09-16-2014, 07:45 AM
Ray Lewis is effin horrible.
He got off to such a good start as analyst but has since regressed significantly. Also, Ditka needs to go. Love the guy like a crazy uncle, but it's too much now
09-16-2014, 07:51 AM
Radisson Statement on the Minnesota Vikings (
Somebody is pulling their sponsorship.
Make no mistake. This is a ownership decision to allow AD to play. This is the same owner that tried to brush the anti-gay ST coaches actions under the table. It's the same owner who's been convicted of fraud and racketeering. Most of these owners are straight criminals. Wilf is no different.
Minnesota Vikings: Judge's ruling against Wilf family won't affect stadium plans - (
And i bet you they try to keep his spot warm while he is in jail or whatever serving time for child abuse. Now there is more people coming forward that said AP beat their children. It's gonna be just like the Tiger Woods thing except that Tiger Woods didn't set out to maim and injure. The one texas prosecutor said that they are taking it all very seriously and said basically that it isn't their intention to get AP off with a fine or whatever. He can and most likely will serve some jail time.
Anybody defending Peterson at this point after reading all of the reports need to examine their self. Here is what is known as facts:
1) Peterson stuffed leaves in his son's mouth prior to the beating
2) Peterson struck his son in the groin / genital area as part of the beating
3) The other child that was abused also suffered facial scarring
4) In both incidents so far, Peterson has claimed "they did it to themselves" as far as the injuries, and elaborated that if they hadn't tried resisting, etc.. it wouldn't have been as bad.
5) Peterson has a "whoopin" room in his house with belts and stuff hanging from the wall that he uses as part of his discipline
I think it all looks like a sick individual and i have to wonder if he is only guilty of beating children. I have an awful bad feeling that it goes beyond that. In crime cases, usually when there is genital injury to the victim it is part of a sex thing. My fear is that AP could be sexually abusing children as part of his "discipline". If he is there is a chance that he was sexually abused as a child growing up...
punch it in
09-16-2014, 07:53 AM
He got off to such a good start as analyst but has since regressed significantly. Also, Ditka needs to go. Love the guy like a crazy uncle, but it's too much now
A crazy uncle. Lol. Nice to have around on holidays but.....
09-16-2014, 08:17 AM
And i bet you they try to keep his spot warm while he is in jail or whatever serving time for child abuse. Now there is more people coming forward that said AP beat their children. It's gonna be just like the Tiger Woods thing except that Tiger Woods didn't set out to maim and injure. The one texas prosecutor said that they are taking it all very seriously and said basically that it isn't their intention to get AP off with a fine or whatever. He can and most likely will serve some jail time.
Anybody defending Peterson at this point after reading all of the reports need to examine their self. Here is what is known as facts:
1) Peterson stuffed leaves in his son's mouth prior to the beating
2) Peterson struck his son in the groin / genital area as part of the beating
3) The other child that was abused also suffered facial scarring
4) In both incidents so far, Peterson has claimed "they did it to themselves" as far as the injuries, and elaborated that if they hadn't tried resisting, etc.. it wouldn't have been as bad.
5) Peterson has a "whoopin" room in his house with belts and stuff hanging from the wall that he uses as part of his discipline
I think it all looks like a sick individual and i have to wonder if he is only guilty of beating children. I have an awful bad feeling that it goes beyond that. In crime cases, usually when there is genital injury to the victim it is part of a sex thing. My fear is that AP could be sexually abusing children as part of his "discipline". If he is there is a chance that he was sexually abused as a child growing up...
This is way to much to let the legal process play out. As Snake alluded to AP has not denied the accusations. His defense at this point is basically that he did it out of love and did not use excessive force. Something which the pictures of his child certainly disagree with.
Warning: Pictures in article below are not for the faint of heart.
Details emerge in Adrian Peterson child abuse case: ‘I’m all tearing that butt up when needed’ (
I don't think it goes towards sexual abuse though. Its basically a case of AP's parents beat him as a kid and now, not shockingly he's doing the same thing to his own kids.
Adrian Peterson Credits His Parents' Tough Discipline for His Success - ABC News (
The one good thing that might come out of this is that the cycle may stop with at least a few of AP's kids since this case will basically hammer into them that what AP has done is unacceptable.
09-16-2014, 08:19 AM
And i bet you they try to keep his spot warm while he is in jail or whatever serving time for child abuse. Now there is more people coming forward that said AP beat their children. It's gonna be just like the Tiger Woods thing except that Tiger Woods didn't set out to maim and injure. The one texas prosecutor said that they are taking it all very seriously and said basically that it isn't their intention to get AP off with a fine or whatever. He can and most likely will serve some jail time.
Anybody defending Peterson at this point after reading all of the reports need to examine their self. Here is what is known as facts:
1) Peterson stuffed leaves in his son's mouth prior to the beating
2) Peterson struck his son in the groin / genital area as part of the beating
3) The other child that was abused also suffered facial scarring
4) In both incidents so far, Peterson has claimed "they did it to themselves" as far as the injuries, and elaborated that if they hadn't tried resisting, etc.. it wouldn't have been as bad.
5) Peterson has a "whoopin" room in his house with belts and stuff hanging from the wall that he uses as part of his discipline
I think it all looks like a sick individual and i have to wonder if he is only guilty of beating children. I have an awful bad feeling that it goes beyond that. In crime cases, usually when there is genital injury to the victim it is part of a sex thing. My fear is that AP could be sexually abusing children as part of his "discipline". If he is there is a chance that he was sexually abused as a child growing up...
How is he taking the field after those pictures? Beating a 4 year old child seriously makes my blood boil. This is worse then what Rice did. He should be banned from the league forever. He's despicable.
09-16-2014, 08:22 AM
He got off to such a good start as analyst but has since regressed significantly. Also, Ditka needs to go. Love the guy like a crazy uncle, but it's too much now
They need some new blood on Countdown. Why isn't Herman Edwards on there? I love listening to that guy.
punch it in
09-16-2014, 08:35 AM
They need some new blood on Countdown. Why isn't Herman Edwards on there? I love listening to that guy.
Wow. He is quickly becoming my least favorite guy to listen to/watch. Never lets anybody talk and just shouts. My wife would say he is just like me, but I dont care. He annoys the crap out of me. Lol.
punch it in
09-16-2014, 08:42 AM
How is he taking the field after those pictures? Beating a 4 year old child seriously makes my blood boil. This is worse then what Rice did. He should be banned from the league forever. He's despicable.
Agreed. I hope he gets maimed and writhes in pain so we can all watch it over and over again on ESPN while we eat popcorn and laugh at him. What a complete nut job. Tweeting about God and proclaiming his innocence. This guy should just banish himself from society.
Sproles is just electric. He definitely wasn't worth that 5th rd pick eh?
punch it in
09-16-2014, 09:17 AM
My God. He was like a lightning fast Earl Campbell. I was shocked at how physical he was at the point of contact. Scary good last night. Better be ready for his ass next week.