Thanks for the link.
With this petty and vindictive behavior Bruce Allen once again makes himself, and our organization by extension, into a joke.
Bruce Allen should not be the Presidential face of our franchise.
Right, because if he wasn't around this stuff wouldn't happen. I'm sure he did this all on his own and Snyder had no clue or input.
03-17-2015, 04:24 PM
There are other shows on Snyder's network that criticize the Skins that are not getting shut down. Only the one hosted by a guy who called for Bruce's job is getting shut down.
Of course Bruce had to have Snyder's blessing - it's not Bruce's network after all. But this seems like a pretty cut-and-dried case of vindictively silencing critics to me.
03-17-2015, 04:30 PM
kinda sums it up
Report: Several NFL Teams Interested In Tim Tebow As Grounds Crew Worker | The Onion - America's Finest News Source (,33884/)
This is freaking hilarious.
In regards to pulling the Radio show, this looks like a total Snyder move. Im sure a couple of dumbass in the FO (Snyder's Dumbass Posse) came to him and said "hey did you know this" and DS pulled the plug. Im sure if this was known from the beginning it wouldnt have gotten this far...
03-17-2015, 04:32 PM
The NFL is nervous as hell about this Chris Borland retirement.
Pretty sure no one is losing any sleep ,the next super star will step up.This is not a new trend others have done it ,maybe not as prominent but done it never the less .
03-17-2015, 06:07 PM
This is freaking hilarious.
In regards to pulling the Radio show, this looks like a total Snyder move. Im sure a couple of dumbass in the FO (Snyder's Dumbass Posse) came to him and said "hey did you know this" and DS pulled the plug. Im sure if this was known from the beginning it wouldnt have gotten this far...
I bet Snyder and Allen knew about this much sooner than just a few days ago. It's not like Sapienza went behind their backs and tried to keep it secret... 980 publicly announced this thing a month ago.
03-17-2015, 06:53 PM
Thanks for the link.
With this petty and vindictive behavior Bruce Allen once again makes himself, and our organization by extension, into a joke.
Bruce Allen should not be the Presidential face of our franchise.
Reid is an A-1 ass as far as I'm concerned. Might be a great guy, but he has for way too long upheld the WashPost/SallyJ code of Redskins writing ethics. "All the hate fit to print". If this managed to get him out of the Post even partially, and let that paper get back to reporting for the fans not for their butthurt reporters, than bravo Bruce, Bravo.
Wasn't Reid the one tangling with players on Twitter this past season? Yeah kind of an asshole if you ask me.
03-17-2015, 11:21 PM
Reid is an A-1 ass as far as I'm concerned. Might be a great guy, but he has for way too long upheld the WashPost/SallyJ code of Redskins writing ethics. "All the hate fit to print". If this managed to get him out of the Post even partially, and let that paper get back to reporting for the fans not for their butthurt reporters, than bravo Bruce, Bravo.
I don't like Reid's column much because I think he is an ass. I'm not defending that part at all.
That does not mean that Reid deserves such vindictive retribution, though. What happened to Reid was deeply unfair. If every reporter who criticized a team lost their job like Reid did, ESPN and NFLN would have to shut down because there'd be no one left to report.
Bruce took the low road in a petty, immature, and brattish way. Team Presidents need to be better role models than taking the low road like that.
KI Skins Fan
03-17-2015, 11:25 PM
Right, because if he wasn't around this stuff wouldn't happen. I'm sure he did this all on his own and Snyder had no clue or input.
03-17-2015, 11:59 PM
Everybody should know that Dan Snyder is a first class douche bag who's also a petty, insincere brat with self-esteem issues. I like to call it the little man syndrome.
Go back to John Feinstein's account of running into Snyder in a restaurant and Danny boy lost his shit there because he couldn't stand the fact people criticize him.
FeinsteinOnTheBrink: Happy talk in Washington Post today, we'll see if things change; Dan Snyder story (
A few years later I was sitting in a restaurant in Potomac (Maryland) not far from where I live and also not far from where Snyder lives. I was with my ex-wife, sitting in the back when the restaurant manager came over looking a little flustered.
“John, Dan Snyder is in here having dinner,” he said.
I shrugged. “And?” I said.
“He saw you sitting here. He says he wants to buy you a bottle of wine.”
I really didn’t want to play this game but there was no choice. If I turned the wine down I’d look un-gracious. So, I said to the manager, “Tell Mr. Snyder thanks and I’d like to buy his table dessert.”
When we got up to leave, I stopped at the table. Snyder was with his wife and Bennett Zeier and his wife—Zeier was running his radio stations at the time although, like most Snyder employees, he left soon after.
“Dan, thanks for the wine,” I said, shaking hands. “That was very gracious of you. I asked Enzo to add your desserts to my tab.” I turned to Mary and said, “I don’t think you’ve met my wife…”
Snyder ignored Mary and said to me, “yeah, I really enjoyed buying wine for someone who has been s----- on me for seven years.”
“Hey Dan, if you’ve got any issues with me, I’d be happy to buy you lunch and discuss them. But I don’t think now is the time.”
“No, you wouldn’t would you? You don’t like it when the tables are turned do you?”
“What tables are turned? Look, here’s my number, call me anytime you want.” I grabbed some paper from my pocket and wrote down my phone numbers. Before I could hand Snyder the numbers, he had turned on Mary.
“How does your husband sleep at night, huh?” he sneered. “Doesn’t he have a conscience? How does he sleep?”
“Actually he sleeps fine,” Mary said.
At that moment, Zeier, clearly embarrassed, jumped in and asked me about a mutual friend of ours, Rob Ades. He introduced me to the two wives who were pretty much cowering under the table.
Snyder plowed through the pleasantries. “You have no RIGHT to criticize me,” he said, pointing a finger. “I don’t know who you think you are…”
I held up my hand. Enough was enough. “Dan, there are my numbers. Call me. We’ll discuss this in a non-social setting.”
“I don’t call the media,” he shouted. “Why don’t YOU call me?”
“Because Dan, I don’t have a problem. You do.”
I walked away with Snyder still shouting something at my back. At the front of the restaurant Enzo was waiting with a bottle of wine. “Tell Mr. Snyder to keep it,” I said.
I never heard from him.
Yes it was fucking Dan that canned J-Reid's show and you can bet that insecure prick was gloating the whole day over it as well.