05-05-2005, 04:59 PM
Not only that, I think the dictionary defines solider as:
1. One who serves in an army.
2. An enlisted person or a noncommissioned officer.
3. An active, loyal, or militant follower of an organization.
Soldja: a stupid meathead who can't seem to stop getting hurt. ;)
05-05-2005, 05:00 PM
If you want to go with the dictionary's definition, then we are all "solders" per se of the Washington Redskins.
05-05-2005, 05:00 PM
I do agree with you on the soldier comments except for one thing: I could LaVar saying the same thing and we would let it slide (I would not, but I feel the overwhelming majority would). He says stupid things, but I don't put him in the same category of assholes as TO or Randy Moss.
Actually I'd be shocked if LaVar said that considering his father lost both of his legs in the treads of a tank when he was in the military fighting a war. LaVar and his family know all too well what soldiers risk.
I understand your point, but I, for one, could never respect any player that makes the comparison. Redskin or not. If we trade for Winslow tomorrow, I won't change my tune a note.
I do agree, however, that the motorcycle accident alone isn't enough for the fans to turn their backs on him. If he was on my team, that much I would be willing to forgive. For me it's just a combination of all his stupidity, selfishness and ego that I can't stand.
05-05-2005, 05:07 PM
I know. I have a hard time understanding him too. I just try to give people a chance before completely throwing them to the wolves.
I tried so hard to give TO the benefit and he proved time and again what a real asshole he was.
05-05-2005, 05:19 PM
I know. I have a hard time understanding him too. I just try to give people a chance before completely throwing them to the wolves.
I tried so hard to give TO the benefit and he proved time and again what a real asshole he was.
Then you should learn from your mistakes and come to the dark side with me and join me in hating KW II. LOL. You don't want to give KW II the same chance to prove you wrong, do you?:D
05-05-2005, 05:21 PM
He's getting close. All he has to do is throw in a shot at his teammates and he's on my shit list. Not like that means a damn thing, but he WILL be on the list.:biggthump
05-05-2005, 05:22 PM
But does anyone think that teams will look at this and say that they need to start taking attitude and character as seriously as they do 40 times?
05-05-2005, 05:26 PM
I don't think we plan on that. Just discussions... We're not trying to change the world. :)
05-05-2005, 05:29 PM
Sorry I didnt mean this as in this forum I meant the recent news TO's holdout an dKW2's cycle thing.
05-05-2005, 05:46 PM
But does anyone think that teams will look at this and say that they need to start taking attitude and character as seriously as they do 40 times?
Honestly? I think the answer is some teams will, and some teams won't, but the teams that will were probably already inclined to do so before these events. I can see the TO and KW events as something the smart teams will point to and say: "see, that's why we take character into account more than 40 times".........But I'm not sure any one or two individual events will change teams' minds who haven't cared up to this point. That's not to say I don't wish it would change the thinking around the NFL, I'm just not sure either of these events are enough to wake up the teams that haven't cared about character up to this point (in other words, Al Davis isn't going to wake up tomorrow and say, "Oh my God, what was I thinking all these years").