12-10-2014, 09:36 AM
Ooh, a conspiracy theory! I love it! The idea that Dan Snyder is a conniving weasel turning the dials of an evil PR machine designed to trick the fans out of their money is very juicy.
I'm definitely planning to watch next season's episode, "The Defense Gets a Makeover". I can't wait to see if the PR department convinces Snyder to go with a 4-3 defense storyline starring Ryan Kerrigan as a DE.
It is a business to Dan. And basically when you boil it down the NFL is a soap opera.
12-10-2014, 10:47 AM
I'm fine with Fletcher calling Haslett out, but he should have been more tactful about it. And saying what he did to Chase Haslett was an inexcusable d*ck move.
But combine Fletcher's very strong opinion on Haslett being a two-faced apple with the fact that Haslett covered for some of his wife-beating players in New Orleans, and you have to ask: we're ripping Fletcher for being an ass to this guy? Yeah, I know Haslett covered for Fletcher here, and that's why I think if Fletcher wanted to call him out he should have went about it in a more respectful way(instead of being so brash and aggressive), but some of what's been said about Fletcher on here is a bit harsh IMO. Maybe if some of what Haslett has said about people behind their backs would come out, some opinions on here would change.
I've never heard the expression "two-faced apple"
12-10-2014, 11:55 AM
I've never heard the expression "two-faced apple"
I have meet a lot apples none of them even had one.
12-10-2014, 01:29 PM
I've never heard the expression "two-faced apple"
im thinking auto correct from "two-face a$$hole"...
12-10-2014, 04:00 PM
DeAngelo Hall and others have said that Shanahan called for those Cover Zeros. 99% positive Hall (or maybe someone else) even said it while Shanahan was here "Shanahan loves to call that cover zero"
As for London-Haslett. Haslett's underachieved, even with the obstacles laid in front of him. He and Raheem are the leaders of that coaching staff and both should be let go as soon as the season ends.
But for all the times staff, coaches, players, media looked the other way and protected this image of London Fletcher, for all the times he missed assignments on the field, for all the times he didn't allow better/healthier players to take the field to preserve his "ironman" streak, for all the times Haslett-even though the relationship was strained-praised London publicly despite his shortcomings. For all that, London repays him like this? Fuck London Fletcher
So all this hate towards LF is strictly based on how he addressed Haz? If so, you must get angry often and easily.
12-10-2014, 04:09 PM
So all this hate towards LF is strictly based on how he addressed Haz? If so, you must get angry often and easily.
I think you missed something along the way here. But that's cool, I'm not gonna get angry about it
12-10-2014, 04:40 PM
I think you missed something along the way here. But that's cool, I'm not gonna get angry about it
Lol.... I must of. Easy tiger.
12-10-2014, 04:58 PM
I think you missed something along the way here. But that's cool, I'm not gonna get angry about it't+like+me+when+I'm+angry.jpg
12-10-2014, 09:50 PM
I have a neighbor who I think is an ass and i have come close to telling him so but my wife has calmed me down by reminding me that we don't want to have a bad relationship with any of our neighbors. My point is that it is London Fletcher's wife's fault that he went off on Haslett.