over the mountain
07-14-2015, 12:58 PM
https://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2014/10/22/Local/Images/redskins121414014014.jpg?uuid=EzcwIFo0EeSdbHVqIp2L GA
In Arizona, a Navajo high school emerges as a defender of the Washington Redskins - The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/in-arizona-a-navajo-high-school-emerges-as-a-defender-of-the-washington-redskins/2014/10/26/dcfc773a-592b-11e4-8264-deed989ae9a2_story.html)
In the article there is a photo of a water fountain covered up with a sign saying "do not drink" bc the water is contaminated.
the DS is missing any opportunity to get a lot of goodwill by actually helping the reservations with their very real issues. Offering a couple hundred free tickets to a skins v cardinals game in AZ so they can counter protest other NA's protesting the name is see through.
if anything comes of this ... just help the people that need help. lets do a food and toy drive every single home game and you get a voucher for a free hot dog or something .. or a shirt showing support for NA .. we are talking pennies on the dollar here.
I got some lightly worn suits and baby clothes I could donate. old but good lap top ... . play stations ... coloring books ..... we should be doing this on our own as a fan base.
07-14-2015, 07:33 PM
ESPN 980 - WASHINGTON D.C. (http://espn980.com/blogs/chris.php)
Chris Russell summing up his 6 years of covering the team. God you talk about depressing...I just pray we will never go through a period like that again.
07-15-2015, 10:24 AM
ESPN 980 - WASHINGTON D.C. (http://espn980.com/blogs/chris.php)
Chris Russell summing up his 6 years of covering the team. God you talk about depressing...I just pray we will never go through a period like that again.
WOW...Reading that just reminds me that we're basically Oakland east. SM is really the ONLY hope we have when it comes to picking players. Allen and Snyder have long proven they're not capable and incompetent in that department.
over the mountain
07-15-2015, 10:57 AM
ESPN 980 - WASHINGTON D.C. (http://espn980.com/blogs/chris.php)
Chris Russell summing up his 6 years of covering the team. God you talk about depressing...I just pray we will never go through a period like that again.
I LOATHE chris russell. he is the biggest "i told you so" douche bag there is imo.
the tipping point was when d jax sat out a preseason game in his first year with us for something benign like a sore hammy.
He went on radio to say, his words almost exactly ... "I was the only one who didnt like the desean jackson signing. Let me tell you something, I am always right. I was right about this to. You dont pay a lot of money to speed guy bc when he gets injured and losses his speed, he has nothing. And they will get injured ...."
The "I always right" comment was soo grating. I think it is fair to say d jax did pretty well last year given the state of the skins offense. Did chris russell ever acknowledge he was wrong . . .
Now I play a game when it comes to chris russell .. i see how many times he pats himself on the back or play revisionist with him on the correct side of history.
in this article:
1 - "2011 brought a work stoppage in the NFL and a conservative approach (welcomed by me) to trying to win football games."
2 - "It was a bad idea then and it still remains a bad idea. Nobody wanted to listen to me and my lack of confidence in giving away all of those precious resources." - he does say he wouldnt have given up picks for luck either.
3 - "However, I already knew it was a sour situation and wasn't going to get significantly better, quickly." ... meh, not such a strong "im always right" comment but why interject yourself and your correctness in the first place?
..... not the worst from russell .. i feel kinda bad now.
07-15-2015, 11:36 AM
WOW...Reading that just reminds me that we're basically Oakland east. SM is really the ONLY hope we have when it comes to picking players. Allen and Snyder have long proven they're not capable and incompetent in that department.
agree. Bruce and Danny really kept screwing up everything even after cerrato was gone.
OTM agree too, Russell is a major league douche bag, but damn what a terrible stretch.
07-15-2015, 12:56 PM
What got me about Russell was he said he was going to quit his job if the Redskins signed Jackson. To me that was going overboard and he made it personal. But the thing is he never quit. lol.
Jackson isn't perfect, but he's never been in any trouble with the law, he's never hit a women or anything like that. Yeah he showboats but he also is and has been a pretty productive player. I'm not sure where his total disdain for Jackson came from.
07-15-2015, 02:45 PM
Chris Russell still loves jim Haslett.
http://www.prepsportswear.com/school/us/Arizona/Teec_Nos_Pos/Red-Mesa-High-School-Redskins.aspx?schoolid=74096https://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2014/10/22/Local/Images/redskins121414014014.jpg?uuid=EzcwIFo0EeSdbHVqIp2L GA
In Arizona, a Navajo high school emerges as a defender of the Washington Redskins - The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/in-arizona-a-navajo-high-school-emerges-as-a-defender-of-the-washington-redskins/2014/10/26/dcfc773a-592b-11e4-8264-deed989ae9a2_story.html)
In the article there is a photo of a water fountain covered up with a sign saying "do not drink" bc the water is contaminated.
the DS is missing any opportunity to get a lot of goodwill by actually helping the reservations with their very real issues. Offering a couple hundred free tickets to a skins v cardinals game in AZ so they can counter protest other NA's protesting the name is see through.
if anything comes of this ... just help the people that need help. lets do a food and toy drive every single home game and you get a voucher for a free hot dog or something .. or a shirt showing support for NA .. we are talking pennies on the dollar here.
I got some lightly worn suits and baby clothes I could donate. old but good lap top ... . play stations ... coloring books ..... we should be doing this on our own as a fan base.
Red Mesa High School Redskins Apparel Store | Prep Sportswear (http://www.prepsportswear.com/school/us/Arizona/Teec_Nos_Pos/Red-Mesa-High-School-Redskins.aspx?schoolid=74096)
07-17-2015, 08:58 AM
What got me about Russell was he said he was going to quit his job if the Redskins signed Jackson. To me that was going overboard and he made it personal. But the thing is he never quit. lol.
Jackson isn't perfect, but he's never been in any trouble with the law, he's never hit a women or anything like that. Yeah he showboats but he also is and has been a pretty productive player. I'm not sure where his total disdain for Jackson came from.
We know where it came from, the same place all other unnecessary disdain for a professional athlete that looks like DeSean Jackson
over the mountain
07-17-2015, 10:33 AM
Red Mesa High School Redskins Apparel Store | Prep Sportswear (http://www.prepsportswear.com/school/us/Arizona/Teec_Nos_Pos/Red-Mesa-High-School-Redskins.aspx?schoolid=74096)
really good thinking Hog but after combing the site, it doesnt look like the actual school would see a dime of the money.
"Prep SportswearŽ launched in 2003 as the flagship brand of Sportswear Inc., with over one million online school and team stores, Prep Sportswear is a direct to consumer e-commerce provider of print-on-demand, customizable apparel serving consumers, media properties, and school and collegiate athletic departments."