11-25-2015, 04:55 PM
The bad news - we have one and maybe two games in London next year.
The good news - they would both be road games.
And no I haven't given up on 2015 yet... :)
Redskins to play a game — and possibly two — in London next October (
Hmmm.. i have some friends on that side of the pond.... interesting...
And no, i dont like it. Especially not 2 .... though it would garuntee national coverage for me in my market... nah, im fine with hitting the bar on sundays
I kind of like it. Listening to 980 in DC they brought some interesting points. It means "the league" is not to worried about the Skins name issues to put us out there before the world. I like the noteriety.....could do without the distraction to the team of travel....etc
Be cool for the European fans on the WP.....
Bruce Allen: "We'll Get the UK Fans Singing HTTR"
THAT would be pretty cool......
11-27-2015, 09:31 PM
How man people from thewarpath are planning on going?
Hmmm, I've always wanted to go to London. This might be a time to seriously think about it.
11-28-2015, 05:05 PM
I voted thumbs down but then realized that they're both road games, so huge thumbs up. 8 at home, 7 (or six) on road, 1 (or 2) on a neutral field. Have to love that.
11-28-2015, 05:06 PM
Also playing in the early AM here, thumbs up to that. I'm an early bird.
11-28-2015, 07:14 PM
We can't win away from Fedex, and you want to send us to Europe???
Overall, I don't really care either way.