05-10-2005, 11:55 AM
The Post is there to report the news good or bad. The redskins are there to promote themselves and anything they say will only be in their own best interests.
If the skins had the pats record over the past 4 years I doubt the folks at redskins park would be so touchy about negative news.
I've said it before and I'll say it again; the redskins are so heavily mortgaged against the goodwill of the fans & the community that they better do something soon or this goodwill will evaporate and so will the $.
05-12-2005, 02:30 AM
If the Post had taken your advice about how to behave back in the 1970s, Watergate would never have been a big deal. They weren't nice to the President at the time so they could continue to get interviews; they went out and found out what the news was and reported it. That is what newspapers are supposed to do. That's what made Woodward and Bernstein famous. Until then, they were a pair of low-level hacks covering the Metro beat and hoping to find a scoop on something about the local transit system. YAWN !!!
Richard Nixon tried to cut off the Post's sources and he even put some of the Post folks on his "enemies list". You see where that got him, right? I don't know if Danny Boy was old enough in 1972 to appreciate what they did then and what they can still do today if the opportunity presents itself.
Neither side in this mess is acting particularly professionally but there is an old adage that Danny Boy really ought to consider:
Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel and paper by the boxcar-full.
05-12-2005, 10:52 PM
If the Post had taken your advice about how to behave back in the 1970s, Watergate would never have been a big deal. They weren't nice to the President at the time so they could continue to get interviews; they went out and found out what the news was and reported it. That is what newspapers are supposed to do. That's what made Woodward and Bernstein famous. Until then, they were a pair of low-level hacks covering the Metro beat and hoping to find a scoop on something about the local transit system. YAWN !!!
Neither side in this mess is acting particularly professionally but there is an old adage that Danny Boy really ought to consider:
Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel and paper by the boxcar-full.
But today's media is different than in the 70's there's no longer REAL journalism it's more like sensationalism because with the internet and all the news available online newspapers today are in a fight for their lives, subscriptions keep going down and they fudge the facts and bend the truth, or create a controversey to sell papers...........
05-12-2005, 11:27 PM
That is precisely what the Nixon Administration and the Nixon apologists accused the Post - - and the NY Times too - - of doing back in the 1970s. The Internet has changed the technology and the breadth of news and views available to everyone, but people who do not like what papers write about them still use the same rejoinders...