04-12-2005, 06:21 PM
Best of luck to you, SC! I'm sure they'll find a heart in there somewhere-- they'll just find one that ticks to the beat of a different drummer!
My mom had a heart catheterization a year or so ago, and she's doing fine now. One of my mom's cousins has had something like nine of them done, and she's still up and about and doing okay.
My mom did have some difficulty with a pretty bad hematoma where they inserted the catheter. That was, according to her, the worst part of the recovery. It just depends on how careful the medical techs/nurses are when they do the catheterization and when they remove it. If they do it correctly, there shouldn't be that much bruising.
Anyway, best wishes SC, and I look forward to seeing your well-argued, contrarian viewpoint gracing our forums again soon! :biggthump
My mom had a heart catheterization a year or so ago, and she's doing fine now. One of my mom's cousins has had something like nine of them done, and she's still up and about and doing okay.
My mom did have some difficulty with a pretty bad hematoma where they inserted the catheter. That was, according to her, the worst part of the recovery. It just depends on how careful the medical techs/nurses are when they do the catheterization and when they remove it. If they do it correctly, there shouldn't be that much bruising.
Anyway, best wishes SC, and I look forward to seeing your well-argued, contrarian viewpoint gracing our forums again soon! :biggthump