wolfeskins 05-07-2005, 08:28 PM i personaly don't have a problem with them posting negative news but it's obviouse that snyder and gibbs do. the wash. post is shooting itself in the foot, they should have had the "i'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" mentality with snyder.
dblanch66 05-07-2005, 08:28 PM Plus, the Post is always a step late on breaking news. Where were they when Gibbs was coming back as coach? I read that on CBS Sportsline and the post was so out of touch they even refuted that it was true. With the exception of the occasional Wilbon, Kornheiser columns, the rest of it is crotch rot.
BrudLee 05-08-2005, 08:15 AM The problem with the Post's coverage is the same problem with most journalism - it's gotten sloppy. News stories are far too speculative. I love the columns, for the most part though.
That Guy 05-08-2005, 12:40 PM redskins.com has been a worthless site for a long long time, its good that its finally going to be a useful place to learn about what's happening with the team. Just remember that the team owns the site, sso its not news, its propaganda... I doubt it'll ever post dissenting views, but thats what this place is for... right?
...and ade jimoh is a gauranteed hall of famer. I bet he only gives up 3 total passes this year... that's tough to beat.
monk81 05-08-2005, 07:38 PM There is balance that's needed in everything.......I don't want to read sickening sweet "everything is wonderful" homer type reporting where you need an insulin shot to read the stuff. I do want an HONEST assessment and reporting, but no exaggerating, or negative reports just because you hate Snyder.....that's not journalism..........
jdlea 05-08-2005, 08:02 PM So the Skins are pissed because the Post reports the news. They Snyder got pissed when the Post ran the story that Coles was unhappy. Was it not true? It was the news, was it not? Isn't the newspaper's job? And they got pissed when they ran the LaVar story. OMG. The news. Okay, they were wrong to run with the Gibbs thing, however, I don't think he'll coach 5 years, so...whatever.
Anyway...how can you side with the Redskins? They're going to bring us the "unfiltered" news. So, obviously, if they were mad about the LaVar and Coles news being run, they wouldn't have run it. That doesn't seem filtered at all. This is all just a ploy to distract us from the fact that they are looking to work out Freddie Mitchell.
56FAN 05-09-2005, 10:21 AM the post is trash,self righteos judges the lot of them.i've been a subscriber for too many years and that's about to stop, it's not just sports , it's everything. they are very negative.i always get the feeling they are gloating over every misstep or problem the redskins have.yea i want trueth, but not from one who seems to enjoy the problems of others. the redskins have become just another slice of beef to them.nobody messures up to their standards,not even them
firstdown 05-09-2005, 01:31 PM The problem the Skins (Gibbs & Danny) have is that they are probing into our dailey running of a team. They probably made the Coles situation worse and embarrassed Laver and the Skins in that situation. The Skins are like most of us they do not want air their dirty laundry in public. The Post was doing what they were supposed to do as journalist in uncovering stories. Now the Skins want to be that source for information and may be more inclined to post the storie first. I think that is a smart move to be proactive than to be reactive to a situation that may arise in the future kind of not making it news when the post runs the story.
SkinsRock 05-09-2005, 03:02 PM If something is news, report it, whether it is negative or positive. The problem is that the Post has gotten into a habit of creating negative stories out of speculation (Gibbs retiring early), or reporting stories that both sides don't want made public just yet (the Coles fiasco...both the Skins and Coles's agent were not happy about that getting out when it did). An opinion column is one thing, but to try to make news, or "get the scoop" before all the info is confirmed is just wrong. I side with the Redskins on this and love all the new video and other enhancements on Redskins.com.
At least we all now know why Gibbs has been doing so many press conferences, and why they hired Larry Michael.
FRPLG 05-10-2005, 09:07 AM I can't say I'll ever consider skins.com a "real" news source considering it has at least a perceived conflict of interest. Just about anything I read on there seems fluffy and lacking. I don't think they use it to spread disinformation(except maybe around draft time but that is forgiveable) but it is not really very forthcoming with news. As for the post; I have no problem with them doing real reporting and not bowing to the skins on stories but unfortunately they're skins coverage has suffered greatly since Nunyo took the reigns on coverage. I actually believe he is just executing his marching orders to be more agressive with the skins since apparently the post editors felt Maske had gotten too cozy but I think they have started sacrificing honest, truthful and vetted reporting in the name of bombastic and entertaining reporting. The whole issue with Coles is obviously the best example. I honestly believe he'd still be a skin had the post not gotten involved before it had the story straight. Now the team and the fans suffer because they reported a story knowing only half the details.