HailGreen28 12-15-2014, 10:41 AM Based on the link you provided it looks like the right call to me.No bobble when he crossed the goal line. Watch the replay on the link above, all the way through.
edit: and you can just click on the 2nd video down to pause it, click again to continue. Griffin had two hands on the ball and didn't bobble as the ball crossed the goal line.
LINK (http://thebiglead.com/2014/12/14/santana-moss-ejected-after-jeff-triplette-reverses-rg3-touchdown-to-fumble-to-end-half/)
BaltimoreSkins 12-15-2014, 10:53 AM I did and I would've said he had no control. The ball is still moving
HailGreen28 12-15-2014, 11:02 AM I did and I would've said he had no control. The ball is still movingPulling the ball back towards your body is "no control"?
HailGreen28 12-15-2014, 11:04 AM He lost control the second time as he hit the ground so it wasnt because he lost control before he hit the ground. The way Triplett explained it was that since he lost control of the ball prior to crossing the goal line, in order to "regain possession", he had to follow the control through the ground part of the rules (which I personally thought only applied to receiving a pass and not a fumble but I guess not). Since he lost possession again as he hit the ground, it then basically reverts back to a fumble. In which case, RG3 was out of bounds the second time he regained possession which is the possession that gets ruled on.
Seems like a damn stupid rule, but if it is actually a rule, not much can be said.Griffin regained control before he crossed the goal line, and kept control till he hit the ground. I can post screenshots online on my home PC. Just play the second video from the top on the link above, when they replay RG3's run, click to pause and continue right before the ball crossed the goal line, then watch all the way through.
Refs botched this one badly.
Alvin Walton 12-15-2014, 11:10 AM Pulling the ball back towards your body is "no control"?
Looked to me like he was out of bounds by that point.
The only way I could validate this touchdown is to say that he had possession in bounds for 1/3 of a second.
And thats not enough.....I sure as hell would not have awarded six points to the opponent had it been them.
Griffin regained control before he crossed the goal line, and kept control till he hit the ground. I can post screenshots online on my home PC. Just play the second video from the top on the link above, when they replay RG3's run, click to pause and continue right before the ball crossed the goal line, then watch all the way through.
Refs botched this one badly.
They botched a lot. Living in Giants country, I have had to hear all day about how good Odell Beckham is. And granted, he is something else. But all four of the penalties Breeland was called for yesterday were BS. Total BS. The refs were in love with Beckham yesterday and Breeland wasn't allowed to play defense.
BaltimoreSkins 12-15-2014, 11:14 AM Pulling the ball back towards your body is "no control"?
The ball is not secure in his hands.
HailGreen28 12-15-2014, 11:17 AM Looked to me like he was out of bounds by that point.
The only way I could validate this touchdown is to say that he had possession in bounds for 1/3 of a second.
And thats not enough.....I sure as hell would not have awarded six points to the opponent had it been them.So you're saying he had possession until he was out of bounds?
1/3 second, or more like a second, was when the runner broke the plane of the goal line with the ball under his control. Touchdown.
Avinash_Tyagi 12-15-2014, 11:32 AM A good majority of them were on Robert. Colt didn't have those problems when he was in.
Colt got sacked plenty in the past few games.
No, most were on the O-line, they kept letting the pocket collapse over and over on Griffin.
He's not blameless, there were moments where he held the ball too long, but the O-line was like swiss cheese yesterday
Avinash_Tyagi 12-15-2014, 11:35 AM That's what the good ones do. Read the defense, check your receivers and throw. Kirk was good at it, but doesn't seem to have the mental toughness to shake off bad plays. RG seems to have a lot of struggles reading defenses and finding receivers. He misses a lot of read and holds onto the ball far too long. Colt seems to be able to find the receivers, his accuracy and arm strength are less than desirable. Colt is also really prone to turnovers.
But yes to answer your question, 3 or 5 step drop, make your throw or throw it away. If that's the way the play is designed then that's the way it should be executed.
Kirk was good at it?
Kirk was good at passing the ball to the other team, he was extremely accurate in passing to the opposing team defenders, lol.
Colt was also getting sacked a bunch in the past few games, maybe a few times less than RG3, but its not like he wasn't being harrassed.
No our problem was our weak O-Line play