11-03-2014, 05:58 AM
He is top ten of all time. Impossible for me to say who is better than who when you are talking about the bradys, montanas, mannings, unitas's of the world. I personally think Manning is better. I believe BB is a huuuge reason for Pats success, whereas any coach Manning has ever had is just along for the ride. Lol.
Tony Dungy was a good coach w/o Peyton. So was John Fox. We should not act like Peyton has worked with only scrubs as coaches.
11-03-2014, 08:56 AM
Brady is the best QB ever I've said it for 3 years and he never seems to let me down. Pats literally dominated a great Denver team
He's turning some cast off WR from Carolina into a star. No one does more with less than Tom Brady. He's a surgeon.
Alvin Walton
11-03-2014, 09:05 AM
Wow, the Cardinals are
11-03-2014, 11:28 AM
What a wasted pick:
49ers RB Marcus Lattimore, SF's 4th round pick in 2013 draft, is retiring due to knee problems, per @caplannfl.
11-03-2014, 01:01 PM
What a wasted pick:
49ers RB Marcus Lattimore, SF's 4th round pick in 2013 draft, is retiring due to knee problems, per @caplannfl.
Like any other draft pick this one was a gamble too. His talent was undeniable, it's a shame he was never the same after that terrible leg injury he suffered in college. I wouldn't call it a wasted pick though, considering pretty much every failure of a draft pick could be called a wasted pick.
11-03-2014, 01:25 PM
Kaepernick: I know I scored a touchdown, even if ref didn’t see it | ProFootballTalk (
Kaepernick isnt too bright
11-03-2014, 01:32 PM
Kaepernick: I know I scored a touchdown, even if ref didn’t see it | ProFootballTalk (
Kaepernick isnt too bright
He got a bad call just like Amerson's INT.
11-03-2014, 02:31 PM
This Rich Eisen radio show effing sux. I like Eisen in the studio, but his radio show is terrible
Kaepernick: I know I scored a touchdown, even if ref didn’t see it | ProFootballTalk (
Kaepernick isnt too bright
Fine his ass a game check.....