Bangee7 01-13-2015, 10:36 PM People need to get the f*ck over the fact that Snyder owns his team and he'll have some type of influence over everything that happens. People keep calling Bruce Allen a lackey...so what is he supposed to do? Tell Snyder to go f*ck himself all the time?
Maybe I'm an optimist, but it seems like we have something we haven't had in a while in terms of a good money person (BA) and a good talent evaluator (McC). Hopefully between the two of them they can give the Gruden the tools he needs to succeed...and hopefully Gruden can prove he's a good coach.
well said...it's not just you being optimistic...things really are looking up.
rocnrik 01-13-2015, 10:38 PM The vast majority of the folks who post negative stuff on all redskin forums would p*ss all over themselves if Dan Snyder offered them a job doing anything for the REDSKINS..
DYoungJelly 01-13-2015, 10:41 PM People need to get the f*ck over the fact that Snyder owns his team and he'll have some type of influence over everything that happens. People keep calling Bruce Allen a lackey...so what is he supposed to do? Tell Snyder to go f*ck himself all the time?
Maybe I'm an optimist, but it seems like we have something we haven't had in a while in terms of a good money person (BA) and a good talent evaluator (McC). Hopefully between the two of them they can give the Gruden the tools he needs to succeed...and hopefully Gruden can prove he's a good coach.
Exactly. A billionaire's employee is going to control what the billionaire does with what he owns as much as the billionaire allows it.
I have no problems with Bruce staying on as president. We have a gm with a scouting background now with a successful track record. This seems to be prototypical in the league because he can recognize good players and, just as important, good scouts.
I genuinely believe Bruce wants to win and is aware of his shortcomings in evaluating talent, hence the new gm. He is a good ambassador who loves the team. No harm in his current role.
DYoungJelly 01-13-2015, 10:41 PM The vast majority of the folks who post negative stuff on all redskin forums would p*ss all over themselves if Dan Snyder offered them a job doing anything for the REDSKINS..
I would pack my stuff and leave tonight.
HailGreen28 01-13-2015, 11:18 PM Right, because as we know he's always called all the shots in his time here. Shanny had no input.
If you want a scapegoat look a little higher on the food chain. Snyder is the one common denominator for all of our fantastic success.
Despite you wanting to paint him as some power hungry egomaniac, he went and gave the fans what they wanted, a real GM. What an asshole.Well, wasn't Snyder a power-hungry asshole, despite the fanbase being told otherwise, from 1999 till 2004? And even then...
Joe Gibbs was a master at this. You could see it during his four seasons, how he massaged Snyder and Vinny Cerrato’s egos during news conferences, etc. Made them feel like they were giving invaluable input all the time. Gibbs also knew when to let Snyder “win;” in other words, he knew when to pick his battles. Gibbs also knew Snyder idolized him. Who didn't?
As one person from that staff once said, “That way, when it came time to pick his fights with Dan, he’d get what he wanted. He managed Dan well.” (http://espn.go.com/blog/washington-redskins/post/_/id/4651/quick-takes-coaching-under-snyder)
2008-2009, Snyder gave control to his good friend below, right?
Thanks Snyder!
I dunno what to believe about Snyder vs. Shanahan. But Shanahan didn't have that kind of trouble in Denver, right? Was the situation in Oakland Shanny's fault or Al Davis (who had trouble with other coaches)? OTOH, we have had continuous drama with the Snyder Skins except Gibbs 2.0.
It seems like a mixed bag to me, but isn't it logical to assume Snyder is still a power hungry asshole until proven otherwise?
WillH 01-13-2015, 11:48 PM Maybe I'm missing something, but to me when Snyder was clearly overreaching with his authority it was manifested in big free agent splashes brought in by sickening courting practices with Redskins One, fine dining, and ridiculous contracts. Then he tried mixing things up on the coaching end of things bringing in a proven hard ass coach, then an up and comer, then grasping for hope with Gibbs 2.0, etc.
One thing I can say is that since Bruce has been here they seemed to have been more responsible in free agency avoiding Big splashes and giving smart contracts. It actually seemed like they were attempting to build through the draft (of course the RG3 trade was probably counter productive in that arena), but the problem was that they just didn't have the scouting talent. I mean, Shanahan could pick RB's and knew the type of lineman he wanted, and Bruce helped him get those pieces.
Then without Shanny Bruce made a go of it this past offseason. He seemed to do a good job of searching for a new head coach, did a pretty thorough search, and brought in a guy who is if nothing else speaking his mind. Also, with a pretty even keeled approach to free agency was able to pull off arguably the best value acquisition of anyone in DJax. Bruce was also reaching out for a lot of help it seems from multiple guys with scouting talent. So, it looks like he failed, as a GM making personnel decisions, but so what, now he has brought in what many believe to be the best personnel guy out there.
Anyways, to me, it seems pretty clear that Snyder has not been as hands on as he once was in personnel matters, and if he has been, Bruce has at least taught him not to over reach or make hasty decisions with coaches and players (RG3 being perhaps the one exception) and not to over pay. Bruce alone (or with Snyder) has failed, and now they brought in someone to fill the vacuum of talent evaluation. So, Either Snyder has backed off, or is learning to listen to the football people more and will maybe learn more about bringing in talent from SM. If this is all true, then I think Bruce is doing a fine job of managing Snyder.
sdskinsfan2001 01-14-2015, 12:50 AM Can we just hire someone as coordinator already? I am burning thru all my monthly internet package on my phone checking for updates all the time.
RobH4413 01-14-2015, 01:10 AM Hearing on twitter it's Joe Barry as DC and Morris stays as DB coach (could be just rumors). If that's the case, I'm a bit confused- but mostly tired and I don't care. It's a rebuilding process and can't wait to draft actual players that can play regardless of who's coaching.
Probably my favorite part of being a fan is watching young drafted talent evolve to become NFL pro talent. Lot of hope for GM-SM.
Skins1570 01-14-2015, 01:37 AM Hearing on twitter it's Joe Barry as DC and Morris stays as DB coach (could be just rumors). If that's the case, I'm a bit confused- but mostly tired and I don't care. It's a rebuilding process and can't wait to draft actual players that can play regardless of who's coaching.
Probably my favorite part of being a fan is watching young drafted talent evolve to become NFL pro talent. Lot of hope for GM-SM.
I'm hearing that there will be more interviews.
KI Skins Fan 01-14-2015, 10:01 AM I'm hearing that there will be more interviews.
There certainly should be as it it looks like better candidates will soon be available , e.g. Schwartz and Fangio).