11-10-2014, 09:51 AM
I didn't watch any football this weekend at all. Spent most of the weekend at the NICU with my son, but I was wondering why Carson Palmer wasn't playing yesterday. I have to say, if there is any team I'm routing for to go all the way, it would be the Cardinals and the Dolphins. Would love to see those teams in the Super Bowl.
Carson may be done for the year with an ACL tear. I havent seen anything today on it, but as of last night, thats what they believed he had. He will be given all the tests today to determine the exact problem.
11-10-2014, 01:04 PM
The look on Osweiler's face is priceless.
Brock Osweiler was so sad Peyton Manning stole his play time - (
los panda
11-10-2014, 01:11 PM
The look on Osweiler's face is priceless.
Brock Osweiler was so sad Peyton Manning stole his play time - ( shot! too funny
11-10-2014, 01:45 PM
Doesn't look good for Carson Palmer, but damn Drew Stanton looked like a beast.
Damn shame we couldn't run the ball against the Giants. I just don't undrstand it.
I feel bad for Palmer, given that his first major knee injury was the result of a cheap shot.
Doesn't look good for Carson Palmer, but damn Drew Stanton looked like a beast.
Damn shame we couldn't run the ball against the Giants. I just don't undrstand it.
Looks like Seattle is the only team in the league that can win with bad QB passing play due to their running game and defense.
11-10-2014, 02:20 PM
Another game where Wilson didn't do anything. Once lynch is gone he is screwed
11-10-2014, 02:54 PM
The look on Osweiler's face is priceless.
Brock Osweiler was so sad Peyton Manning stole his play time - (
lol ... poor Brock.
11-10-2014, 02:57 PM
lol ... poor Brock.
He's got the easy job in the country.
11-10-2014, 03:02 PM
Another game where Wilson didn't do anything. Once lynch is gone he is screwed
If you were told that a QB's stat line was 10-17 for 172 yds., no TDs, and two INTs, and that the game's final score was 38-17, I am betting you would assume that the stat line was for the losing QB. (In fairness, Wilson did add 107 yds. rushing - no TD's though).
Seattle had 45 rushing attempts with a 7.8 yd/att. average. Who needs to pass with that kind of domination.
11-10-2014, 03:24 PM
Another game where Wilson didn't do anything. Once lynch is gone he is screwed
Seattle has no weapons at receiver too, so the giants appropriatly stack the box against the run, but still get gashed. We can spread some folks out with the threat if reed, djax and garçon, but yet still can't run effectivly. It just pisses me the fuck off.
11-10-2014, 04:04 PM
Man, I really liked M. Trestman as a HC candidate and thought he had the potential to really be "the Next Big Thing." He struck me as successful and innovative - ready to make the move up to the big time.
I appear to be wrong. Badly so. He is really crapping the bed in Chicago. The innovation I thought would happen, hasn't. Also, regardless of his innovation, or lack thereof, he appears just not to be HC material. One writer described him as "a coach with all the motivational skills of a goalpost."
You want to see a team quit on a coach? Watch the last two Bears games.
Trestman may be one of those guys who does well as an OC but just isn't the right make up to be a HC.