KI Skins Fan
08-22-2015, 11:12 AM
The Redskins did not want RG3 to talk to the moran media. They used the concussion as a way to get him off the hook. That was a smart move. RG3 has to learn that the media is not his friend and are only looking to sell stories.
You are so right! The media types are a bunch of maroons.
KI Skins Fan
08-22-2015, 11:18 AM
Someone is telling Gruden to start Griffin but I don't think it's Snyder.
No, to be crystal clear, Snyder is just the one who is telling the one who is telling Gruden to start Griffin to tell Gruden to start Griffin.
08-22-2015, 11:19 AM
Kurt Warner diagnoses why Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III is struggling - NFL Videos (
I thought this was a fair assessment
Buffalo Bob
08-22-2015, 11:21 AM
Think about what you heard SM state to the media before t-camp. Robert has to much raw talent and.........potential (not to mention investment) to kick him to the curb unless they know for sure he cannot get it done.
It is painful to watch, but this is part of the process. He has mostly not looked good but nobody could accurately judge him based on the crappy protection he is getting.....
A lot of times it seems he drops back to point X and stands there, he is less evasive in the pocket than Brady or Manning. An ability to side step, or step back or up when feeling the rush would buy him more time and he wouldn't take as many hits. Plenty of QBs make plays when the pocket breaks down.
08-22-2015, 12:18 PM
A lot of times it seems he drops back to point X and stands there, he is less evasive in the pocket than Brady or Manning. An ability to side step, or step back or up when feeling the rush would buy him more time and he wouldn't take as many hits. Plenty of QBs make plays when the pocket breaks down.
Exactly! Perfectly said! [emoji106]
Even KC and Colt are more mobile than RG3 in that respect. When Colt and KC were in the game on Thursday, both dodged the rush better then RG3 did.
As you mentioned, at times, RG3 drops back, and then stands there like a statue as he 'goes through he progressions'.
At least Colt and KC move around in the pocket.
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The thing about Dan Snyder is that no matter how ridiculous the conspiracy theories about him are the truth is often even more absurd. After he sued a broke elderly widow who couldn't afford to pay for tickets, sold fans stale peanuts he bought from a bankrupt airline, forced fans to turn their T-shirts inside out or be ejected from the stadium, closed down a church parking lot, and many other ridiculous things, his mandating that RGIII will be the starter is very easy for me to believe.
I hear you but you don't think some or most of these things are.....dramatized, if not manufactured? I have not even heard of most of that.
Let's face it, it has become fun for all to bash DS....
AND, as MK has eluded, I can totally see SM getting Gruden to play the kid. Have no problem with it. We NEED to know if he can get it done and if not, move on. No matter some of the things that have been written, we are in rebuild mode, and have to have some of these Q's answered. I hate losing, but for now it is more important to correctly evaluate what we have and build for the future...........
A lot of times it seems he drops back to point X and stands there, he is less evasive in the pocket than Brady or Manning. An ability to side step, or step back or up when feeling the rush would buy him more time and he wouldn't take as many hits. Plenty of QBs make plays when the pocket breaks down.
I naturally see that to. He needs to...............slide.........somewhere to NOT take those hits!!!
punch it in
08-22-2015, 01:05 PM
Someone is telling Gruden to start Griffin but I don't think it's Snyder.
Opposing defenses?
KI Skins Fan
08-22-2015, 01:08 PM
I hear you but you don't think some or most of these things are.....dramatized, if not manufactured? I have not even heard of most of that.
No, these are facts. Perhaps Snyder wasn't personally involved in some of them but that's the type of business he runs. A local newspaper ran an article listing many of these types of things and Danny sued the author and the paper but later dropped the law suit.
This is from the above mentioned article, The Cranky Redskins Fan's Guide to Dan Snyder: "During the 2006 season, vendors offered shelled nuts in royal blue and white 5 oz. bags adorned with the Independence Air logo. Problem: The airline had gone under about a year earlier. The supplier told Washington City Paper that it stopped shipping the airline’s nuts 'before Independence Air went out of business'. A spokesman for the Peanut Council told City Paper that to prevent rancidity, the recommended shelf life of a foil bag of out-of-shell peanuts was 'about three months'."
So you're saying DS purchased out of date peanuts, expressly for the purpose of:
A) Poison the fanbase?
B) Insult Jimmy carter (come on, let's see what you got)?
C) Saving a few bucks on a classically good Mr. Peanut deal?
D) he dun F...d up?
WTF.....I would have thought they have a half-life of like 200 years