If I recall correctly, Schroeder put up some decent numbers but never had quite the same camraderie with his teammates that DW had. They seemed to rally more around Doug Williams
Good point, I remember the team had Doug Williams t-shirts made up that said "Touch of Class"
05-10-2005, 10:37 AM
Good point, I remember the team had Doug Williams t-shirts made up that said "Touch of Class"
Yeah the whole team wore the shirt... except the center who's shirt read "Touch my *ss". Boy it sucks to be the center.:)
I played center in high school, it definitely takes a while to get used to having someone's hands in that area, in fact I don't think you ever get used to it, you just black it out, LOL
05-10-2005, 11:08 AM
"Leave your body Matty, leave your body..."
05-10-2005, 11:50 AM
I played center in high school, it definitely takes a while to get used to having someone's hands in that area, in fact I don't think you ever get used to it, you just black it out, LOL
Thank God I was a defensive back! LOL
05-10-2005, 12:56 PM
Yeah, I'd hate to play anywhere on o-line. I liked defense a lot better.
Actually I played both ways, played DE too.
OL was more fun than you would think. You had the advantage of knowing where the play was going, who you needed to block, etc., where on D you had to read and react.
05-10-2005, 01:03 PM
The coaches would sometimes put me in as defensive end, probably because I was slow...lol!!! But...at 125 pounds (back then - a long long time ago) I was probably built more for safety positions.
05-10-2005, 11:23 PM
well actually i remember one game against the giants we were losing 19 to nothing at the half gibbs switched to willimas and we won 21 - 19 after that he left doug in as starter he had been switching between schroeder and doug for a few weeks before he gave doug the job going into the playoffs if i remember correctly.
I think your thinking of the game right after Christmas against the Vikings in Minnesota. You're right about the score though. Doug came in and sparked a great comeback aided by an interception return for about 100 yards by Barry Wilburn and a deep strike to Ricky Sanders.
05-11-2005, 01:31 AM
man if i had a cowboys fan living next to me, i would go nuts. it bothers me some though, cuz i know like three cowboys fans at school, and they never let me live down the regular season. like if they throw something at me, and i accidently drop it, they say "only a redskins fan would do that". someday the redskins will enact my revenge on the cowboys.