04-21-2005, 01:53 PM
When those 3 disgruntled players are 3 of the best on the team they can have a huge negative effect. Anything can happen in todays NFL but it seems more & more like the redskins are closer to being AZ or Cinn than NE or Philly. It makes me want to barf when I say that.
Did I miss something? I did not know Portis was a digruntled player.All teams have disgruntled players and they are usualy the top players because the middle to lower echelon players do not have the leverage knowing that they can be replaced. We have to remember that this is the week before the draft and teams say and do weard things not to show their cards. We can only wait and see how this pans out befor jumping to any conclusions. I know if we didn't jump to any conclusions we would have little to talk about.LOL
04-21-2005, 02:07 PM
Did I miss something? I did not know Portis was a digruntled player.
I assume he was referring to Moss, Arrington and Taylor.
04-21-2005, 02:42 PM
Disgruntled is likely not the correct adjective to describle CP, maybe 'hardly interested' or 'idiot' would fit better. He is in the sports page today talking about how rough its been for ST this past season ans he needs a break from football. A break from football?! ST has been on break since Jan 3 because the team didnt make the playoffs. If anything he needs to get back to Ashburn and get into football. CP was also quoted as telling ST these worlouts are a waste of time and nothing is going on. Some team leader. He should have told ST to get up here so we can work together and win a championship.
04-21-2005, 03:09 PM
But are Taylor and Moss really missing anything? You know, all they're doing is lifting weights. It's not like they're out there conducting practices. The offseason program is strength training and agility training. They're not allowed to get out and have organized football practices.
Gibbs just wants the players there for team unity, which I can understand. But as long as the guys are working out, can't they get the team unity when they report to training camp? I'd start getting worried if they missed training camp, but not these workouts. It's no big deal.
The only thing is that it would be nice if Moss and Ramsey would get together on their own, like Harrison and Manning do in the offseason, to really really get in synch.
04-21-2005, 03:19 PM
Exactly. I'd prefer if they were there, but at least they are working out. Does that mean I'd want ANOTHER Miami product next season? I'll pass. BUT, we definitely don't have as much controversy as other teams. It's just THIS is the controversy we care about.
04-21-2005, 03:35 PM
Malcolm, could you please clue me in on what teams have more controversy than the skins?
Also, when dedicated fans (like the one on this site) cage their arguements with "but at least" or "but as long as", then its obvious all is not well in redskinland.
04-21-2005, 03:43 PM
Just a few examples are teams like the Titans, Seahawks, Raiders, Eagles... There are too many to count.
04-21-2005, 04:06 PM
I agree that every team has personnel issues they are dealing with at draft time but what I want to know is what teams have the combo of player problems and FO cross-talk. I really think there are none as screwed up as the skins are right now..
04-21-2005, 04:09 PM
It may just be me, but I'm not really going to judge until the MANDATORY workouts happen and we'll see who shows up. I'm disappointed Taylor isn't there and pissed that Moss isn't there. I feel Moss is the real problem. He is simply contract-based. Arrington's stuff will blow over like usual and I think that Taylor will show up no questions asked.
Personally I'd hate to be in the Eagles situation more than anything.
04-21-2005, 04:26 PM
You know, if you are respected, you can't really sneak up on people can you? Gibbs is a smart guy....maybe he is using this to his advantage, as in if the other teams perceive us a joke, they will not prepare as hard when it comes time to play, and we will win more games and become this years "surprise team." Just a thought...
As for Moss and Taylor, it is dissappointing, but nothing to really worry about. Now when the miss madatory workouts or minicamp, that's a different story.