles - see Buffalo Bills
Falcons- see Buffalo Bills
Jaguars - see Buffalo Bills
Lions - see Bengals
Panthers- see Buffalo Bills
Rams - see Broncos
Seahawks - see Buffalo Bills, but also, ahem, I think you mean Osprey.
Seriously where the hell is PETA? WTF?
Titans - same as the Giants argument.
49ers - glorifying the exploitation of blue collar hard working Americans. Might as well name a team the Sweatshop workers.
Steelers- see 49ers
Chargers- named after credit cards, I am personally offended learning this. They are glorifying American materialism, and the exploitation of the American people by the banking industry and the cycle of debt that enslaves us.
Browns - Now that is a PC name. Just name your team after the color of the uniform. It is perfectly neutral. We could be the Burgandy and Gold. Done. All team names will be their colors.
HailGreen28 12-25-2015, 03:12 PM First all I was responding to it (the name) that it's not considered a slur.Second if you go back you will see I am on the side of Dan Snyder but feel that change will come so beat them to the punch.As Rushskins has said go with the R on the helmet and just call them the Skins or Washington ,you seem to ignore the facts so I won't get into the ignorance argument . I will say that no I'm not trolling just making a comment on a posting of a forum I happen to go on. Opinions happen.And yet you continually miss the point that most people, including most NAs, don't consider "redskins" a slur. Especially in current usage (the football team).
And again, we have been though this before, with you claiming it was racist, and even trying to claim evidence that didn't even use the actual word in a racist way. And I called you on it then.
Instead you continue display your ignorance, whether it's genuine or trolling on your part. Ignorance is apparently an opinion too, so thank you for displaying it as a Giants fan, I actually appreciate that as a Redskins fan. :)
First all I was responding to it (the name) that it's not considered a slur.Second if you go back you will see I am on the side of Dan Snyder but feel that change will come so beat them to the punch.As Rushskins has said go with the R on the helmet and just call them the Skins or Washington ,you seem to ignore the facts so I won't get into the ignorance argument . I will say that no I'm not trolling just making a comment on a posting of a forum I happen to go on. Opinions happen.
Actually "Skin" or "Skins" is a term used by Indians (for one another) when making the reference in a positive way........on the down low
Giantone 12-25-2015, 08:19 PM And yet you continually miss the point that most people, including most NAs, don't consider "redskins" a slur. Especially in current usage (the football team).
And again, we have been though this before, with you claiming it was racist, and even trying to claim evidence that didn't even use the actual word in a racist way. And I called you on it then.
Instead you continue display your ignorance, whether it's genuine or trolling on your part. Ignorance is apparently an opinion too, so thank you for displaying it as a Giants fan, I actually appreciate that as a Redskins fan. :)
What is ignorant is not understand the other side of the argument.You say there is none so anyone who tries to explain it to you is in your words"ignorant"I feel sorry for you .As I have said before for this to be coming out now or even two years ago is HS and I actually back DS on this issue .Now for you to say the most NA's feel like you do or the word was never a racial slur is not correct believe me or don't it makes no difference to me all I'm doing is voicing my opinion in a forum. You say you called me on it and I threw it back at you .It's called an honest debate.
'Redskins' Is Officially a Dictionary-Defined Racial Slur—in All Cases - ICTMN.com (http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/07/02/redskins-officially-dictionary-defined-racial-slur-all-cases-155614)
This one says pretty much what you and I both say!
Is 'Redskins' a racial slur? Blackfeet weigh in (http://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/news/local/2014/11/17/redskins-racial-slur-blackfeet-weigh/19206641/)
and another...........
When Slang Becomes a Slur - The Atlantic (http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/06/a-linguist-on-why-redskin-is-racist-patent-overturned/373198/)
and last for now.
Washington Redskins trademark ruling: 8 ways 'Redskin' is a slur - POLITICO (http://www.politico.com/story/2014/06/washington-redskins-trademark-ruling-108025)
Merry Christmas and Best of luck Sat!
Schneed10 12-25-2015, 10:20 PM Some of these posts are really fucking stupid. I can't believe some of these are done by adults, I feel like most of them are from college kids who think meat is murder and don't know shit.
What is ignorant is not understand the other side of the argument.You say there is none so anyone who tries to explain it to you is in your words"ignorant"I feel sorry for you .As I have said before for this to be coming out now or even two years ago is HS and I actually back DS on this issue .Now for you to say the most NA's feel like you do or the word was never a racial slur is not correct believe me or don't it makes no difference to me all I'm doing is voicing my opinion in a forum. You say you called me on it and I threw it back at you .It's called an honest debate.
'Redskins' Is Officially a Dictionary-Defined Racial Slur—in All Cases - ICTMN.com (http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/07/02/redskins-officially-dictionary-defined-racial-slur-all-cases-155614)
This one says pretty much what you and I both say!
Is 'Redskins' a racial slur? Blackfeet weigh in (http://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/news/local/2014/11/17/redskins-racial-slur-blackfeet-weigh/19206641/)
and another...........
When Slang Becomes a Slur - The Atlantic (http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/06/a-linguist-on-why-redskin-is-racist-patent-overturned/373198/)
and last for now.
Washington Redskins trademark ruling: 8 ways 'Redskin' is a slur - POLITICO (http://www.politico.com/story/2014/06/washington-redskins-trademark-ruling-108025)
Merry Christmas and Best of luck Sat!
Did you read your Blackfoot article? It is largely Pro-Redskin. If that is your position, you have done well. If yours is "slur" you may want to read the piece.......
CRedskinsRule 12-25-2015, 10:56 PM ...
Browns - Now that is a PC name. Just name your team after the color of the uniform. It is perfectly neutral. We could be the Burgandy and Gold. Done. All team names will be their colors.
Aren't you afraid of offending those who are color blind?
Sent from my S6 Edge
Paintrain 12-26-2015, 07:35 AM The name change thing is just media fodder until the FCC deems Redskins a racial slur and threatens to fine broadcast networks for its use on their airwaves.
Money talks and if the NFL's TV contracts are at peril that will force the league's hand to make the team change the name.
Until and unless that happens, nothing to see here.