KC had a great second half today and certainly did a great job of "shouldering" the team to lead it to a giant comeback victory today. We have all seen the Good Kirk before, but the challenge has been that he could easily come back next game as.............Dark Kirk with a few int's and no yards...etc.
Just say...........NO to Dark Kirk!
10-25-2015, 08:12 PM
Beautiful win today...give a ton of credit to cousins, played great, but Jordan Reed was out of his mind-best game of his career. Jordan Reed won every match up-very Gronk-like dominanting performance.
punch it in
10-25-2015, 08:14 PM
Can we stop with it was the Bucs? Its the NFL not NCAA. The Falcons beat the Titans 10-7. Every week there are close games that shouldnt be close. Every week teams lose to teams they shouldnt lose to. Every week. Besides until we win consistently we are the Bucs.
10-25-2015, 08:16 PM
Yeah I concur here. I also don't think Kirk should have screamed "you like that!!" Postgame to media. Its great he showed emotion but now if he has a subpar game where he costs the team next couple of weeks that will be played over and over and he will be mocked/bashed even more.
It's great team got comeback win but prove that's not a blip and just because it's the inept bucs.
F them and good for KC. So tired of these clowns in the media crying like 5 year olds.
I also think he has proven that he can bring us back and lead the offense down the field for game winning drives.
Chief X_Phackter
10-25-2015, 08:16 PM
I'll eat some Cousins crow. Dude recovered in the 2nd half. Pretty amazing show. Props to Gruden for FINALLY making 2nd half adjustments.
Now if only we could put our 1st half performances (prior to this game) with our 2nd half performance (this game) and we could be at LEAST an average team at this point.
Lol, that's funny...if we had a second half like that in the previous five games, at this point we would be 6-0... 'lil better than average...
10-25-2015, 08:34 PM
F them and good for KC. So tired of these clowns in the media crying like 5 year olds.
I also think he has proven that he can bring us back and lead the offense down the field for game winning drives.
So true, they are quick to criticize and refuse to eat a little crow. Then they whine like little bitches when they get call out but will be un relentless in trying to invoke any type of controversy. Fuck the media, that act like they can't be accountable. Lotta fans aren't dumb
10-25-2015, 08:52 PM
Lol, that's funny...if we had a second half like that in the previous five games, at this point we would be 6-0... 'lil better than average...
I try to temper my expectations :silly: I'm just happy I saw more Good Kirk than Bad Kirk today.
Alvin Walton
10-25-2015, 09:10 PM
I want to see this Kirk Cousins every week:
Wheres the like button?
10-25-2015, 09:11 PM
Great freaking win. Like someone else said, old Skins lose that game. The, "You like that?!" I loved and it also made me LOL a little. Glad to see the fire, but he has such a baby-face I had to laugh a little bit.
Can we stop with it was the Bucs? Its the NFL not NCAA. The Falcons beat the Titans 10-7. Every week there are close games that shouldnt be close. Every week teams lose to teams they shouldnt lose to. Every week. Besides until we win consistently we are the Bucs.
Agreed. A win should be celebrated, especially when you rally from 24 down. The negativity from some just amazes me.