CRedskinsRule 07-11-2015, 09:15 PM I hear "Bullets" is available.......
Maybe we can use the Ravens and Baltimore could use Bullets. [emoji14]
Sent from my S6 Edge
It would seem more consistent with the city.....of late
Ruhskins 07-11-2015, 09:50 PM I still think Snyder should just have a team with no name, just call it Washington.
That Guy 07-12-2015, 01:42 AM Redskin | Define Redskin at Dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/redskin)
redskin: definition of redskin in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US) (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/redskin)
MW and oxford dictionaries both define it as racist/taboo/derogatory, for what it's worth.
and the only context is definitely not as an NFL team name. we're not the the washington borknoggers. again you may think it's silly and I'm not pushing for a name change, but it is what it is.
Redskins: The debate over the Washington football team's name incorrectly invokes history. (http://www.slate.com/blogs/lexicon_valley/2013/12/18/redskins_the_debate_over_the_washington_football_t eam_s_name_incorrectly.html)
In 2005, the Indian language scholar Ives Goddard of the Smithsonian Institution published a remarkable and consequential study of redskin's early history. His findings shifted the dates for the word's first appearance in print by more than a century and shed an awkward light on the contemporary debate. Goddard found, in summary, that "the actual origin of the word is entirely benign."
Redskin, he learned, had not emerged first in English or any European language. The English term, in fact, derived from Native American phrases involving the color red in combination with terms for flesh, skin, and man. These phrases were part of a racial vocabulary that Indians often used to designate themselves in opposition to others whom they (like the Europeans) called black, white, and so on.
But the language into which those terms for Indians were first translated was French. The tribes among whom the proto forms of redskin first appeared lived in the area of the upper Mississippi River called Illinois country. Their extensive contact with French-speaking colonists, before the French pulled out of North America, led to these phrases being translated, in the 1760s, more or less literally as peau-rouge and only then into English as redskin. It bears mentioning that many such translators were mixed-blood Indians.
Ives Goddard / Home Page (http://anthropology.si.edu/goddard/)
Worth spending a few minutes reading.......both
Has....actual educational worth rather than the media driven nonsense, and he addresses some of that.
HailGreen28 07-13-2015, 07:37 AM Redskins: The debate over the Washington football team's name incorrectly invokes history. (http://www.slate.com/blogs/lexicon_valley/2013/12/18/redskins_the_debate_over_the_washington_football_t eam_s_name_incorrectly.html)
In 2005, the Indian language scholar Ives Goddard of the Smithsonian Institution published a remarkable and consequential study of redskin's early history. His findings shifted the dates for the word's first appearance in print by more than a century and shed an awkward light on the contemporary debate. Goddard found, in summary, that "the actual origin of the word is entirely benign."
Redskin, he learned, had not emerged first in English or any European language. The English term, in fact, derived from Native American phrases involving the color red in combination with terms for flesh, skin, and man. These phrases were part of a racial vocabulary that Indians often used to designate themselves in opposition to others whom they (like the Europeans) called black, white, and so on.
But the language into which those terms for Indians were first translated was French. The tribes among whom the proto forms of redskin first appeared lived in the area of the upper Mississippi River called Illinois country. Their extensive contact with French-speaking colonists, before the French pulled out of North America, led to these phrases being translated, in the 1760s, more or less literally as peau-rouge and only then into English as redskin. It bears mentioning that many such translators were mixed-blood Indians.
Ives Goddard / Home Page (http://anthropology.si.edu/goddard/)
Worth spending a few minutes reading.......both
Has....actual educational worth rather than the media driven nonsense, and he addresses some of that.Yep. Good read. It's been around, and largely ignored in the debate, because it doesn't back the narrative of the name being "racist".
Giantone 07-13-2015, 08:21 AM Yep. Good read. It's been around, and largely ignored in the debate, because it doesn't back the narrative of the name being "racist".
.......and then you have things like this .
Update: Yes, A 'Redskin' Does, In Fact, Mean the Scalped Head of a Native American, Sold, Like a Pelt, for Cash (http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a29318/redskin-name-update/)
over the mountain 07-13-2015, 11:22 AM i really dont have much say either way in this debate. i see both sides points.
Has anyone ever been wearing redskins gear and had someone ask you about the name?
Wearing skins gear in the DMV is done without any second thought.
assume you are on a cross country road trip - would you have second thoughts about wearing skins gear in oklahoma or a reserve along the highway where they sell stuff?
i think i would take my hat off. which makes me kinda think if i wouldnt wear skins gear in front of a NA, why would i wear it period?
Im punting on the issue personally.
irish 07-13-2015, 11:23 AM I still think Snyder should just have a team with no name, just call it Washington.
I agree. Drop the name Redskins and call them Washington or Washington Football and keep the logo and uniforms the same.
i really dont have much say either way in this debate. i see both sides points.
Has anyone ever been wearing redskins gear and had someone ask you about the name?
Wearing skins gear in the DMV is done without any second thought.
assume you are on a cross country road trip - would you have second thoughts about wearing skins gear in oklahoma or a reserve along the highway where they sell stuff?
i think i would take my hat off. which makes me kinda think if i wouldnt wear skins gear in front of a NA, why would i wear it period?
Im punting on the issue personally.
The only feedback I've experienced personally is in support of the name.