That Guy 09-04-2015, 11:39 PM If you had said Griffin has a higher sack rate then Cousins, (which you didn't) I would have agreed and like I told you already that would be very, very old news.
Lol, how are you gonna quantify Griffin getting hit more? Do you personally chart individual QB hits? Lol. So your 'he got hit more' is not a fact its an opinion.
Lol, oh but you were really referring to Kirk, which you didn't type but i should know but it doesn't fit my narrative? Lol, dude have some accountability for what you type.
This is pretty much what I predicted:
either you're being purposefully obtuse or you need things spelled out.
griffin has issues and we shouldn't be making excuses in his 4th year after seeing what we've seen. that's the point. the hits/sacks/injuries are a symptom of his lack of pocket presence, and used as an example, which you've gone off on a tirade/tangent about, but that's just deflecting from the main point, which you either missed completely or chose to ignore.
why would i be referring to colt when he's not the one starting? and by the way, his sack rate was still lower, so you're still wrong even if you want to go with that convenient colt/bob comparison. if you think 15% difference is "basically the same" i'd love to sell you my car for 15% over what it's actually worth. and congrats on predicting that i'd call you out on trying to make a strawman by using the worst possible comparison and still being wrong. do you want a cookie?
JoeRedskin 09-04-2015, 11:50 PM He 's being purposely obtuse. If you spell things out, he'll just tell you "oh, that's the wrong word so it doesn't matter how you spell it."
and people accuse me of being long winded.
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30gut 09-05-2015, 12:37 AM either you're being purposefully obtuse or you need things spelled out
seriously.Lol, seriously......obtuse. Yeah, that's it. When all else fails get personal huh? Sweet.
Your posts are rhetorical questions that are psuedo responses with no attempt made at addressing the actual posts to which you respond. You say/type one thing then lol start whining that you really meant this other thing that I should know. C'mon really who does that.
And for the final time the point you were trying to make (after many shifts/switches/swaps) is patently obvious and has been stated by others, myself included in far more detail with far more accuracy. News flash Kirk has a lower sack rate then Griffin.
Your 'that guy', lol.
Now that you finally finished your profound revaltion are you gonna respond to anything else in my post?
Proly not huh?
Cheers, you're the best...lol...'that guy'
He 's being purposely obtuse. If you spell things out, he'll just tell you "oh, that's the wrong word so it doesn't matter how you spell it."
and people accuse me of being long winded.
Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
...only in a most respectful way
JoeRedskin 09-05-2015, 01:01 AM lol
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That Guy 09-05-2015, 03:37 AM i'm sorry it took me spelling it out 3 different times for you to agree to what has been blatantly obvious to everyone else. I responded to your passive apologizing towards RGIII, i'm sorry that hurts you personally. my only real point (yet again) is that it's time for RGIII to be accountable (ie put up or shut up, the sack %s etc is just evidence in support of that, which you still continue to mistake as the main point for some reason). again, i'm sorry you missed that and felt the need to drag this thread down with tangential deflection and your passive agreesive crap.
there is no revelation, there is nothing profound, the goal posts never moved. again, it's always been a message about accountability and nothing else. you're really making this a much bigger deal than it actually is.
even now you're trying to minimize, well congrats bro.
That Guy 09-05-2015, 03:44 AM He 's being purposely obtuse. If you spell things out, he'll just tell you "oh, that's the wrong word so it doesn't matter how you spell it."
and people accuse me of being long winded.
Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
Kindoy 09-05-2015, 03:51 AM Doh! lol .. I said riley seemed invisible so far this preseason. I owe you an apology Mr. Riley.
I'd consider Riley being "invisible" a positive.
I seemed to notice him all the time last year... getting beat in coverage...
30gut 09-06-2015, 09:17 AM ...I responded to your passive apologizing towards RGIII, i'm sorry that hurts you personally.Suuuure. But we'll get back to this. ;)
my only real point (yet again) is that it's time for RGIII to be accountable (ie put up or shut up, the sack %s etc is just evidence in support of that, which you still continue to mistake as the main point for some reason). again, i'm sorry you missed that and felt the need to drag this thread down with tangential deflection and your passive agreesive crap.I'm sorry you have such great struggles making and sticking to your point and chose to ramble around with rhetorical questions before shifting, swapping and swerving to a point which still had nothing to do with the post you responded to.
30gut 09-06-2015, 10:06 AM I responded to your passive apologizing towards RGIII,If Kirk was playing as short a stint as Griffin vs the Lions he would have been 3-5 with 1 INT and 1 Fumbles snap.
Kirk took a helacious hit against a blitz on a pass that was broken up which luckily wasn't picked off and almost got Grant sent to the hospital. If it was Griffin throwing that pass he would have crucified, that would have been used in the referendum rhetoric.
Kirk and 1st unit offense didn't cross the 50 yard line til 6 minutes left in the 2nd qtr.
And the 2 minute drill TD drive was against the Ravens 2nd unit defense.
But it was good to see the offense get going eventually.I hope moving forward people on this forum are able to discuss QB play with an objective eye.
Kirk Cousins started off 3-5 with 1 INT and 1 fumbled snap.
I am sorry if that makes you so defensive that instead of discussing it you felt the need to respond to Kirk's performance by launching into some rhetorical defensive ramble about your view of Griffin.
The 1st unit offense didn't cross the field until 6 minutes left in the 2nd qtr. Kirk's TD in the 2 minute drill came against the Ravens 2nd unit.
Kirk also took a monster hit on a blitz and threw a bad ball to Grant that was almost picked off.
That is how Kirk started the Raven's preseason game. Those are facts.
Thankfully the offense did get going after a slow start and Kirk finished the game looking sharp.
Kirk was playing with Trent Williams at LT instead of Willie Smith (now off the team) and Kirk was going against a lesser defense in the Ravens then the Lions and had the benefit of game planning which many teams do in the 3rd preseason game (and Kirk acknowledged leading into the game). Again the above are facts.
Coming up is the part I'm sure set you off.
Imo Kirk's start against the Ravens was bad, comparable if not worse then Griffin's stint vs the Lions. If you consider that whatever you called passive apologizing? (creative label I must admit) Then so be it. By I don't back down from that view. The beginning of Kirk's Ravens game was just as bad if not worse then Griffin vs the Lions.
Moving forward I hope we can talk objectively about what happens on the field. I know you have your Griffin hang-ups and have issues with his off the field drama. But you don't need to inject it everywhere all the time. Its tiresome. If you don't want to discuss Kirk's play in that game or any of the other observations that's fine too. But you don't need my post to launch off into an anti-Griffin diatribe.
Now I'm gonna on a tangent here to attempt to help you avoid some of your assumptions about my position on Griffin.
I'm gonna repeat something that I've said many times before: Kirk runs Jay's offense better then Griffin. (save this post for your reference ;))
I have known and have been saying that since last year. However; when it counts on 3rd downs and snaps that take longer then 2.5s the gap isn't nearly as large as people would expect considering Kirk's experience in J's style of offense:
3rd + 6
Kirk 13/26--50% comp--4.4 YPA---1 INT--0 rushing--4 sacks--2 fumbles lost--------------46.2 QB rating
Rob 18/34--53% comp--7.5 YPA---3 INT--6 rushes--6.2 YPA---9 sacks--2 fumbles lost--40.6 QB rating
They didn't have conversions made.
3rd - 6
Kirk 16/26--62% comp--6.1 YPA--2 INT-3 rushes-2.0 YPA--0 sacks---46.6 QB rating
Rob 13/19--68% comp--6.6 YPA--1 TD-5 rushes-3.0 YPA--0 sacks---104.3 QB rating
2.6 seconds or more (via PFF):
% of throws over 2.6/Attempts.....................Comp%................ ......Sacks........................QB rating
Rob........................51%/92 atts............................53%............... .......26.............................66
Colt........................49%/54 atts............................67%............... .......15...........................106
Kirk.........................40%/78 atts...........................49%................ ........6..............................62
Now, despite the 3rd downs numbers there are skills required to be in rhythm based passing offense that Kirk is better at. I came to the conclusion last year that since Jay wasn't going to cater the offense and appeared to lack faith, desire and patience to continue grooming Griffin in his offense I thought it made more sense to trade Griffin at the end of the season/beginning of the offseason then to repeat a failed process. So again I am well aware, probably more acutely then you, of Griffin's short comings in this offense.
Cheers all the same,