04-24-2005, 06:13 PM
Could have been 92, not positive but the point is he slammed the orgainization and in particular Sean Taylor on National TV. Suprised me did it suprise you?
I don't think he slammed the organazation so much, I think he was kind of explaining what they went through and that the coach is still upgrading the offensive game plan as he becomes more acclimated back into the NFL. In other words he was saying we are getting better which I felt he was kind of sticking up for the coach.
04-24-2005, 06:14 PM
Who wants to tell this to Sean Taylors Face???????
Jansen pretty much did.
04-24-2005, 06:34 PM
Jansen did say 1992, but was implying that the team is upgrading it's plan and getting better. I don't the Jansen would have any problem saying it to Taylor's face. He should be in camp and as a new Skin, Moss should definitely be there. He's so happy to be a Skin but doesn't show up for camp? What's up with that?
04-24-2005, 06:44 PM
Jansen is exactly what we need. Someone who's not fighting to be politically correct all the time. I feel any shot at Taylors DUI, however, is off limits. First of all, he was acquitted, and second of all that's a personal shot. If you want to get someone going, talk about camp, the horrible offense they ran, etc. Go for it. However, when you start going after someone's personal stuff, that's where I draw the line.
04-24-2005, 07:36 PM
To begin with, I find myself each year thoroughly enjoying Jansen's comments and insights. He outright criticized the Vikings organization with Corey Chavious in the room a couple of years ago and this year he continued to impress. I think the comment surrounding DUI's and steroids was said merely in jest and not a verbal stab at ST. However, it is about time the franchise players of this team stop ripping the front office apart and start defending them and the team as a whole. Jansen continually sets a standard and is concise and thoughtful in doing so. Taylor's gonna be great one day but right now he's acting like a 13 yr old who just got grounded. I hope Jansen, R. Thomas and whoever else w/in Redskins Park who sees loyalty in the company paying them millions to play a sport we all love to watch steps up properly and exposes the players who are dogging in.
04-24-2005, 07:43 PM
We need to keep some players around and make them set these guys straight - but don't just talk in the offseason. Set these guys straight during the season!
I don't think he slammed the organazation so much, I think he was kind of explaining what they went through and that the coach is still upgrading the offensive game plan as he becomes more acclimated back into the NFL. In other words he was saying we are getting better which I felt he was kind of sticking up for the coach. I think that stuff should be kept in house and its a bad reflection on the Skins as a whole.
04-24-2005, 08:49 PM
Who wants to tell this to Sean Taylors Face???????
hehehe, if it comes down to a fight, i don't think the O-linemen are ever underdogs...
04-24-2005, 09:47 PM
I like Jansen.........if any player eptomizes Joe Gibb's kinda guys it's Jansen........
Give 'em hell.....someone needs to do something to make Taylor grow up.....but I bet Taylor won't even listen..........